• The Most Important Manifestation Metric: RO-You
    Feb 24 2024

    Oouuufff, if you have been investing your time, energy and even your money into your manifestations but feel stuck... this one is for you! This episode will help to quantum activate the returns that seem to be in the vibrational holding center, so dive ears first into this magic and if you love it then rate the show and leave a review.

    Love & Gratitude,
    Gi Gi

    ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️

    YouTube @thefrequencymatchmaker
    Instagram @gigiobrienofficial

    Start manifesting today with the Velocity Manifestation Bundle

    For full life transformation and manifestation mastery go all in and get inside The Manifesting Accelerator

    Dip your toe into my universe and check out the free resources inside gii Academy

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    31 mins
  • Manifest Using The 222 Portal
    Feb 10 2024

    What the duality?

    Yes, you got that right there is a massive theme of all things slingshots and boomerangs and this episode breaks down exactly how you are going to turn what could be a shit show into your greatest manifestation success!

    Lets dive into the deep end of all things law of polarity, the uncomfortable necessity of contrast and how to actually find not just balance, but harmony in your life when it feels like its spinning sideways.

    This one is JUICY, happy listening!

    Watch the full video now.

    ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️

    YouTube @thefrequencymatchmaker
    Instagram @gigiobrienofficial

    Start manifesting today with the Velocity Manifestation Bundle

    For full life transformation and manifestation mastery go all in and get inside The Manifesting Accelerator

    Dip your toe into my universe and check out the free resources inside gii Academy

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    22 mins
  • SMART Manifesting vs Goal Setting
    Jan 26 2024

    Welcome back divine being of all things glorious!

    This episode is a banger, because you are going to start to understand vision and your motivation in a way that may just catapult you into a quantum leap. SMART Manifesting is leveraging the universe in ways that overcome the limitations of traditional goal setting.

    Dive in, indulge and I cannot wait to hear what resonated with you!

    Love & Gratitude,
    Gi Gi

    ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️

    The SMART Manifesting Method
    in a nutshell:

    • specify the vision
    • magnetize motivation
    • activate aligned action
    • reflect and find revelation to frequency tune
    • and trust in divine timing

    The SMART Manifesting Method is part of the Velocity Manifestation Membership and thats just one of the game-changing resources included, we go deep, so you get all the templates, cheatsheets, and subconscious reprogramming meditations necessary to manifest like a pro...with a soul-aligned supportive community... and monthly Empowerment Calls.

    Yes, its that good, I dare say the best private Manifestation community on the planet!

    If you want to learn more about this exclusive experience to optimize your manifesting abilities just DM me the word "SMART" on Instagram so we can connect & vibe on making your dreams come alive.

    Gallup Study

    ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️

    YouTube @thefrequencymatchmaker

    Start manifesting today with the Velocity Manifestation Bundle

    For full life transformation and manifestation mastery go all in and get inside The Manifesting Accelerator

    Dip your toe into my universe and check out the free resources inside gii Academy

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    29 mins
  • Your Life & My Wild Manifestation Philosophy
    Jan 19 2024

    Welcome you insanely amazing human!

    In this first ever episode I speak from the soul on what manifestation is, the misleading trends and what it isn't, and a little dose of soul activating wisdom to align with your true POWER.

    Join me on the frequency of your dreams so you can start living them.

    Press play, it's time to vibe with everything you were destined for!

    ⚜️ ⚜️ ⚜️

    Follow Gi Gi on YouTube @thefrequencymatchmaker: https://www.youtube.com/@thefrequencymatchmaker

    Follow Gi Gi on Instagram @gigiobrienofficial: https://www.instagram.com/gigiobrienofficial/

    Start manifesting today with the Velocity Manifestation Bundle: https://gii.academy/gii8ff-manifestation-velocity-bundle

    For full life transformation and manifestation mastery go all in and get inside The Manifesting Accelerator: https://gii.academy/gii8ff-manifesting-accelerator

    Dip your toe into my universe and check out the free resources inside gii Academy: https://gii.academy/manifestation-gii8ff-free

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    19 mins