
  • Total Cash Confidence with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #227
    May 3 2024

    Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan discuss the concept of Total Cash Confidence, emphasizing the shift in entrepreneurship from selling tangible goods to selling ideas and processes.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dan and Joe in this episode:

    • Discover how entrepreneurship is evolving from traditional physical product sales to a focus on intangible assets like ideas and processes, reshaping how value is created in today's business world.
    • Learn from Dan Sullivan about achieving financial success through a unique approach that emphasizes creating predictable, enjoyable revenue streams by capitalizing on your unique value proposition.
    • Uncover the lucrative potential of coaching in bridging the gap between technological advancements and effective teamwork, and how it can transform business operations and personal growth.
    • Strategies to prioritize customer aspirations and experiences, including real-world examples from businesses like the Savannah Bananas, demonstrating the long-term benefits of investing in customer satisfaction and memorable experiences.
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    47 m
  • Turning Your Past into Fuel: Unlocking a Brighter Future at CoachCon with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #226
    Mar 22 2024

    Unlock transformative insights on overcoming adversity, personal responsibility, and building trust in life and business.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dan and Joe in this episode:

    • Overcoming adversity: The transformative power of taking full responsibility for your life
    • Journaling: A tool for clarity and goal setting that changed Dan's life
    • Building trust and intimacy: The story of Dan and Babs.
    • Financial transparency: How open book management fosters resilience
    • Preparation as the best prediction: An antidote to anxiety.
    • Strategic alliances and collaborations: Keys to mutual benefit
    • Cultivating alignment: Shared values and energy
    • Previewing CoachCon: Insights from top speakers
    • Effective team dynamics: Navigating decisions with autonomy
    • Leveraging pain for transformation and success
    Más Menos
    58 m
  • Life's Not Fair: 10X Your Business Amidst Life's Challenges with Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan - 10xTalk Episode #225
    Dec 12 2023

    Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish dive deep into the complexities of life's inherent unfairness, exploring its roots in constant innovation and change. From the unfair nature of marketing to the evolving economic landscape and the priority of health in challenging times, they dissect crucial topics that impact personal and financial success. 

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Joe and Dan in this episode:

    • Gain a profound understanding of how life's unfairness is intricately linked to constant innovation and change, shaping the world's advantages and disadvantages.
    • Discover strategic marketing insights as Joe shares his personal journey in the carpet cleaning industry, unveiling the power of a free recorded message and its transformative impact on business success.
    • Uncover the untapped potential in shifting your focus towards skilled blue-collar trades, navigating the changing economic landscape, and seizing Entrepreneurial opportunities.
    • The economic challenges of student loan debt, home affordability, and credit struggles, gaining insights into potential market corrections and preparing for the Great Meltdown.
    • Wisdom of paying off debts for personal and financial growth, drawing inspiration from Joe Polish and Dan Sullivan's experiences in managing and eliminating debt.
    • The importance of prioritizing health amidst economic uncertainties, understanding its profound impact on creating opportunities for success in challenging times.
    • Navigating the nuances of life's uneven terrain, gaining actionable strategies to turn apparent injustices into stepping stones for personal and financial success.


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    47 m
  • 10x Your Marketing with AI: How Daily.ai Helps Entrepreneurs Market Without Being Marketers with Joe Stolte, Joe Polish, and Dan Sullivan - 10xTalk Episode #224
    Nov 16 2023

    How Joe Stolte evolved his company from its original vision to building an "operating system of marketing" and what you can to do to more easily build an email list and drive sales through content-driven newsletters

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Joe and Dan in this episode: 

    • How Joe Stolte's AI-powered newsletter system saves Entrepreneurs hours each week while dramatically increasing their email open rates
    • Advice on viewing yourself as a "scientist" when starting a new business to test ideas without attachment to initial outcomes
    • Tips for utilizing Daily.ai to continuously refer and promote your relationships with other thought leaders and experts
    • How Daily.ai uses machine learning to get smarter over time about what each subscriber really wants to read
    • Why your attention is your most valuable asset as an Entrepreneur (AND: How to access an "automatic marketing manager" that provides useful insights for your marketing activities)
    • Lessons Joe Stolte has learned from transforming multiple tech companies and applying AI to solve marketing problems
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    49 m
  • The Ultimate Gathering of Industry Transformers: Joe Polish's Genius Network Annual Event with Dan Sullivan, Joe Stolte, and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #223
    Oct 12 2023

    This year's Genius Network Annual Event is a must-attend event for Entrepreneurs who are ready to embrace health, wealth, and lasting success. 

