I have always loved animals. Whether soft and snuggly or slimy and slithery, there's nary a creature I haven't found some kind of kinship with. If you look into the eyes of another living being, it's difficult not to establish a connection of some kind, a sense of understanding that crosses species. Then again, these animals cannot advocate for themselves, their language and expression so different from our own. So, how should we approach our fellow creatures on this little blue and green rock orbiting the sun? Are we not meant to extend gentleness and cohabitate peacefully in lieu of exerting a flawed sense of superiority?

As a teenager, I began to confront a growing sense of cognitive dissonance between my habits and my beliefs. If I loved wildlife, why was I tacitly supporting slaughterhouses and inhumane conditions by purchasing and consuming meat? Though it felt somewhat futile in the grand scheme of it all, dropping animal products from my own diet helped relieve a bit of the hurt I was causing personally, and I found solace in not directly contributing to the deaths of these precious, intelligent creatures. Since making the jump, I've set out to continue learning and adapting my behaviors, both in being more mindful about my food, cosmetics, and self-care purchases and limiting my use of catastrophically damaging waste such as single-use plastics.

There are a number of reasons to consider adopting a plant-based, cruelty-free lifestyle. There's the ethical reasoning of preventing cruelty to animals; the acknowledgement that mass meat production contributes overwhelmingly to the production of greenhouse gases driving the climate crisis; and the prevention of the destruction of natural ecosystems for animal agriculture and the growth of crops meant to feed cattle. Some folks even credit a plant-based diet with increased energy and a decreased risk of disease, though you should always consult with your physician whenever making a major dietary change.

Whatever your reason for seeking out a shift (or some encouragement and tasty recipes if you've already made the leap), this list includes everything from nonfiction exploring factory farming, animal rights, and our wider global ecosystem, to how-to guides for shifting to a vegetarian or vegan diet, to tales from the animal world that might help you see things from their perspective. After all, there's no better way to celebrate Earth Day than by getting to know our neighbors a little better—and creating a home that serves each and every one of us.

We Are the Weather
52 Simple Ways to Be Vegetarian and Cruelty-Free
How to Be Animal
Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat
Harvest for Hope
Go Gently
Climate of Change with Cate Blanchett and Danny Kennedy
The Vegan Starter Kit
This Is Vegan Propaganda
Becoming Vegan
Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?
Diet for a Hot Planet
The Secret Life of Cows
Feeding the Soul (Because It's My Business)
My Year of Meats
The ChickPeeps Vegan Podcast
Vegan for Life
How to Be a Conscious Eater
Give a Sh*t
Sistah Vegan
Farm Sanctuary
The Sense of Wonder
Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals
Eating Animals
Eat Like a Fish
Emperors of the Deep