Joséphine Kühn runs the prolific book blog Word Revel. If you like her recommendations as much as we did, you can follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

Audiobooks were a big part of my childhood. During road trips, my father always had a stack of cassette tapes on hand. When I was old enough to wind them myself, I’d pop them into the tape player and repeat the stories over and over again. On weekends, I camped in front of the radio to listen to storytellers spin their tales.

Eventually, I discovered rows of books at the library and forgot about audiobooks. It wasn’t until university that I sought out audiobooks again. I didn’t like the quietness of living alone in the dorms. Now I always load a few audiobooks on my phone to keep me company wherever I go. While most people listen to music during their commutes, I prefer to lose myself in my latest read.

Most of the audiobooks I picked have amazing narrators. Their voices made me fall in love with those titles twice over. It’s magical how hearing stories brings them even more to life. You can close your eyes and imagine every scene so vividly. Some books, I initially didn’t plan to read. Hearing their audiobook samples, though, made me change my mind. That’s how I’ve discovered some of my most unlikely favorites. - Joséphine Kühn

The Night Circus
Every Day
The Raven Boys
Gods in Alabama
The Falconer
The Golem and the Jinni
Maybe in Another Life
Walk on Earth a Stranger