Young Adult Winner: On the Come Up

"There seems to be no such thing as the sophomore slump in the YA genre this year.

Each of these authors shined with their sophomore releases (to be fair, Holly Black has a large catalog, but The Wicked King *is* the second in her latest series). Black continued to keep us on the edge of our seats with her epic Faerie series The Folk of the Air. Elizabeth Acevedo pulled double duty once more writing and performing With the Fire on High—and made our mouths water, to boot. Abdi Nazemian wove a beautiful story of love and friendship, shedding light on gay culture in NYC during the height of the AIDS epidemic. Randy Ribay wrote a powerful and tangible coming-of-age tale about immigrant identity. And Angie Thomas reunited with Bahni Turpin to rap their way to the top of this list with On the Come Up. 2019 showed us yet again how beautifully YA can touch on all genres—fiction, fantasy, LGBTQIA, and more—and how all people, and all stories, deserve to be heard." —Katie, Audible Editor
