For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!  By  cover art

For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!

By: Coach Dan Gordon
  • Summary

  • Coach Dan Gordon presents For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!

    This is the ONLY podcast offering entrepreneurs unfiltered access to the world’s most elite business minds.

    Discover the blueprint that hard-hitting entrepreneurs use to achieve massive success in truly badass ways.

    His notable guests include:
    • Phil Q, the man who launched Virgin Records with Richard Branson.
    • Glenn Stearns, the rags-to-riches mortgage tycoon and star of Undercover Billionaire.
    • Jim Katzaroff, the CEO who gave up millions to work on finding a cure for MS.
    • Stormy Simon, the welfare mom who went from secretary to CEO of

    All of Coach Dan’s guests are absolute visionaries in their fields!

    For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY! is the number one podcast for entrepreneurs seeking the ultimate success in business and life!
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  • The Secrets to Rebuilding After Massive Failure -Deanna Radulescu
    Jun 4 2024
    Join us for this SPECIAL episode of For Badass Entrepreneurs Only as we join Coach Dan Gordon as a guest on the Label-Free Podcast. Coach Dan discusses how he turned his greatest failure into a successful career as an entrepreneurial coach. Discover how he bounced back from losing $80,000 and transformed his life, helping over 1000 entrepreneurs. Coach Dan shares invaluable insights on resilience, the importance of self-belief, and actionable tips for achieving entrepreneurial success. He discusses embracing failure as a stepping stone, the power of persistence, and practical strategies to optimize performance.

    Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will motivate you to face your fears and take bold action.

    Five Badass Q&As

    Q1: What triggered your transition from marketing to entrepreneurial coaching?
    A1: About eight years ago, my marketing company collapsed, leading me to lose $80,000 and my identity. A friend suggested I pursue coaching, which sparked my journey to become an entrepreneurial coach.

    Q2: How did you overcome your biggest failure and start anew?
    A2: I knew my failure wasn't the end. I called a friend, and eight months later, I walked on stage for my first paid speaking gig. The transformation in between was challenging but ultimately led me to where I am today.

    Q3: What type of entrepreneurs do you work with?
    A3: I work with badass entrepreneurs willing to step into uncertainty and transform themselves. If you're not ready to challenge yourself and grow, you're not my ideal client.

    Q4: How do you help entrepreneurs facing uncertainty and fear?
    A4: I guide them through the discomfort and fear of entering new territories. I help them navigate their journey and emerge stronger by providing support and perspective.

    Q5: What are the core principles you teach your clients?
    A5: Entrepreneurs must get enough sleep, manage stress, enhance focus, and optimize performance. I also emphasize the importance of being in integrity with oneself and maintaining a spirit of service.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Failure is the middle of your story, not the end.
    2. Jump off the cliff first, then figure out how to grow wings.
    3. Your world is a physical manifestation of your beliefs.
    4. The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago; the second best time is now.
    5. Embrace the pain and challenging times because greatness is on the other side. Five Badass
    1. Failure is a stepping stone to success, not the end of your story.
    2. Surround yourself with supportive friends who see your potential.
    3. Be willing to step into uncertainty and challenge yourself.
    4. Maintain a spirit of service and integrity in your business.
    5. Take care of yourself: get enough sleep, manage stress, and optimize your performance.
    Contact Info

    For a free book, text GAP to 213-409-8366
    For binaural beats, text CALM to 213-409-8366
    To book a call, text HELP to 213-409-8366

    0:00 Introduction
    1:00 Coach Dan's transformation story
    4:00 Embracing failure and moving forward
    8:00 Founding Dan Gordon Enterprise Noon Working with badass entrepreneurs
    16:00 Key principles for success
    20:00 The power of stubbornness and transformation
    25:00 Giving back and staying in integrity
    28:00 Final words of wisdom

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!
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    30 mins
  • The Mistress of Badass Direct Sales Mastery - Jennie Bellinger
    May 28 2024
    Don't miss out on this thrilling episode of 'For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!' featuring Jennie Bellinger, a certified professional coach and the host of Badass Direct Sales Mastery. Jennie's unique blend of boldness and authenticity in direct sales is sure to inspire you. Gain insights into how she manages to grow her business while maintaining a fulfilling personal life, her strategies for supporting direct sales leaders with ADHD, and her techniques for turning fear into an exhilarating adventure. Jennie also debunks common myths about pyramid schemes, stresses the importance of customer-centric sales, and shares her wisdom on building motivated teams. If you're ready to take your sales strategy and leadership skills to the next level, this episode is a must-see!

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What inspired you to adopt the BDSM theme for your podcast?
    A1: It was a way to stand out from my competitors. I wanted to create something unique that would grab attention and also align with my personality and background in the kink community.

    Q2: How do you help people overcome the fear of selling?
    A2: I teach them to make it about the customer, not themselves. People love to buy, but they hate being sold to. By focusing on helping others, the fear of selling diminishes. Q3: What are the most common mistakes people make in direct sales?

