
  • Preview #258 - Intentions, Plans & Flow
    Jun 24 2024

    Join us for a sneak peek into our next conversation! This preview is a glimpse into the heart of the upcoming episode, giving you a feel for the topic we dove into. If you're finding this snippet interesting, consider joining us for the full episode. These short preview clips are our way of sharing a friendly heads-up about what's coming up in our latest podcast episode.

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    1 min
  • WOTA #257 - Playing to Win
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, we delve into what it truly means to "play to win." Building on themes from our previous episode, "Choosing to Care," we explore the standards we set for ourselves, the expectations we hold, and the drive to exceed our limits. This conversation focuses on pursuing excellence with a balanced perspective, turning challenges into opportunities, and embracing the journey with a sense of playfulness and commitment.

    Key Points:

    • Defining Standards: Discover how setting high standards for yourself can drive growth and achievement, while understanding the importance of maintaining balance and perspective.

    • Reframing Winning: Learn to redefine what it means to win, focusing not just on results but on the effort, dedication, and growth that come from fully committing to your endeavors.

    • Inner Honesty: Explore the concept of inner honesty—evaluating your true potential and capabilities, and pushing beyond perceived limits to see what you’re truly capable of.

    • Embracing Challenges: Understand how to face challenges with resilience, viewing setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

    • Commitment and Excellence: Delve into the importance of commitment—not just to winning, but to mastering your craft, showing up for yourself and others, and giving your best effort in all you do.

    • Playing with Joy: Remember the importance of enjoying the process. Treat your pursuits as a game you "get" to play, embracing the fun and excitement that comes with full engagement and dedication.

    Join us for an insightful discussion that encourages you to push your boundaries, embrace the journey with joy, and truly play to win in all aspects of life.

    -- (Photo by Michael Starkie on Unsplash)

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    42 mins
  • Preview #257 - Playing to Win
    Jun 17 2024

    Join us for a sneak peek into our next conversation! This preview is a glimpse into the heart of the upcoming episode, giving you a feel for the topic we dove into. If you're finding this snippet interesting, consider joining us for the full episode. These short preview clips are our way of sharing a friendly heads-up about what's coming up in our latest podcast episode.

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    2 mins
  • WOTA #256 - Choosing to Care
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode, we explore the dynamics of feminine and masculine energy in art and how they can harmonize to enhance our creative expression. From embracing emotions to finding the courage to prioritize what truly matters, we delve into the transformative power of caring deeply while maintaining authenticity and resilience.

    Key Points:

    • Balancing Feminine and Masculine Energy: Discover how integrating feminine and masculine energies in art can unlock creativity and foster a more holistic approach to self-expression.

    • Embracing Emotions: Explore the importance of embracing vulnerability and allowing ourselves to care deeply about the aspects of life and art that resonate with us.

    • Cultivating Courage: Learn strategies for summoning the courage to pursue our passions and aspirations, even in the face of fear and uncertainty.

    • Playing to Win with Sincerity: Understand the balance between striving for excellence and detachment from outcomes, allowing us to bring our best selves to our endeavours without becoming overly attached to specific results.

    • Embracing Vulnerability: Embrace vulnerability as a pathway to self-discovery and authentic expression, empowering us to break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace our true selves.

    Join us for a thought-provoking discussion infused with passion, directness, and compassion as we navigate the complexities of caring deeply, pursuing our passions, and embracing vulnerability on the journey to self-realization and creative fulfillment.

    -- (Photo by Filipe Almeida on Unsplash)

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    38 mins
  • Preview #256 - Choosing to Care
    Jun 10 2024

    Join us for a sneak peek into our next conversation! This preview is a glimpse into the heart of the upcoming episode, giving you a feel for the topic we dove into. If you're finding this snippet interesting, consider joining us for the full episode. These short preview clips are our way of sharing a friendly heads-up about what's coming up in our latest podcast episode.

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    2 mins
  • WOTA #255 - What Comes With Passion
    Jun 5 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the journey of pursuing your passion in life, exploring the fulfillment, challenges, and growth that accompany such a pursuit. From navigating obstacles to discovering authenticity, we uncover the transformative nature of embracing your passions.

    Key Insights:

    • Embracing Fulfillment: Understand how pursuing your passion can lead to a profound sense of fulfillment, joy, and purpose in life.

    • Confronting Challenges: Explore the obstacles, setbacks, and difficulties inherent in stepping out of your comfort zone and pursuing your passions.

    • Navigating Growth: Learn how the journey of passion requires personal growth and evolution, challenging you to become more than you are at the present moment.

    • Facing Fear of the Unknown: Confront the fear and uncertainty associated with venturing into uncharted territory, and embrace the excitement of exploring new possibilities.

    • Developing Resilience and Courage: Discover the importance of cultivating resilience, patience, and courage as you navigate the highs and lows of pursuing your passion.

    • Finding Authenticity: Delve into the process of uncovering your authentic self, shedding limiting beliefs, and embracing vulnerability on the path to realizing your passions.

    Join us for a deep dive into the complexities of pursuing your passion, as we offer insights, guidance, and encouragement to embark on your own transformative journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.

    -- (Photo by Hem Poudyal on Unsplash)

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • Preview #255 - What Comes With Passion
    Jun 3 2024

    Join us for a sneak peek into our next conversation! This preview is a glimpse into the heart of the upcoming episode, giving you a feel for the topic we dove into. If you're finding this snippet interesting, consider joining us for the full episode. These short preview clips are our way of sharing a friendly heads-up about what's coming up in our latest podcast episode.

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    2 mins
  • WOTA #254 - When There's No Room to Think
    May 30 2024

    In this episode, we explore how overthinking can hinder our ability to perform and be authentic. By learning to trust ourselves and embrace confidence, we can show up in the moment with ease and flow, overcoming doubt and fear.

    Key Insights:

    • The Pitfall of Overthinking: Understand how excessive thinking is an attempt to control situations, leading to clunky and inauthentic behaviour.

    • Trusting Your Instincts: Discover the importance of relying on your instincts and abilities, allowing yourself to be present and responsive without overanalyzing.

    • Building Confidence: Learn strategies to develop a strong sense of confidence, enabling you to navigate moments of doubt and fear with grace.

    • Overcoming Self-Doubt: Explore techniques to confront and overcome feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, preventing them from sabotaging your performance.

    • Embracing Authenticity: Emphasize the value of authenticity, showing up as your true self and allowing your natural abilities to shine through.

    Join us for a conversation on silencing the overactive mind, building self-confidence, and unlocking your potential to be your best self in any situation.

    -- (Photo by Mounir Abdi on Unsplash)

    ...And if you're loving the show, don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button, SHARE IT with your friends, and VISIT OUR WEBSITE for even more content!


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    1 hr and 22 mins