Sci-Fi Winner: This Is How You Lose the Time War

"Time travel, punk rock, rap, poetry, and puns—if these picks for best sci-fi titles of 2019 have one thing in common, it’s that they’re all completely unique, each worthy of accolades for bringing something new and fresh to the genre. And when it comes to my top pick, I can honestly say I’ve never heard anything quite like it. Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone take two timeless literary concepts—the epistolary novel and the trope of star-crossed lovers—to create a high-stakes and high-concept sci-fi adventure. The language alone is swoon-worthy, but the way narrators Cynthia Farrell and Emily Woo Zeller interpret the characters of Red and Blue through their letters makes listening to this story an almost otherworldly experience." —Sam, Audible Editor
