• E26: How young people can get onto the property ladder NOW as the gap increases.
    Jun 3 2024


    This is Brett Mifsud, who spent the best part of a decade working in corporate, slowly chipping away building wealth that no one could see.

    “I ate ramen noodles & drove a shit bucket for years”

    Over a decade, has accumulated a portfolio of $7.5 Million in property!

    THIS is the side-hustle that will make you rich but all centres around time in the market.

    But what about now?

    As the gap increases and the opportunity to buy properties gets harder, how can you even get your foot in the door?

    We talk about how to get your first property, why your first property is always the hardest, how you can leverage the first to purchase the second, how properties can be subdivided to double your investment and if Brett had to start all over again…would he go into property investing or starting a business.

    This is your one stop shop for wealth creation knowledge!

    Let’s get Unemployable!

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    1 hr and 39 mins
  • E25: The simple idea that has raised $46M in funding and earned 9M customers so far!
    May 27 2024

    Canva, Uber, Google, Disney, DuoLingo, TikTok, Netflix… What do all these brands have in common?

    They are all customers of today’s remarkable guest, Nattu Adnan the creator of LottieFiles - Your lightweight high quality motion file which is taking the world by storm (and you’ve probably never heard of it!)

    But if you’ve liked a message on FB, Loved a video on Youtube or sent someone a share on Instagram, it’s more than likely a Lottiefile

    Adnan, a Maldivian who stands by the ethos “Motion is emotion’ and with a group of problem solvers created a brand new file format solving a problem most people never even knew about.

    With its lossless quality, tiny size & fast usage It’s only a matter of time before EVERYONE is using LottieFiles.

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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • E24: The $530M Microsoft patent dispute that changed this Aussie inventor's life.
    May 20 2024

    Ric Richardson, one of Australia's least-known but most successful inventors tells the incredible tale of how he patented a very clever piece of intellectual property that awarded him $530m dollar after Microsoft breached his patent.

    The inventor of multiple inventions who has over 2.5 billion computers with his fingerprints on, shows that even with all the success he’s a humble down to earth Aussie spirit who embodies the mindset that if you “always take a chance” you’ll never lead a life of regret.

    And if that doesn’t interest you the story at the end WILL blow your mind.

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    2 hrs and 6 mins
  • E23: $5.8M With ZERO Spent On Marketing In Just 18 Weeks
    May 13 2024

    What happens when you take away ego, know your core audience, find a new angle in an already huge market, and contact the right people?

    Congratulations! You may have just created a multi 7 figure business in just 18 weeks!

    Meet Nikki - a serial entrepreneur who zigged when everyone zagged and figured out that mental health and wellness were ready for disruption by creating the brand Mentwell to be the catalyst.

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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • E22: “There’s 10M Amazon stores in the US but less than 10,000 TikTok stores - and they’re BOOMING”
    May 6 2024

    What if we told you that the best ads don’t look like ads, you have 3 seconds to get someone's attention & TikTok Stores are the next best thing since Amazon?

    THIS is your short form content mastery session with Rafay MH, a former Primary School teacher turned TikTok Genius who WILL change your mind on how you see short form socials and the potential it can have on your Ecommerce business.

    You could say it’s even like starting an Amazon business on the ground level.

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    1 hr and 41 mins
  • E21: $12M/yr Success Story: Learn How These Founders Combined Spirituality & Business.
    Apr 29 2024

    David and Brad of MannaVitality, local Aussies on a spiritual journey to escape the rat race, found success with a product known as "black gold."

    We talk on how their journey took them from finding a single product that grew to a million dollars in monthly revenue in under a year and the practical aspects of their business strategy that propelled their growth, as well as the deeper emotional challenges they faced.

    Then we explore how they maintained their integrity in the modern attention economy, balancing commercial success with personal fulfillment.

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    1 hr and 45 mins
  • E20: This Is How You Run Profitable Ads On Facebook & Google
    Apr 22 2024

    This episode is going to be an absolute marketing class, get a pen and paper ready for this! We have Dan Turner, a traffic generation expert, who spends over $15M a year on paid ads, for both Google and Facebook, generating $250M in returns. Dan will break down how he is able to get more consistent wins, principles that you can take and apply to your own businesses today!

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    1 hr and 48 mins
  • E19: Real Estate Expert: “I Am Against Putting A House Up For Auction” - Chris Gilmour
    Apr 15 2024

    Chris Gilmour is a seasoned Real Estate agent, coming straight out of Queensland who is the owner of All Properties Group. He has won multiple awards, as the best real estate agent in Queensland grossing 6 million a year in commissions, is a major sponsor of the Brisbane Bullets, and has his own F3 racing team!

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    1 hr and 16 mins