How did the world get here? This list of titles helps shed light on the war on Ukraine. Listeners can dive into Ukrainian history or Putin’s character and his rise to power. For more recent history, I included John Mearscheimer’s take on NATO in the region and a trio of titles from public servants who testified before Congress after Volodymyr Zelensky’s election as President of Ukraine.

Finally, I’ve included a major work from Nobel Prize-winning Belarusian author Svetlana Alexievich, a symphonic oral history about the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the resilience of the human spirit that inspires us to hope for peace and healing in the midst of chaotic times.

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The Gates of Europe
Red Famine
Ivan's War
Putin's People
Mr. Putin
The Man Without a Face
The Great Delusion
Lessons from the Edge
Here, Right Matters
Secondhand Time