• Why You Need Mary
    May 29 2024
    Why is Mary so important? How is Mary meant to be a part of our lives? Perhaps, you are someone who has struggled in your devotion to Mary or maybe you have a deep relationship with her. Wherever you fall, you are sure to enjoy and gain so much from this series on Mary from Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle. Learn, be inspired, and grow in your love for Mary. Snippet from the Show “From Mary, we learn to love Christ, her Son and Son of God.” -St. John Paul II We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    50 mins
  • Re-Emphasizing the Sacramental Life
    May 22 2024
    There is a significant de-emphasis in American Christianity on the sacramental life. Instead, many Christians are more focused on their personal faith. What are the dangers of this? Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle take up these questions as a conclusion to this series on Mystagogy. Snippet from the Show All of the sacraments are material, visible, sensible signs that communicate the invisible, the hidden power of God. We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    37 mins
  • What Does It Mean to Be a Priest?
    May 15 2024
    Priests were not first introduced in the New Testament. In fact, priesthood existed right at the beginning of the Old Testament. So, how can we understand the priesthood in the economy of salvation? How do we distinguish the Old Testament priesthood from the new? Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle answer these questions and more. Snippet from the Show “In the whole history of humanity, there is only one man who is both priest and victim. That is Jesus Christ.” We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    47 mins
  • How to Understand the Catholic Priesthood
    May 8 2024
    What is the purpose of a Catholic priest and what is it not? The Catholic priesthood can spark a lot of confusion. Are they a symbolic leader or a CEO? Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle answer many of the common questions associated with the priesthood and emphasize why it is such an essential part of the Catholic faith. Snippet from the Show “The priest is not a priest for himself. He does not give himself absolution, he does not administer the sacraments to himself. He is not for himself. He is for you.” -St. John Vianney We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    51 mins
  • The Most Important Thing for Your Marriage
    May 1 2024
    What is the best thing you can do for your marriage? In their final episode on marriage, Mike Gormley and Dave VanVickle address the topic of marital spirituality. They share their own experiences of developing a prayer life with their spouse and the challenges they faced. Together, they encourage every person to prioritize prayer in their marriage. Snippet from the Show Choosing to love and choosing to build a marriage includes the decision to live a marital spirituality. We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    35 mins
  • Characteristics of a Truly Christian Marriage
    Apr 24 2024
    What does a truly Christian marriage look like? Continuing their discussion on the sacrament of marriage, Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle discuss the characteristics and traits of a truly Christian marriage. They also discuss what sort of impact a Christian marriage ought to have on those who have received the sacrament. Snippet from the Show You should remind yourself every day of the vows you made on your wedding day. We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    47 mins
  • Holy Matrimony: A Vocation of Service
    Apr 17 2024
    Have you ever thought of marriage as a sacrament of communion? The heart of marriage is not emotional support within a domestic relationship, but rather the mutual giving of two entire lives. Michael Gormley and Dave VanVickle compare and contrast how society and the Church view marriage and remind those partaking in and preparing for the sacrament that, when you serve your spouse and your children, you are truly serving Jesus Himself. Snippet from the Show Marriage is truly a crucible in the service of the people that you love. We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    45 mins
  • What Happens After You Die?
    Apr 10 2024
    Do you know what happens after you die? What does the Church tell us about what will occur after our death? Dave VanVickle and Michael Gormley take up these questions and explain the Church’s teachings. They explain how judgment works and why it is so important for those on earth to do penance for the dead. Snippet from the Show “Death proves also that life has meaning, because it reveals that the virtues and goodness practiced within time do not find their completion except in eternity.” -Ven. Fulton Sheen We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow
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    50 mins