
  • 72. technology helpers for piano teachers
    May 31 2024

    In this episode I tackle tech! Sharing the very few technologies I have braved figuring out to help make life easier as a piano teacher, and bring in some educational fun! I also enlisted the help of my friend Wendy Brewster, a fabulous piano teacher with a knack for apps. I share some of her favorites as well. Enjoy and happy teaching AND happy tech-ing!


    note rush

    getasitegoing.com use code Angela365

    MyMusicStaff use this link for a free month!

    flash note derby



    rhythm swing



    piano maestro



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    23 mins
  • 71. Pro Tips with Patricia Kelsey Graham
    May 23 2024

    This sweet, warm, kind, musical, dedicated, creative Grandma-lady was my piano teacher through all my elementary years. She's been teaching since 1962, and has 16 studeents to this day!

    You'll hear how she started paying her aunt Mabel 50 cents for each piano lesson, to all these years later and the students she calls "music friends" that have made her life full and sweet.

    Talk about a mom job, she has done all of this while raising 6 of her own children.

    She shares a few more than 3 prime tips for beginning piano teachers

    Here are some things she taught me:

    -sandwich the constructive between the compliment

    -have a solo recital when students finish a book

    -group classes were called "piano parties"

    -be creative and always try something new

    -the two piano book with Classical pieces we referenced is Favorite Classics accompaniment by Lancaster and Renfrow

    Don't miss my interview with Pat Graham


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    43 mins
  • 70. "play" money
    May 17 2024

    Make extra money--->teaching children to play--->

    Play games to teach---->children play to learn--->

    Play with children--->while making money--->

    Make money to play more with your own children--->

    Be there as mom of your own children--->while helping other children--->

    Play the piano--->and you get to play with them!

    This is an excerpt from this week's "why I teach wednesday" email, and in this week's podcast I expand and explain with a multi-level "play" on words

    sign up for "why I teach wednesday"

    how I teach a first lesson free video demonstration masterclasses and courses


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    19 mins
  • 69. "growing" money
    May 9 2024

    Another one of my hobbies is gardening, but for aliving I’m growing piano students.

    Think for a minute of what you are growing as a piano teacher. Not only students getting taller than their teacher, but they are growing in knowledge week in and week out, month after month, recital after recital. Growing in their abilities to play more and more complex and beautiful pieces, having varied experiences, and making new friends.

    AND your income can grow and grow to move the needle of your financial goals, increase memories with your own family, and go into your own personal growth.

    So teaching piano is not just a job, it’s money for growth. Growing students, improving piano teachers, and increasing your income at the same time.

    Grow your knowledge of piano teaching with my courses at angelatoone.com

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    11 mins
  • 68. teaching piano = freedom
    Apr 30 2024

    Teaching piano has given me freedom in the following ways:

    1. As a creative person

    2. As a mom

    3. As a saver

    4. And as a professional

    I explain how teaching piano has given me freedom of creative expression, freedom of flexibility, freedom to finally be able to pay for stuff, and expand my mind and friendships

    ...just to name a few...

    Only 4 spots left for the piano teacher primer LIVE, 4 weeks to either jump start or upgrade your piano studio with specialized help from an expert!

    piano teacher primer LIVE

    Starts Thursday May 2

    also check out episode 39


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    23 mins
  • 67. not teaching piano yet? start here
    Apr 24 2024

    Curious about sharing your love for music?

    Thought about teaching piano but unsure where to begin?

    This podcast episode is the perfect starting point!

    Come along as we unravel the secrets to successful piano teaching, from finding your teaching style to building a thriving student base.

    Let's turn your passion for music into a rewarding career together!"

    ⁠how I teach free video demonstration⁠

    How to Find Piano Students FREE Masterclass

    Listen to these podcasts next:

    3 to-dos before starting to teach piano

    teaching the musical alphabet

    landmarks and intervals...this is the way!

    3 ways to teach rhythm...you choose the way!



    Show more Show less
    13 mins
  • 66. Success Stories
    Apr 17 2024

    Some more piano teaching success stories comin at ya, but instead of from my own students, we have 3 of my clients. Piano teacher successes happening all over the country! From Utah to Kentucky to Georgia. They share a bit about their different studios, how they run things, and some things that have helped them along the way.

    Renee is a former schoolteacher, teaching piano is her retirement plan.

    Kirsten teaches in students' homes through the Volz system.

    And Kelsey teaches at a private school after school hours.

    So fun to hear different teaching circumstances as a bonus to this episode.

    So enjoy hearing from Renee, Kirsten, and Kelsey.


    piano teacher primer course

    angela's courses

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    38 mins
  • 65. Success Students
    Apr 9 2024

    On this episode I mini-interview 2 of my actual students one current and one past: Mary and Tyler.

    They each have overcome a lot to be able to perform as well as they do. They share what has been helpful as they've learned to manage performance anxiety.

    Check out my next masterclass "Performance without Anxiety" Where I can teach you teachers what I taught them, and so much more!

    Performance without Anxiety Masterclass

    Memorization Mastery Replay


    piano teacher primer course

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    13 mins