"Motor" Matt King is a bit of a mechanic savant, and often finds himself in unpredictable and hairy situations that rival Indiana Jones or TinTin. In this installment, Motor Matt is captaining a new experimental submarine on a journey from the Eastern side of South America, "around the horn", and up the coast to San Francisco with his faithful crew.
Along the way, he picks up a snooty Ensign passenger, and has run ins with a couple unexpected characters, including the mysterious, but suspiciously clumsy AhSin.
This audiobook version of Motor Matt in Brazil has been adapted slightly from the print version to remove some of the more dated notions and stereotypes that were prevalent in 1909. While it retains the same gallant story of derring-do, we hope to make it slightly more palatable for a modern audience without stripping the language of the day.
Every boy who listens to one of the splendid adventures of Motor Matt is at once surprised and delighted.
Matt has positive mechanical genius, and while his adventures are unusual, they are, however, drawn so true to life that the listener can clearly see how it is possible for the ordinary boy to experience them.