"I wrote Third Eye as a love letter to many genres of entertainment—comedy, fantasy, myth, and legend. I was also fortunate enough to get amazing actors to perform in my project, including Wil Wheaton, Neil Gaiman, and more. Here are some of the titles that inspired my foray into creating for audio and/or embody a favorite genre in a standout way. I hope you discover something you love in this list." —Felicia Day, creator of Third Eye

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Ancillary Justice
Dungeon Crawler Carl
Hello From The Magic Tavern
Horrible Histories: Terrible Tudors

About Felicia Day

Felicia Day is an actress who has appeared in numerous television shows and films. She starred in Eureka, the CW show Supernatural, and the SyFy series The Magicians. She is currently starring in her third season in the cult classic Mystery Science Theatre: 3000. In addition, Felicia does extensive voiceover work in animation and video games. She is best known for her work in the web video world, behind and in front of the camera. She co-starred with Neil Patrick Harris in the Emmy Award-winning internet musical Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. She created and starred in the seminal web series The Guild (PGA nominated for Best Web Series). She also founded a digital brand and production company called Geek and Sundry, which subsequently sold to Legendary Entertainment. She has written two New York Times bestselling books, You’re Never Weird on the Internet and Embrace Your Weird, and has more than 6 million followers across social platforms.