Literary classics tend to come with baggage. We sense we’re somehow not well-read enough for having skipped one (or many) of the greats, and yet we can be loathe to admit to any holes in our knowledge. Personally, I think it’s a shame that this particular art form is often associated with guilt. Besides, the modern canon is currently being reevaluated to accommodate significant works from underrepresented cultures and communities, a sea change that’s long overdue.

That said, there’s something deeply rewarding about finally finishing the heavyweight we avoided (or pretended to have read) for years—just ask me about the summer I spent marveling over the wonder that is Moby-Dick, and at myself for tackling it. So I was excited to host the Audible editors in a classics challenge—especially because, pro tip, listening helps them go down all the easier.

The Bell Jar
The Great Gatsby
Fahrenheit 451
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Brave New World