
  • How Fast Can A Poodle Run
    Dec 21 2022
    How Fast Can A Poodle Run?
    The Poodle is a breed of dog initially bred in Germany as a water retriever and keeps flocks of geese and ducks safe from predators. The term Poodle comes from the German pudel, meaning “to splash in the water.” The French word Caniche, meaning “duck dog,” refers to retrieving ducks. The breed is often called “Gentleman’s Dog” because it was used as a water retriever.
    The Poodle is a compact, square-bodied dog with distinctive features such as a curly coat and a fantastic ability to run fast! Poodles are very athletic and energetic. As long as you give them plenty of exercise (running, swimming, or playing fetch), they will be happy dogs who love their owners unconditionally. The Poodle has a lot of energy and can be trained to compete in dog sports such as agility, obedience, tracking, and others.
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    2 mins
  • Poodle Tails To Dock or Leave Naturally
    Dec 21 2022
    Poodles look more or less the same across the world, with one big difference: Some countries dock the tails while others leave them natural. Why is docking done? Should you choose to have your Poodle’s tail docked? Should you dock the tails on Poodle mixes? Today we talk everything about tail-related!
    Why Do Poodles Get Their Tails Docked?
    The reasons for tail docking are purely cosmetic. There is no physical benefit for the dog in having a docked tail. The AKC does not permit Poodles with natural tails to be shown, so owners of show dogs dock their dogs’ tails in order to be able to participate in dog shows.
    At this point many Poodles get their tails docked simply because “it has always been done this way”. It is important to evaluate if there is really any point in docking the Poodle’s tail – especially for pet dogs there is no reason to do it.
    Docked Tail In Pet & Sports Dogs
    If you want to keep your Poodle as a companion animal or you do dog sports with him, consider picking a dog with a natural tail. For dog sports such as agility or dock diving it is actually an advantage if your dog has his tail – he will use it like a rudder for keeping balance, jumping and making tight turns. Below is a picture of a Poodle skillfully using his tail to run across a narrow dogwalk.
    If you pick a type of Poodle that will not be a show dog, such as the Parti Poodle or a mix like the Bernedoodle, there is also no reason to not leave the tail intact!
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    2 mins
  • Mastidoodle Dog Breed Info: Mastiff Poodle Mix
    Dec 20 2022
    Mastidoodle Dog Breed Info: Mastiff Poodle Mix
    The Mastidoodle is the beautiful bundle of joy, created by his purebred parents, the Mastiff, and the Poodle. If you are looking for a living and breathing larger-than-life teddy bear, this is the best pooch for the job.
    His parents are very different from one another, but together, they have created a designer doggy who is well-balanced, polite, fun, and sweet. He gets along with other dogs, and he is suited to families with young children, and very adaptable.
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    2 mins
  • Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds
    Dec 19 2022
    10 Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds
    Today, dogfighting is illegal in most developed countries and considered animal cruelty with huge penalties and even jail time for the owner.
    Where it remains legal, the blood sport of dogfighting is divided into categories:
    Street fighting
    In parts of the Russian Federation and Japan, dogfighting remains a legal sport.
    Elsewhere, even if it's officially unlawful to organize dogfighting events, the law turns a blind eye on it in Latin America, Pakistan, some Eastern European countries.
    It's even occasionally spotted in the U.S. and the U.K.
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    2 mins
  • Free King Charles Cavalier Puppies Near Me
    Dec 18 2022
    Free King Charles Cavalier Puppies Near Me
    You’ve come to the right place if you’re searching for free King Charles Cavalier puppies. Cavalier King Charles are adorable with their doe eyes and gentle expression. These loyal pets make excellent family dogs and will surprise you with their affection, intelligence, and calm demeanor. Is it possible to find free King Charles Cavalier puppies? Read on to learn more about your options if you want to adopt a purebred dog.
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  • Best Dog Food for German Shepherds
    Dec 12 2022
    If you have a German Shepherd, you know that these are very active dogs that require high-quality, protein-rich food in order to have their nutritional needs met. Because of the sheer number of options available on the market, selecting a dog food that will work for you and your German Shepherd can feel overwhelming. In the following reviews, we break down six of our picks for German Shepherds, including pros and cons for each one. We hope that our guide helps you learn more about these options so that you can decide what makes the most sense for your dog and your budget.
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    2 mins
  • 10 Best Dog Foods for French Bulldogs with Gas
    Dec 11 2022
    We adore our French Bulldogs, but we adore them a bit less when they turn into little gas factories. It’s smelly for us, and it probably isn’t too fun for them either. But what can you do but endure it?

    For starters, you can try giving them a dog food that will help reduce the occurrences of gassiness. Because Frenchies are more prone to food allergies and gastrointestinal issues, foods made for sensitive stomachs, contain limited ingredients, or were made with gut health in mind can be helpful. There are a wealth of foods out there that offer these, though, so how will you decide which one is the one for your pup?
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    2 mins
  • 10 Best Dog Foods for Allergies in 2022
    Dec 8 2022
    There are a few reasons. First, if your dog has allergies, he may have sensitivities to certain ingredients in his food. Second, the best dog food for dogs with allergies will be free of any potential allergens.

    And third, the best dog food for dogs with allergies will be packed with nutrients that can help to support your dog's immune system.

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    2 mins