
  • 359. How I Eat Over 100g of Protein in a Day
    May 31 2024

    PROTEIN. All the health and fitness experts tell us we should be eating more, more, more! But trying to fit 100+ grams of protein into your day can feel daunting.

    Listener Jamie feels the same way: “You're always talking about ‘Eat Your PROs’ and produce is easy, but I want to be eating more protein. Can you give us some other options for protein besides string cheese, peanut butter, and chicken strips? I'm not a big fan of protein powders, so can you just tell us what you eat?”

    In this quick episode, we’ll talk about all things PROTEIN! I’ll give you some ideas for whole food protein sources - no protein powders necessary! - and then walk you through what a typical day of eating over 100+ of protein looks like for me.

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

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  • 358. At a Crossroads - Does Your LIFE Actually Depend on Lifting Weights?
    May 28 2024

    As we get older, it’s easy to look around and think the chance to change our fitness has passed us by. That in our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, we have missed the opportunity to get strong and now have to just “settle” for what we have.

    But nothing could be further from the truth!

    Meet Rachel Cosgrove - one of the most influential trainers and strength coaches in the industry, and author of the book Age Strong.

    As she was approaching 40, Rachel realized that her fitness and nutrition choices had caught up with her. Wanting to change her health trajectory, she set a personal goal of being in the best shape of her life by the time she turned 50 - and she did it!

    In this episode Rachel is sharing incredible real life stories of women in midlife and beyond who are building strength, alleviating menopause symptoms, and improving their overall health - and how you can do it too! Prepared to be inspired.

    More Resources & Links

    Get Rachel Cosgrove’s new book Age Strong: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Athletic and Fit After 40

    Follow Rachel on Instagram

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

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    32 m
  • 357. List of the Best Supplements for Aging Women
    May 24 2024

    In the confusing world of supplements - and influencers touting their miraculous benefits - it’s hard to know what’s worth taking and what you should skip.

    Listener Lynn asks: “I would like to know what supplements you recommend for a healthy 76-year-old to take other than a multivitamin and a probiotic? Thanks!”

    In this quick episode we’ll talk all things supplements and which ones I recommend, with your doctor’s approval, of course!

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    Thorne Research

    Here are the supplements mentioned in this episode:

    • Multivitamin
    • Omega-3
    • Vitamin D
    • Magnesium
    • Probiotic
    • Creatine
    • Protein powder

    Submit a question for an Ask Megan episode!

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  • 356. Is Stress Silently Killing You?
    May 21 2024

    So often stress can feel mental and emotional - but the reality is stress can take a physical toll on your body and health, as well. When you’re stressed, your body unleashes a domino effect of internal reactions to help you manage and overcome the perceived threat.

    But what happens when you can’t turn the stress off?

    In this episode we’re going to dive into the importance of stress management - and believe me when I say, this can be a life or death matter. Tune in as we unpack:

    • what happens physically when you experience stress
    • the long-term effects of unmanaged stress on your body - (spoiler: hormonal shifts of midlife can make this even worse)
    • real life strategies to help manage stress and reset your nervous system

    Don’t miss this chance to learn about the impact of stress on both your mind an your body. A few simple shifts could save more than your sanity - it might just save your life.

    More Resources & Links

    Try this relaxing routine! Bedtime Stretches to Improve Your Sleep

    Listen to Episode 324: Menopausal Belly Fat & Why It’s Killing You

    Stress-Induced Diabetes: A Review

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

    FREE 5-Day Core Tune Up - A free mini-course to dramatically improve your functional core strength, create better alignment, and relieve back and hip pain for good!

    Megan’s revolutionary Back & Hip Fix 30-day program

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    32 m
  • 355. Weighted Vests - Gimmicky Gadget or Worth the Investment?
    May 17 2024

    You’ve probably seen it on social media - influencers and fitness buffs touting the benefits of weighted vests. But are they worth the hype?

    Listener Sandra asks: “I have a question about weighted vests, and in particular, walking with a weighted vest. I'm seeing more of it on social media from different trainers about using a weighted vest. So I would like to know if you think there are a lot of benefits to it, especially if it's someone already carrying extra weight. How would you go about starting to do it if there are benefits? And any tips on purchasing one?”

