秦淮八艳 - 秦淮八豔 [Biography of....]
7 books in series秦淮八艳之马湘兰传 - 秦淮八豔之馬湘蘭傳 [A Biography of Ma Xianglan] Publisher's summary

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Book 1
秦淮八艳之马湘兰传 - 秦淮八豔之馬湘蘭傳 [A Biography of Ma Xianglan]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 甘草儿 - 甘草兒 - Gancaoer
- Length: 9 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
她似空谷幽兰,吐芳于世,虽是青楼女子,但为人豪爽、个性十足,戏弄魏忠贤,闭门等雅登,哪怕是现代的女子也不见得敢这样随性而为!…… 她似空谷幽蘭,吐芳於世,雖是青樓女子,但為人豪爽、個性十足,戲弄魏忠賢,閉門等雅登,哪怕是現代的女子也不見得敢這樣隨性而為!
秦淮八艳之马湘兰传 - 秦淮八豔之馬湘蘭傳 [A Biography of Ma Xianglan]
- Narrated by: 甘草儿 - 甘草兒 - Gancaoer
- Length: 9 hrs and 28 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $16.57 or 1 credit
Book 2
秦淮八艳之董小宛传 - 秦淮八豔之董小宛傳 [A Biography of Dong Xiaowan]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 扇轻摇 - 扇輕搖 - Shanqingyao
- Length: 7 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
她,幼年幸福却又坠入红楼。她,聪明伶俐,满腹才情。她,勇敢追求自己的幸福,不惧外界流言。我会告诉你,她就是“千古第一贤妾”董小宛吗?…… 她,幼年幸福卻又墜入紅樓。她,聰明伶俐,滿腹才情。她,勇敢追求自己的幸福,不懼外界流言。我會告訴你,她就是「千古第一賢妾」董小宛嗎?
秦淮八艳之董小宛传 - 秦淮八豔之董小宛傳 [A Biography of Dong Xiaowan]
- Narrated by: 扇轻摇 - 扇輕搖 - Shanqingyao
- Length: 7 hrs and 27 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $13.07 or 1 credit
Book 3
秦淮八艳之柳如是传 - 秦淮八豔之柳如是傳 [A Biography of Liu Rushi]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 静静猫 - 靜靜貓 - Jingjingmao
- Length: 9 hrs and 48 mins
- Unabridged
她用一生演绎曲折离奇的血泪史,真相扑朔迷离令人肝肠寸断。她主张男女平等,关心大事;她敢爱敢恨、黑白分明,这注定是一个传奇女子的故事。…… 她用一生演繹曲折離奇的血淚史,真相撲朔迷離令人肝腸寸斷。她主張男女平等,關心大事;她敢愛敢恨、黑白分明,這註定是一個傳奇女子的故事。
秦淮八艳之柳如是传 - 秦淮八豔之柳如是傳 [A Biography of Liu Rushi]
- Narrated by: 静静猫 - 靜靜貓 - Jingjingmao
- Length: 9 hrs and 48 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $17.21 or 1 credit
Book 4
秦淮八艳之卞玉京传 - 秦淮八豔之卞玉京傳 [A Biography of Bian Yujing]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 镜子 - 鏡子 - Jingzi
- Length: 7 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
她自幼聪敏过人,却因家中变故堕入风尘。她满腹才华,却终是秦淮河畔一抹香魂。她的才、她的情,都将留芳千古!…… 她自幼聰敏過人,卻因家中變故墮入風塵。她滿腹才華,卻終是秦淮河畔一抹香魂。她的才、她的情,都將留芳千古!
秦淮八艳之卞玉京传 - 秦淮八豔之卞玉京傳 [A Biography of Bian Yujing]
- Narrated by: 镜子 - 鏡子 - Jingzi
- Length: 7 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $13.15 or 1 credit
Book 5
秦淮八艳之陈圆圆传 - 秦淮八豔之陳圓圓傳 [A Biography of Chen Yuanyuan]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 雨诺 - 雨諾 - Yunuo
- Length: 7 hrs and 51 mins
- Unabridged
她只想安安稳稳地做一个相夫教子的传统女性,结果却因为长相过于出众,造成了自己一生浮尘。生于乱世,身若浮萍,半点不由己。…… 她只想安安穩穩地做一個相夫教子的傳統女性,結果卻因為長相過於出眾,造成了自己一生浮塵。生於亂世,身若浮萍,半點不由己。
秦淮八艳之陈圆圆传 - 秦淮八豔之陳圓圓傳 [A Biography of Chen Yuanyuan]
- Narrated by: 雨诺 - 雨諾 - Yunuo
- Length: 7 hrs and 51 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $13.80 or 1 credit
Book 6
秦淮八艳之李香君传 - 秦淮八豔之李香君傳 [A Biography of Li Xiangjun]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 脉脉含情 - 脈脈含情 - Momohanqing
- Length: 8 hrs and 15 mins
- Unabridged
她,本是将门之女,一朝艳绝秦淮成了媚香楼头牌花魁。他,出身高姓巨族,凭着英才豪气闯荡天下。本是才子佳人的故事,终究是以悲剧收场,想来最动人心弦的,莫过于遗憾了…… 她,本是將門之女,一朝豔絕秦淮成了媚香樓頭牌花魁。他,出身高姓巨族,憑著英才豪氣闖蕩天下。本是才子佳人的故事,終究是以悲劇收場,想來最動人心弦的,莫過於遺憾了……
秦淮八艳之李香君传 - 秦淮八豔之李香君傳 [A Biography of Li Xiangjun]
- Narrated by: 脉脉含情 - 脈脈含情 - Momohanqing
- Length: 8 hrs and 15 mins
- Release date: 11-07-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $14.47 or 1 credit
Book 7
秦淮八艳之寇白门传 - 秦淮八豔之寇白門傳 [A Biography of Kou Baimen]
- By: 芴香初 - 芴香初 - Wuxiangchu
- Narrated by: 一弯水月 - 一彎水月 - Yiwanshuiyue
- Length: 7 hrs and 15 mins
- Unabridged
秦淮八艳之寇白门传 - 秦淮八豔之寇白門傳 [A Biography of Kou Baimen]
- Narrated by: 一弯水月 - 一彎水月 - Yiwanshuiyue
- Length: 7 hrs and 15 mins
- Release date: 02-12-18
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Sale price: $12.72 or 1 credit
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