• Day 151 One Year Bible Read Along
    Jun 1 2024

    Summary of 2 Chronicles 13-14:

    In 2 Chronicles 13-14, the focus is on the reign of Abijah, who was the son of Rehoboam and grandson of Solomon. Abijah becomes the king of Judah and engages in a conflict with Jeroboam, the king of Israel. Abijah gathers a force of 400,000 valiant warriors, while Jeroboam leads an army of 800,000 mighty men. Before the battle, Abijah addresses Jeroboam's army, reminding them of their rebellion against the house of David and emphasizing that Judah has the true worship of God. Despite being outnumbered, Abijah's forces defeat Jeroboam's troops, killing 500,000 of them. Abijah continues to reign in Jerusalem, and he is described as a king who walked in the ways of the Lord.

    Key People: Abijah (king of Judah), Jeroboam (king of Israel)

    Key Places: Jerusalem

    Key Events:

    1. Abijah becomes king of Judah.
    2. Conflict between Abijah and Jeroboam.
    3. Abijah's speech before the battle.
    4. Abijah's victory over Jeroboam's army.
    5. Abijah's reign in Jerusalem.

    Questions to consider:

    1. How did Abijah's speech before the battle influence the outcome?
    2. What factors contributed to Abijah's victory despite being outnumbered?
    3. What do Abijah's actions and reign reveal about his faith and relationship with God?

    Summary of John 12:1-26:

    In John 12:1-26, the passage begins with Jesus visiting the home of Lazarus, whom He had recently raised from the dead. Mary, Lazarus' sister, pours a costly perfume on Jesus' feet and wipes them with her hair, anointing Him in a gesture of great love and devotion. Judas Iscariot questions the use of the expensive perfume, suggesting that it could have been sold to help the poor. Jesus defends Mary's action, highlighting that she has prepared Him for His burial. News of Jesus' presence spreads, and a large crowd gathers, including Greeks who express their desire to see Jesus. Jesus speaks about His imminent death, comparing it to a grain of wheat that must die to produce many seeds. He emphasizes the need for followers to serve Him and be where He is, promising that the Father will honor those who do so.

    Key People: Jesus, Mary (sister of Lazarus), Lazarus, Judas Iscariot

    Key Places: Home of Lazarus

    Key Events:

    1. Jesus visits the home of Lazarus.
    2. Mary anoints Jesus' feet with expensive perfume.
    3. Judas questions the use of the perfume.
    4. Jesus defends Mary's action and speaks about His impending death.
    5. Greeks express their desire to see Jesus.
    6. Jesus discusses the importance of following and serving Him.

    Questions to consider:

    1. What does Mary's act of anointing Jesus' feet with expensive perfume symbolize?
    2. How does Jesus' response to Judas' criticism provide insight into His understanding of His upcoming death?
    3. What does Jesus mean by comparing His death to a grain of wheat that must die to produce many seeds?
    4. How does Jesus' message about serving and following Him apply to believers today?
    Más Menos
    9 m
  • Day 150 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 31 2024

    2 Chronicles 10-12 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    Chapters 10-12 of 2 Chronicles deal with the reign of Rehoboam, Solomon's son, his interactions with the people of Israel, and the subsequent division of the kingdom.

    In Chapter 10, the people of Israel, led by Jeroboam, ask Rehoboam to lighten the harsh labor and heavy taxes imposed by Solomon. Rehoboam rejects their request, leading to the northern tribes' rebellion and the division of the kingdom.

    Chapter 11 covers Rehoboam's reign in Jerusalem, the fortification of his cities, and his efforts to strengthen the worship of the Lord in Judah.

    In Chapter 12, Rehoboam and the people of Judah abandon the Law of the Lord, resulting in Shishak, the king of Egypt, attacking Jerusalem. Rehoboam humbles himself and the people of Judah, causing the Lord to not destroy them completely.

    Key figures include Rehoboam, Jeroboam, and Shishak. Key places and events include Jerusalem, the rebellion of the northern tribes, the fortification of Judah's cities, and the attack by Shishak.

    Questions to consider might include: How did Rehoboam's response to the people's request contribute to the division of the kingdom? What are the consequences of Rehoboam and Judah's abandonment of the Law of the Lord? How does Rehoboam's reaction to Shishak's invasion demonstrate his understanding of God's judgment and mercy?

    John 11:30-57 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    John 11:30-57 narrates the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and the subsequent plan of the religious leaders to kill Jesus.