    Have you wondered the same thing?

    In this shortie episode, I’ll dive into the benefits of weighted vests, pitfalls to avoid, and the best way to get started if you’re considering adding this tool to your fitness tool kit.

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    Submit a question for an Ask Megan episode!

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  • 354. Osteoporosis & Bone Loss in Women - The Tips You Need NOW
    May 14 2024

    Bone Density. Osteopenia. Osteoporosis.

    While these may sound like your grandmother’s conditions, the truth is bone loss BEGINS in midlife. In fact, you can lose up to 20% of your bone density during midlife, leaving you vulnerable to fractures and serious injury even earlier than you might think.

    The good news is taking steps NOW can help prevent bone loss and reduce your risk of injury - and we’ve got just the expert to help!

    Joining me this week it Dr. Kristi DeSapri, a board certified internist specializing in midlife women’s health, specifically osteoporosis. You won’t want to miss our conversation about bone health:

    • when to start having conversations and assessments with you doctor (spoiler: it’s earlier than you think!)
    • understanding bone physiology and the role hormones play in bone health
    • the critical lifestyle factors that can help prevent bone loss and maintain bone health

    If you or someone you love wants to know the how to keep strong bones in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, then this is the episode for you.

    More Resources & Links

    Bone & Body Women’s Health - Work with Dr. Kristi Tough DeSapri

    Fracture Risk Assessment Tool

    Need help getting started! Get Megan’s FREE 5-Day Jumpstart Tips guide!

    The Jumpstart 30 Program for Beginners

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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    31 m
  • 353. Hip or Back Pain - Could Stretching Be the Wrong Solution?
    May 10 2024

    Have you ever tried to tackle pain or tightness with stretching, only to feel like it just made things worse?

    Listener Donna has had a similar experience. She asks: “I've been suffering with hip pain for about three months now, and it's stopping me doing any kind of exercise because it just seems to flare it up. I'm wondering if your hip and back pain course would be good for me. I'm just worried that when I've been trying to do stretches and things that it just seemed to make it worse. My chiropractor said that it could be a tight psoas muscle, and I'm not sure how to go forward from this. Thank you.”

    Donna, this is one of my favorite topics!

    In this quick episode, we’ll dive into the possible causes of hip and back pain, why not all stretches were created equal, and what you can do to find relief fast!

    💥Taking listener questions!!! Do you have a question about your self-care that you need help with? Just head to www.vigeofit.com/ask to submit your question, and I’ll answer it for you on an upcoming Friday episode.

    More Resources

    The Back & Hip Fix Course - Get started today!

    Ask Megan your burning question here

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    8 m
  • 352. Simple Relief for Sciatica Pain
    May 7 2024

    If you’ve ever experienced sciatica - that firey pain that radiates down your leg, often coupled with tingling, numbness, and a deep throbbing pain in the hip socket - then you know first hand how debilitating it can be.

    In fact, you’re not alone - it’s estimated that 40% of adults will experience sciatic pain at some point in their lives.

    This week we’re going to talk all things sciatica:

    • what is it and why does it happen?
    • what to do when you’re in pain and need relief FAST!
    • consequences of not addressing your pain.
    • and finally, THREE solutions for long term relief!

    Whether you’ve experienced sciatic pain in the past, are struggling with it right now, or want avoid future flare ups, this episode is for you!

    More Resources & Links

    MOTHER’S DAY SALE!! Friday, May 10 through Sunday, May 12th at midnight PST!

    Take 30% off the Back & Hip Fix program - Use coupon code FIX24 at checkout for the discount

    Take 30% off the Jumpstart 30 program - Use coupon code STRONG24 at checkout for the discount

    Tight hips? Take Megan’s FREE Hip Flexor Stretching Masterclass

    Weak core? Take Megan’s FREE 5-Day Core Tune Up

    Submit a question for an Ask Megan episode!

    Follow Megan on Instagram

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