An oath. A badge. A life. A promise to walk the thin blue line clean. Nowhere in the academy was I prepared for the consequences of falling for the enemy.
Drago Acerbi. I've known his name a long time. You'd have to live under a rock not to know of the heartless and cruel reputation the Acerbi family has established. They are monsters cloaked in suits and ties, or so my colleagues in blue have said. Being on the job, you quickly learn to watch your back, trust no one, and as much as I hate to admit this, sometimes that includes a fellow badge.
But to want to kill your own child for being born? Now that's monstrous. Unjust. And something I will not stand for. I'll take him down before I allow an innocent to be harmed.
Even if that means not only taking on the most dangerous family in Southern California, but bringing down the drug lord they're in bed with, too.
From author N. E. Henderson comes a contemporary, emotionally captivating, and thrilling romantic suspense trilogy. Start Bri and Drago's intense story today!
This is not a stand-alone, and the saga does not conclude until the third book.