    Jesus, upon reaching Bethany, finds that Lazarus has been dead for four days. He meets Mary, who falls at his feet weeping, and is deeply moved. Jesus goes to the tomb and orders the stone to be removed, prays to His Father, and commands Lazarus to come out. Lazarus comes out of the tomb, alive.

    The miracle causes many Jews to believe in Jesus. However, some report the incident to the Pharisees, who, along with the chief priests, call a council. They fear that Jesus' popularity might provoke the Romans to destroy their nation. Caiaphas, the high priest, suggests that it's better for one man to die for the people, signaling the plan to kill Jesus.

    Key figures in this passage include Jesus, Lazarus, Mary, Martha, the Jews, the Pharisees, and Caiaphas. The key places are Bethany and Lazarus' tomb. The key events include the raising of Lazarus and the plan of the Pharisees and the chief priests to kill Jesus.

    Questions to consider might include: What does Jesus' miracle of raising Lazarus reveal about His power over death? How does the reaction of the Jews reflect the division of opinions about Jesus? What does Caiaphas' statement indicate about the political and religious context of Jesus' time?

    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Day 149 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 30 2024

    2 Chronicles 7-9 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    Chapters 7-9 of 2 Chronicles continue with God's response to Solomon's prayer, Solomon's fame, and the visit from the Queen of Sheba.

    In Chapter 7, God responds to Solomon's prayer with a display of fire from heaven that consumes the sacrifices. God promises Solomon that He will hear the prayers made in the temple, bless the land, and uphold Solomon's throne if he and his descendants remain faithful. This chapter also details the Feast of Tabernacles celebration and Solomon's subsequent dismissal of the people.

    Chapter 8 highlights Solomon's various building projects and his regulation of the temple offerings, festivals, and duties of the Levites.

    Chapter 9 recounts the visit of the Queen of Sheba, who is astounded by Solomon's wisdom and wealth. It also summarizes the extent of Solomon's riches, his death, and the ascension of his son Rehoboam to the throne.

    Key figures include Solomon, God, the Levites, the Queen of Sheba, and Rehoboam. Key places and events include the temple in Jerusalem, the divine fire and response to Solomon's prayer, the visit of the Queen of Sheba, and Solomon's death.

    Questions to consider might include: How does God's response to Solomon's prayer confirm His presence and blessing? What do Solomon's building projects reveal about his reign and priorities? What does the visit of the Queen of Sheba tell us about Solomon's international reputation?

    John 11:1-29 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    John 11:1-29 covers the event of Lazarus' illness and death, and Jesus' interactions with Lazarus' sisters, Martha and Mary.

    The chapter begins with Lazarus falling ill. His sisters send a message to Jesus, who assures his disciples that the sickness will not end in death but will glorify God. Jesus stays two more days before deciding to go to Judea. His disciples express concern for his safety, but Jesus insists on going.

    When Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days. Martha comes to meet Jesus and expresses her belief in him. Jesus tells her that he is the resurrection and the life, and those who believe in him will live, even though they die.

    Key figures in this passage include Jesus, Lazarus, Martha, Mary, and the disciples. The key places are the location where Jesus receives the message about Lazarus and the village of Bethany where Lazarus is buried. Key events include the illness and death of Lazarus, Martha's interaction with Jesus, and Jesus' assertion of being the resurrection and the life.

    Questions to consider might include: Why does Jesus delay going to Bethany upon hearing about Lazarus' illness? How does Martha's interaction with Jesus demonstrate her faith and understanding? What is the significance of Jesus' statement that he is the resurrection and the life?

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Day 148 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 29 2024

    2 Chronicles 4-6 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    The chapters 4-6 of 2 Chronicles describe the completion of the temple's construction and its grand dedication ceremony.

    In Chapter 4, the construction of the temple's fixtures is detailed, including the making of the altar, the sea of cast metal, ten washbasins, ten lampstands, ten tables, and a variety of other utensils.

    Chapter 5 marks the completion of the temple. The Ark of the Covenant is brought into the temple, along with all the sacred furnishings. As the Levites play music and sing praises to God, His glory fills the temple in the form of a cloud.

    In Chapter 6, Solomon addresses the people of Israel, recounting God's promises and how they have been fulfilled. He then prays a prayer of dedication, asking God to hear and answer the prayers that His people will make in the temple.