    This event is not just about expanding your knowledge; it's about life-changing transformation. Discover how understanding and managing your biochemistry can improve every aspect of your life and business.

    Don't miss out on this exclusive gathering of industry transformers dedicated to making the world a better place.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dan and Joe in this episode: 

    • Join us in this special episode to discover what makes the Genius Network Annual Event 2023 a game-changer for Entrepreneurs.
    • Brief introductions to some of the event's notable speakers, including James Nestor, Steven Kotler, Martha McSally, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Daymond John, Dr. Anna Lembke, Marry Morrissey, and more... who will share insights on health, wealth, and the secrets to achieving lasting success.
    • Uncover the science of success, the magic of achieving a flow state, and the biochemical factors that influence our behavior and performance.
    • Explore the power of healthy dopamine and how understanding your body's chemistry can lead to a more fulfilling life.
    • Get a glimpse into a remarkable event that gathers some of the world's most successful and innovative Entrepreneurs to inspire you on your entrepreneurial journey.
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    52 m
  • Stones In Soup: Innovating the Entrepreneurial Journey with Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #222
    Oct 5 2023

    Dan Sullivan and Joe Polish share their insights on continuous learning and personal development. Learn how to invent not only your future but also your past, using the 'stones in soup' analogy to create a more fulfilling life journey.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dan and Joe in this episode: 

    • The Magical Tale of 'Stone Soup' and its surprising link to entrepreneurial innovation
    • Investing in People, Not Just Ideas: Uncover Dan Sullivan's secret to success—why investing in people can outshine any business idea.
    • Everything is a Blank Canvas: Explore the mind-bending concept that everything in life, from the past to the future, is a creation of your imagination.
    • Unlock the Power of Collaboration: Journey into the world of collaboration and find out how partnerships can supercharge your journey.
    • Your Past: A Treasure Trove: Why running from your past is a mistake, and embracing it can lead to profound growth.
    • Entrepreneurial Evolution: Discover how rising costs are creating new avenues for entrepreneurial innovation.
    • Never Stop Learning: Why continuous learning is the secret to sustained success, no matter where you are in your journey.
    • The Power of Networking: Discover the value of collaborations and networks in your personal and professional life.
    • Integrity is Key: Join mastermind groups with integrity, and learn from true collaborators who give as much as they take.
    • Thinking Long-Term: Success isn't a sprint; it's a marathon. Focus on long-term goals and strategies for lasting impact.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

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    59 m
  • Grow Your Business Without Growing Apart: Balance Your Business and Personal Relationships With Kelly Clements - 10xTalk Episode #221
    Aug 4 2023

    In this episode, Kelly shares some really important insights looking at some of the challenges business leaders face in maintaining healthy relationships and how to shift gears to avoid breakdown.

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Kelly in this episode: 

    • Why the traits that make Entrepreneurs successful in business can show up as challenges in relationship
    • How couples can navigate power struggles and offset the demands of growing a business and a relationship
    • What the “Ambition Gap” is and how it can split couples apart and cause divorces (Here’s how to avoid it…)
    • Kelly shares the difference between the “Alpha”, the “Beta”, and the relationship between these two personalities
    • How to transform a controlling, exhausting relationship into a healthy, engaging, connected relationship
    • Experience The Omega Relationship: A perfect balance between healthy “Alpha” and healthy “Beta”
    • The key to preserving half your net worth, multiplying your productivity, and having a healthy love life
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    13 m
  • 10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less With Dan Sullivan, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and Joe Polish - 10xTalk Episode #220
    May 10 2023

    Introducing Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy's newest book "10x Is Easier Than 2x."

    In this episode, they discuss their successful collaboration on this book and how it all came together. Dan and Ben share their experience of working together and highlight the key factors that contributed to their success.  

    If you're interested in learning more about the secrets to successful collaboration and how 10x Is Easier Than 2x, don't miss out on Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy's newest book.

    Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Dan, and Ben in this episode: 

    • Utilizing the Impact Filter to create a clear vision for successful collaborations that bring results
    • The impact of collaboration and how to make it happen
    • Trust and freedom to be yourself in any collaboration, leading to more authentic and effective partnerships
    • How operating from want instead of need can make a significant difference in achieving your goals and success in collaborations
    • Identifying your unique abilities and leveraging them to enhance your contributions to collaborations to make a bigger impact
    • Why collaboration is not about the relationship between collaborators
    •  How to create more fulfilling and rewarding collaborations

    If you’d like to join world-renowned Entrepreneurs at the next Genius Network Event or want to learn more about Genius Network, go to www.GeniusNetwork.com.

    Más Menos
    13 m