    A3: They rely too much on the job's flexibility, treating it like a side gig instead of a business. They also need to identify their ideal customer and market to everyone, which is ineffective. Q4: How do you handle objections about direct sales being a pyramid scheme?
    A4: I clarify that pyramid schemes involve no actual product or service sold, whereas legitimate direct sales companies offer tangible products. I also draw parallels to traditional corporate structures, which are similarly hierarchical.

    Q5: What advice do you have for building a motivated sales team?
    A5: Identify the right people who share your values and are enthusiastic about the product. Avoid recruiting just anyone; focus on those you enjoy working with and who fit your team culture.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. People love to buy; they don't love to be sold.
    2. Being attractive is the new currency.
    3. You might flex yourself right out of business if you're careless.
    4. Sales is a part of business. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you are going to sell.
    5. Fear and excitement feel the same in your body. The difference is the story you tell yourself.
    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Make it About the Customer: Focus on helping others rather than just making a sale.
    2. Stand Out: Find a unique angle or theme to differentiate yourself in the market.
    3. Know Your Audience: Understand and connect with your ideal customers and team members.
    4. Embrace Fear: Transform fear into excitement and use it as a motivator.
    5. Build Relationships: Maintain connections even if a sale doesn't happen immediately; they can lead to referrals.
    Contact Info Website:
    Calendar: Text “DOM” to 213-409-8366 for direct sales resources.

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome
    01:00 Jennie's Unique Approach to Sales
    03:00 The BDSM Theme Explained 07:00 Building a Personal Brand
    11:00 Debunking the Pyramid Scheme Myth
    14:00 Importance of Customer Focus
    18:00 Overcoming Sales Objections
    22:00 Identifying Ideal Customers
    26:00 Leadership in Direct Sales
    30:00 NuCalm Product Endorsement
    32:00 Developing Leadership Skills
    35:00 SelfLeadership and Imposter Syndrome
    40:00 Recruiting and Building a Team
    44:00 Embracing Fear and Excitement
    50:00 Maintaining Relationships PostSale
    54:00 Closing Remarks and Contact Information

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!
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    56 mins
  • The Future of AI in Entrepreneurship: Great Insights! - Peter Swain
    May 21 2024
    Join Coach Dan Gordon as he engages in an insightful conversation with Peter Swain, a master marketer turned AI expert. Peter shares his journey from launching the British version of Yelp to leading the ROI Mastermind. Discover the importance of embracing failure, leveraging AI for business growth, and why most entrepreneurs struggle to achieve greatness. Peter explains how past traumas affect decision-making and the key differences between successful and unsuccessful people.

    Tune in for actionable advice, inspiring lessons, and practical tips from Peter's 25-year digital marketing and AI career. Take advantage of this episode, packed with valuable insights for entrepreneurs!

    Five Badass Q&As
    Q1: What inspired you to write You Can Be Proud or Rich: 52 Life Lessons to Live By?

    A1: It came from talking to people about their dreams and the gap between reality and dreams. I wanted to help bridge that gap with practical life lessons.

    Q2: How can entrepreneurs develop the awareness to overcome their past traumas?
    A2: Reinforce positive patterns when things are going well, like practicing gratitude daily. This makes it easier to stay positive during tough times.

    Q3: Why do you believe most entrepreneurs shouldn't be entrepreneurs?
    A3: Most people are sold a dream that isn't true. The success rate is less than 1%, and the journey is often more complex and lonelier than expected.

    Q4: What is the most significant difference between successful and unsuccessful people?
    A4: Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior. They don't let past traumas dictate their decisions.

    Q5: How should entrepreneurs leverage AI to benefit their businesses?
    A5: Use AI to make or save money in practical ways. Join the ROI Mastermind to learn actionable strategies tailored for business owners.

    Five Badass Quotes
    1. Rewarding failure gives the impetus to carry on the journey of discovery.
    2. 85% of your decisions are based on previous behavior patterns.
    3. Most people are sold a dream that isn't true.
    4. Successful people challenge their patterns of previous behavior.
    5. Engineer your product before you engineer your sales process.
    Five Badass Takeaways
    1. Embrace failure as a step towards success.
    2. Practice gratitude daily to reinforce positive patterns.
    3. Most entrepreneurs fail because they are sold a dream that isn't true.
    4. Successful people challenge past traumas and patterns.
    5. Leverage AI to make or save money in your business.
    Contact Info Peter Swain's ROI Mastermind: Text Swain to 213-409-8366 for a free trial week.

    00:00 Introduction and Peter's Analogy of Failure
    01:30 Peter's Background and Book Introduction
    04:00 The Science Behind Our Behaviors
    06:45 Overcoming Past Traumas
    08:30 Why Most Entrepreneurs Fail
    11:00 The Reality of Being an Entrepreneur
    16:00 Innovating with AI
    20:00 How to Leverage AI in Business
    23:00 Final Thoughts and Call to Action

    For more badass episodes, check us out at For Badass Entrepreneurs ONLY!
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    26 mins

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