    Key figures include Solomon, the Levites, and the people of Israel. The key places are the temple in Jerusalem and the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant is placed. Key events include the completion of the temple's construction, the installation of the Ark of the Covenant, and Solomon's prayer of dedication.

    Questions to consider could include: What is the significance of the specific items made for the temple as described in Chapter 4? How does the filling of the temple with a cloud represent God's presence? What does Solomon's prayer of dedication reveal about his understanding of God and his vision for the temple?

    John 10:24-42 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    In John 10:24-42, the confrontation between Jesus and the Jews continues, leading to an attempt to stone Jesus.

    The Jews ask Jesus to tell them plainly if he is the Christ. Jesus responds that he has told them, but they do not believe because they are not his sheep. He emphasizes that he and the Father are one, which enrages the Jews, and they try to stone him for blasphemy.

    Jesus escapes from their grasp and crosses the Jordan River, where he stays and continues to teach. Many believe in him there, convinced by his teachings and the testimony of John the Baptist.

    Key figures in this passage include Jesus, the Jews, and John the Baptist. The key places are the location where Jesus is confronted by the Jews and the place across the Jordan where he retreats. The key events include the Jews' demand for clarity about Jesus' identity, the attempt to stone Jesus, and the growing belief in Jesus' teachings across the Jordan.

    Questions to consider might include: Why do the Jews fail to recognize Jesus as the Messiah despite his words and deeds? What is the significance of Jesus' assertion that he and the Father are one? How does the contrast between the Jews' disbelief and the belief of those across the Jordan underscore the themes of acceptance and rejection in John's Gospel?

    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Day 147 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 28 2024

    2 Chronicles 1-3 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    The first three chapters of 2 Chronicles focus on the early reign of Solomon, his prayer for wisdom, and the beginning of the construction of the temple in Jerusalem.

    In Chapter 1, Solomon, having ascended to the throne, goes to the high place at Gibeon to make a sacrificial offering to God. That night, God appears to Solomon in a dream and asks him what he wants. Solomon requests wisdom to govern the people of Israel effectively. Pleased with this request, God grants Solomon not only wisdom but also wealth and power.

    Chapter 2 begins the preparations for the construction of the temple. Solomon assembles a massive workforce of Israelites and sends a letter to King Hiram of Tyre, asking for materials and skilled labor. Hiram responds favorably, providing Solomon with the needed supplies and craftsman.

    In Chapter 3, Solomon begins the construction of the temple on Mount Moriah. The chapter provides detailed descriptions of the temple's dimensions, materials, and furnishings, including the Holy of Holies.

    Key people include Solomon, King of Israel, and King Hiram of Tyre. Key places include Gibeon, Jerusalem, and Mount Moriah. Key events are Solomon's prayer for wisdom, the assembly of the workforce for the temple, and the beginning of the temple's construction.

    Questions to consider might include: How does Solomon's prayer for wisdom reflect his character? What is the significance of the location of the temple on Mount Moriah? What can the preparations for building the temple tell us about the scale and importance of this project to Solomon and Israel?

    John 10:1-23 Summary, Key People/Places/Events, and Questions to Consider

    John 10:1-23 contains the teachings of Jesus as he uses the metaphors of the shepherd and the gate to explain his relationship with his followers.

    Jesus starts by stating that anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate but climbs in some other way is a thief and a robber, whereas the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. He further declares himself to be the gate for the sheep; those who enter through him will be saved. He contrasts his care for the sheep with that of a hired hand who abandons the sheep at the sight of a wolf.

    Jesus also claims to be the good shepherd who knows his sheep and lays down his life for them. His teachings create division among the Jews, with some asserting that he's possessed or insane, and others arguing that his teachings are not those of a demon-possessed man.

    The key figure in this passage is Jesus, with other groups including his followers and the divided Jews. The key event is Jesus' discourse on the shepherd and the gate.

    Questions to consider include: What is the significance of the metaphors of the gate and the shepherd that Jesus uses? How do these metaphors contribute to our understanding of Jesus' role and mission? Why do Jesus' teachings create such division among the Jews, and what does this tell us about the challenges Jesus faced in his ministry?

