Meet Foley, the Newest Monster on Sesame Street

Meet Foley, the Newest Monster on Sesame Street

Sean Tulien: Hi, Audible listeners. I’m Audible Editor Sean Tulien, and today I have the great pleasure of interviewing the newest furry and friendly Sesame Street monster… Foley! Foley hosts the brand new podcast for you and your kids on Audible called! Welcome, Foley!

Foley: Hiya, Sean—it’s nice to meet you! On the podcast, I ask all the questions… but don’t be nervous, you’ll do great. I’m ready when you are!

Sean: So tell me, Foley: What’s it like being the newest monster on Sesame Street?

Foley: It’s Foley-oley-oh-so-fantastic! Everyone on Sesame Street is so kind… my microphone, Mikee, and I made so many friends, and we’re making more all the time. I even got to meet the letters A, B, and C when they stopped by the studio—I was soooo star-struck!                                                   

Sean: Why did you start recording a podcast for kids like you?

Foley: I’ll give you a hint… it’s right there in my name! Foley the Sound-Making Monster! I can make the sound of a roaring tiger, or a race car, or a bunch of bubbles popping… anything, really! I used to be pretty shy about making my sounds in front of people, but I practiced and practiced, and everybody on Sesame Street cheered me on. Now that I have a podcast, I can share my sounds with even more friends—and when they visit the studio, they can share what makes them special, too!

Sean: Do your friends on Sesame Street help out with the show?

Foley: Oh totally! I couldn’t do it without Mikee—he’s my right-hand microphone! And Elmo helps a lot. He always stops by with a joke of the day. Big Bird and Abby Cadabby help, too. And Grover! Even Oscar calls in sometimes—but he’s pretty grouchy about it, ha ha!

Sean: When I was a kid, I loved Cookie Monster. Still do, actually. Will he be on the podcast? 

Foley: Cookie Monster is one of my favorite guests! He even visited the show on his birthday—it was really special! Mikee is still cleaning cookie crumbs out of the sound board.

Sean: What kinds of people do you think will love the show?

Foley: I’m really lucky—the show has a lot of listeners on Sesame Street. Kids, monsters, penguins, chickens… there’s something for everybody! Mikee and I love making the show foley-oley-oh-so much. I hope all my new friends listening at home love listening just as much!

Sean: What do you like to do when you’re not hosting the show?

Foley: I’m just a regular ol’ monster! I go to school, and I skateboard with my friends, and I help take good care of my pets, Tweeter and Subwoofer. (One of them is a dog, and one of them is a guinea pig… guess which is which!) I also love practicing my sounds, and thinking up ideas for new episodes with Mikee.

Sean: What’s next for Foley?

Foley: After this? Hmmm… it looks like Subwoofer wants to go to the park! Five more minutes, buddy! 

Sean: Do you have any advice for kids who want to make their own podcasts?

Foley: If you want to start something new, just give it a try! That’s what I did! Even if you make mistakes the first time, just practice some more and try again. Your friends on Sesame Street are always here to cheer you on!

Sean: Thanks so much for chatting with me, Foley!

Foley: That was a lot of fun, Sean! You’re good at this interview stuff—you must have practiced a whole lot! Do you want to say goodbye with my favorite signoff? We can say it together. Ready?

Sean and Foley: Foley-olee-olee-oh and friends... out!