• April 30: Entitlement
    Apr 30 2024

    Wilhelm’s message today challenges the commonly negative perception of the word "entitlement," suggesting a reconsideration of its true meaning. By viewing entitlement negatively, we may inadvertently repel our desires and feel undeserving of what comes easily. Wilhelm emphasizes that all souls are inherently entitled to their desires without needing to earn them through struggle. Recognizing and accepting this can remove the blocks we place on ourselves, often manifested as guilt or jealousy, and open us up to freely receiving the abundance meant for us.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can redefining your understanding of entitlement help you embrace the gifts and opportunities that come your way without guilt or comparison?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins
  • April 29: Judgment
    Apr 29 2024

    Wilhelm's message today differentiates between judgment and discernment, illuminating how judgment can be a barrier in our lives. Judgment involves labeling things as right or wrong, which is problematic given our inherently limited awareness in physical form. Discernment, on the other hand, is a healthier, more constructive approach that involves making informed choices based on our current understanding, without attaching moral values. This distinction is crucial for personal growth, as it encourages us to make decisions aimed at expansion without the constraints of judgment.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can practicing discernment instead of judgment in your daily decisions lead to more growth-oriented and less restrictive outcomes in your life?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins
  • April 28: Focus
    Apr 28 2024

    Wilhelm's message today underscores the potent impact of our focus, framing it as an active process of directing energy. Understanding that everything physical is fundamentally energy, Wilhelm reminds us that our minds naturally harness and direct this energy constantly, often without our conscious awareness. By deliberately choosing what we focus on, we can effectively influence our reality and use this capability to our advantage. This realization empowers us to consciously shape our experiences and the outcomes of our efforts by simply controlling our focus.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can intentionally directing your focus on positive aspects of your life amplify their presence and influence your overall well-being?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    1 min
  • April 27: Afford It
    Apr 27 2024

    Today, Wilhelm introduces the concept of "afford" as a powerful mantra that can significantly influence our growth and progress. Rather than viewing affordability strictly in monetary terms, Wilhelm encourages us to consider it in broader terms, including time, effort, and other resources we choose to invest. By shifting our mindset from "I can't afford this" to considering how we might afford it, we open up possibilities for expansion. Recognizing when we choose not to afford something as a deliberate decision rather than a limitation also plays a crucial role in our personal development.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can changing your perspective on what it means to "afford" something impact your ability to manifest your desires and contribute to your growth?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins
  • April 26: Ups and Downs
    Apr 26 2024

    Wilhelm’s message today highlights the essential role emotions play in our life experiences. It’s not just our thoughts or intellectual understanding that shape our experiences, but our emotions that truly allow us to feel and thus fully experience life’s moments. By acknowledging and embracing the emotional ups and downs, we can access the deeper meaning and wisdom each experience holds. Wilhelm encourages us to see these emotional fluctuations not as disturbances, but as opportunities to engage more deeply with life and extract valuable insights.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can embracing the emotional ups and downs of your life help you better understand and grow from each experience?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    1 min
  • April 25: Frustration
    Apr 25 2024

    Wilhelm's message today explains that feelings of frustration arise not as obstacles, but as signals that we are seeking and ready for a better way to expand and grow. The word "better" here implies a path that enhances our personal development. Wilhelm encourages us to embrace frustration as a part of our journey, a prompt that drives us to seek deeper understanding and new approaches. By recognizing frustration as a catalyst rather than a setback, we can open ourselves to discovering and embracing the "better ways" that our experiences can lead us to.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can you use your current frustrations as indicators that guide you towards personal growth and finding better ways to navigate your life experiences?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins
  • April 24: Deserving
    Apr 24 2024

    Wilhelm's message today delves into the transformative power of embracing our inherent worthiness. Many of us develop core beliefs throughout our lives that suggest we are undeserving of good things, which can hinder our ability to ask for or receive what we truly desire. By acknowledging and changing these limiting beliefs, we open ourselves to receive abundantly and fulfill our true potential. Wilhelm reminds us that while it may not be essential to pinpoint the origin of these beliefs, it is crucial to recognize their presence and our capacity to transform them.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can acknowledging and revising your belief about your inherent deservingness change the way you approach your desires and opportunities?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins
  • April 23: Excuses
    Apr 23 2024

    In today's message, Wilhelm highlights how using excuses to justify our behavior acts as a barrier to our personal growth and expansion. Excuses prevent us from seeking solutions and possibilities, which are essential for our development. Wilhelm urges us to recognize and own our worth, value, and inherent gifts, which in turn diminishes the need for excuses. Embracing our strengths and courage allows us to move beyond excuses and fully engage in the process of expansion.

    Your Ascension Question for Today:

    How can recognizing your inherent strengths and value help you overcome the habit of making excuses, and what positive changes might this bring to your life?

    Additional Resources:

    • Join Our Ascension Circle Community - Join the Wilhelm movement and receive a special free mini-course from Roger Burnley

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    2 mins