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Day 146 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 27 2024

    Summary of 1 Chronicles 28-29: In 1 Chronicles 28-29, King David addresses the assembly of leaders and officials of Israel, including the commanders of the army and the princes of the tribes. He shares God's message that his son Solomon will be the one chosen by God to build the temple. David instructs Solomon to be strong and courageous, faithfully following the Lord's commands in order to ensure the success of the temple construction. He also provides Solomon with detailed plans for the temple structure and all its components, emphasizing the importance of meticulous execution. David acknowledges the generous contributions made by the leaders and people of Israel towards the construction of the temple, setting an example of giving willingly and wholeheartedly. The chapter concludes with David's prayer of thanksgiving and praise to God for His faithfulness and blessings upon the nation of Israel.

    Key People/Places/Events:

    • King David
    • Solomon
    • Leaders and officials of Israel
    • Commanders of the army
    • Princes of the tribes
    • Plans for the temple construction
    • Contributions for the temple
    • David's prayer of thanksgiving

    Questions to Consider:

    • How did David's preparations and instructions to Solomon reflect his devotion to God and desire for the temple's success?
    • What can we learn from David's example of leading with vision and inspiring generosity among the people?
    • How does David's prayer of thanksgiving demonstrate his gratitude and trust in God's faithfulness?
    • What significance does the detailed planning and execution of the temple construction have in demonstrating Israel's commitment to worshiping God?
    • How does this passage inspire us to contribute willingly and wholeheartedly to the work of God's kingdom?

    Summary of John 9:24-41: John 9:24-41 continues the account of the healing of the man born blind by Jesus. The Pharisees, still skeptical and divided about Jesus, summon the formerly blind man for questioning. They attempt to discredit Jesus by accusing Him of being a sinner, but the man boldly defends Jesus, affirming that He is a prophet. Frustrated by the man's testimony and unable to disprove the miracle, the Pharisees cast him out of the synagogue. Jesus seeks out the man and reveals Himself as the Son of Man, the Messiah. The man believes in Jesus and worships Him. Jesus explains that His purpose is to bring judgment, separating those who recognize their spiritual blindness and accept Him from those who claim to see but remain in their sin. This passage highlights the contrast between spiritual blindness and true sight, as well as the response of different individuals to Jesus' identity.

    Key People/Places/Events:

    • The Pharisees
    • The man born blind
    • Jesus' identity as the Son of Man
    • The casting out of the synagogue
    • Jesus revealing Himself to the man
    • Worship of Jesus
    • Spiritual blindness and true sight

    Questions to Consider:

    • How did the Pharisees' response to the healed man's testimony reveal their hardened hearts and resistance to accepting Jesus' authority?
    • What does the man's bold defense of Jesus teach us about the courage to stand for truth and faith in the face of opposition?
    • How does Jesus' revelation of Himself as the Son of Man impact the man's belief and worship of Him?
    • What does Jesus' statement about spiritual blindness and sight teach us about the nature of faith and the recognition of our need for Him?
    • How does this passage challenge us to examine our own hearts and response to Jesus' identity?
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Day 145 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 26 2024

    Summary of 1 Chronicles 25-27: In 1 Chronicles 25-27, we find a detailed account of the organization and responsibilities of the Levites in the worship and service of God's temple. The chapter begins by listing the sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun, who were appointed as singers, prophesiers, and musicians in the house of the Lord. These talented individuals were chosen by casting lots to serve in the temple and offer praise to God through their musical gifts. The chapter also highlights the division of the Levites into various duties, including the gatekeepers, treasurers, and overseers of different aspects of temple service. Additionally, it mentions the officers and commanders of King David's army, as well as the leaders of the tribes of Israel. This passage provides insight into the organization and structure of worship in the temple, highlighting the importance of music and service in the religious life of Israel.

    Key People/Places/Events:

    • Sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun (Levite musicians)
    • Levites and their various duties
    • Gatekeepers and treasurers of the temple
    • Officers and commanders of King David's army
    • Leaders of the tribes of Israel

    Questions to Consider:

    • What was the significance of casting lots to select the Levites for temple service?
    • How did the organization and responsibilities of the Levites contribute to the worship of God in the temple?
    • What can we learn from the inclusion of officers and commanders in this passage? How did they relate to the temple service?
    • How did King David's leadership influence the structure and administration of temple affairs?
    • What role did music play in the worship and religious life of Israel during this time?

