Royal Recommendations: What to Listen to After 'The Crown'

Royal Recommendations: What to Listen to After 'The Crown'

Once upon a time, watching, listening, and reading everything about the royals was considered a bit…lowbrow. Why would anyone be so obsessed with this uptight family and the dazzling and seemingly dim blonde at the center of an ever-escalating tabloid battle? Maybe you had to have been there: In 1981, adoring Diana was like being swept away by Beatlemania in ’64. We loved her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And when Diana revealed she was a media genius living in marital misery, we loathed the family that made her feel as remote as one of their broody castles.

Fast-forward 20 years, the rise of a new Fab Four (Wills, Kate, Harry, and Meghan) and the arrival of Netflix’s The Crown have led to a shift. Screenwriter Peter Morgan’s truly revolutionary decision to frame the queen as the world’s most-stressed-out working woman made us more empathetic toward her. Her lack of maternity was just part of her screwed up DNA. But now, in Season 4 of The Crown, Morgan has gone and upended the narrative—again. The ultimate victim of the Windsors’ channel-sized chilliness is back, sporting her pink sheep sweater and eager to dance with somebody. In one scene, she even hugs a queen who doesn’t hug her back! Watching this season, especially in the shadow of Meghan and Harry’s “So long, Sussex,” feels like a bad ’80s flashback. We’re mad at them all over again!

But this doesn’t feel like the whole truth, and that’s why it’s time to study up. Yes, they
treated her deplorably. We know so much more about the eating disorders that plagued Diana’s adult life. But there were laughs, friends, causes that changed the conversation, and of course, Wills and Harry. To truly get to know Diana, the queen (who still commands respect as the longest-serving world leader), and the true twists and turns of this real-life reality show, check out these audio titles.