    Summary of John 9:1-23: John 9:1-23 recounts the miraculous healing of a man who was born blind by Jesus. As Jesus and His disciples passed by, they noticed the blind man, and the disciples asked Jesus about the cause of his blindness. Jesus explained that it was not due to the man's sin or his parents' sin, but rather an opportunity for God's works to be revealed through him. Jesus then spat on the ground, made mud with His saliva, and applied it to the man's eyes. He instructed the blind man to wash in the Pool of Siloam, and as he did, his sight was miraculously restored. This miracle caused great astonishment among the people, and they began questioning the man about his healing. The Pharisees, skeptical of Jesus' authority, interrogated the man and his parents about the events. The blind man boldly testified to the miraculous healing and defended Jesus as a prophet. The Pharisees, unable to accept the truth, expelled the man from the synagogue. This passage highlights Jesus' compassion and power as the healer of physical and spiritual blindness.

    Key People/Places/Events:

    • Jesus and His disciples
    • The blind man and his parents
    • The Pool of Siloam
    • The Pharisees and religious authorities
    • The expulsion from the synagogue

    Questions to Consider:

    • What does Jesus' response to the disciples' question about the cause of the man's blindness reveal about His understanding of human suffering?
    • Why did Jesus choose to use mud and the act of washing to heal the blind man? What significance does this hold?
    • How did the blind man's testimony and boldness in defending Jesus impact the Pharisees' perception of Jesus' authority?
    • What does this miracle reveal about Jesus' power as the healer of physical and spiritual blindness?
    • How does this passage challenge our understanding of God's sovereignty and His ability to work through challenging circumstances for His purpose?
    Más Menos
    15 m
  • Day 144 One Year Bible Read Along
    May 25 2024

    1 Chronicles 22-24

    These chapters of 1 Chronicles underscore the transition from King David's reign to Solomon's future kingship and the preparations for the construction of the temple.

    Chapter 22 begins with David consecrating the site for the future temple – the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite that he purchased earlier. He also gathers vast quantities of materials for the temple's construction. Acknowledging that his son Solomon is young and inexperienced, David charges him with the responsibility of building a temple for the Lord and encourages him to seek God wholeheartedly.

    In Chapter 23, David makes Solomon king, marking the official transition of power. David also organizes the Levites, assigning them duties for the temple service. This change reflects the shift from the Levites' traditional role as bearers of the Ark to a range of religious, judicial, and administrative duties, indicating the evolution of Israel's religious institutions.

    Chapter 24 narrates the organization of the priests into twenty-four divisions, who are to serve at the temple in rotation. David also organizes the other Levitical orders. All these arrangements prepare the nation for a smooth transition to temple worship.

    Key People/Places/Events: David, Solomon, Ornan the Jebusite, future temple, Levites, Israel.

    Questions to Consider:

    1. Why is David so invested in preparing for the construction of the temple despite knowing that he would not build it?
    2. What advice does David give to Solomon, and what does it reveal about his hopes for Solomon and for Israel's future?
    3. How do the reorganization and new assignments of the Levites reflect the changing religious practices of Israel?
    4. How does David's meticulous planning for the temple and the organization of the priests demonstrate his commitment to God's worship?

    John 8:28-59

    This passage in John's Gospel continues the discourse between Jesus and the Pharisees, delving deeper into Jesus's identity and mission.

    Jesus reasserts his divine origin and destiny, claiming that when he is lifted up (an allusion to his coming crucifixion), people will realize that he is who he claims to be. He insists that he does nothing on his own authority but speaks and acts in accordance with his Father.

    In a charged conversation about spiritual lineage, Jesus confronts the Jews who claim Abraham as their father. Jesus states that if they were truly Abraham's children, they would follow Abraham's example and believe in him. He further declares that before Abraham was, "I am," a statement of timeless existence aligning him with God's self-identification to Moses in Exodus.

    The discourse ends with the crowd attempting to stone Jesus for what they perceive as blasphemy, but he eludes them, showcasing the growing hostility towards Jesus and his teachings.

    Key People/Places/Events: Jesus, the Pharisees, Abraham.

    Questions to Consider:

    1. How does Jesus's claim of being "lifted up" foreshadow his crucifixion, and what does it reveal about his divine mission?
    2. Why does Jesus challenge the Jews' claim of Abraham as their father? How does this conversation illuminate the differences in their understanding of spiritual lineage and righteousness?
    3. What is the significance of Jesus's statement, "before Abraham was, I am"? How does it assert his divinity?
    4. How does this ongoing discourse with the Pharisees highlight the escalating conflict between Jesus and the religious authorities? How does this conflict reflect the broader theme of misunderstanding and unbelief?
    Más Menos
    14 m