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Thinking Big Podcast

By: Sean Osborn
  • Summary

  • The Thinking Big Podcast is a podcast dedicated to helping career professionals and entrepreneurs see their next level. Each week, host Sean Osborn talks about entrepreneur technologies, the entrepreneur mindset, and interviewing successful entrepreneurs about their journey to success. Sean then breaks down the key takeaways from the interview so that you can apply what you've learned to your own businesses. The Thinking Big Podcast has something for everyone, whether you're just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey or you've been at it for years. If you're looking for actionable advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips, this is the podcast for you. So tune in, subscribe, and tell your friends all about the Thinking Big Podcast! We appreciate your support as we continue our quest to help as many entrepreneurs as possible start Thinking Big about their big dreams.
    Sean Osborn 2019
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  • The Power of Persistence: Think And Grow Rich Step 8 in 10 Minutes
    Jun 18 2024

    This episode is sponsored by:

    Welcome back, amazing listeners! In this electrifying episode, Sean Osborn dives deep into the eighth step from Napoleon Hill’s legendary book, Think and Grow Rich — Persistence. This is your ultimate guide to transforming wavering willpower into an unshakable force of nature, ensuring your dreams turn into reality.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Introduction to Persistence:

      • Understanding why 98% of people fail to achieve their dreams.
      • The key difference between the successful 2% and the rest.
    • The Secret Sauce of Success:

      • How persistence acts as the relentless drive to keep moving forward despite obstacles.
      • Napoleon Hill’s view: “Persistence is to the character of man as carbon is to steel.”
    • Real-Life Examples:

      • Stories of historical figures like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Edison, and Ford.
      • Their unwavering persistence that set them apart from others.
    • Developing Persistence:

      • The four simple steps outlined by Napoleon Hill:
        1. Definite purpose backed by a burning desire.
        2. A concrete plan acted upon daily.
        3. Closing your mind against negative influences.
        4. Friendly alliances that encourage and support you.
    • Actionable Steps to Boost Persistence:

      • Making an irreversible decision to succeed.
      • Inventory of life and environment to eliminate negative influences.
      • Bold, massive actions every day towards your dreams.
      • Embracing failures as testing grounds for greater success.

    Key Quotes:

    • “Persistence is the secret sauce that turns your dreams into realities.”
    • “Your ability to persist in the face of failure, rejection, and opposition will determine what you achieve and who you become.”
    • “Tattoo the word persistence into your mind and soul. Let it become your guiding force and most cherished value.”

    Connect with Sean:

    Start taking massive, persistent action today. Refuse to stop until you achieve your goals. When you do, share your story with Sean — your biggest fan — and inspire others with your success.

    Subscribe and Review: If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback helps us continue delivering impactful content to help you think big and live even bigger.

    Thank You for Listening: I appreciate your support and dedication to personal growth. Keep pushing forward, and remember — you have the power to achieve greatness through persistence.

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    12 mins
  • Master the Art of Decision Making: Think and Grow Rich Step 7
    Jun 2 2024
    This episode is sponsored by: Welcome back to another power-packed episode of the Thinking Big Podcast. I'm your host, Sean Osborn, and today we're diving into Step Seven of Napoleon Hill's classic, Think and Grow Rich. This step is all about mastering decision-making and kicking procrastination to the curb. If you missed Steps One through Six, be sure to catch up because each step builds on the last, and trust me, you don't want to miss any of it. The Crossroads of Decision Picture this: you're standing at a crossroads. One path leads to success, the other to stagnation. The only thing standing between you and your dreams is a decision. Sounds dramatic, right? But that's exactly what Napoleon Hill emphasizes in Step Seven. He starts with a powerful statement: "Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of failure." The Enemy of Procrastination Procrastination, the nemesis of decision, is an enemy we must all conquer. Successful people are decisive. They make decisions promptly and change them very slowly, if at all. How often do you find yourself stuck in analysis paralysis, waiting for the perfect moment that never comes? We've all been there, waiting for the stars to align perfectly before we make a move. Take Henry Ford, for instance. One of his most outstanding qualities was his decisiveness. Despite advice to change the Model T, he stuck with it, and that decision yielded massive success. Sure, he might have been a bit obstinate, but his firmness paid off. It's far better to be decisively obstinate than wishy-washy and ineffective. Opinions are Cheap In today's world, we're bombarded with information and opinions from social media, news outlets, and even our close friends and family. Hill warns us against being influenced by the opinions of others, calling them "the cheapest commodity on earth." If you let them dictate your decisions, you'll never succeed. The Power of Now Procrastination is the polar opposite of decision. We've all put off tasks, delayed decisions, and waited for the right time. But here's the cold, hard truth: there is no right time. There is only now. When should you start? Now. When should you do it? Now. Not tomorrow. Start now. Do it now. The only time you have is right now. Hill gives us powerful examples of decisive actions that shaped history, like Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Socrates choosing to drink poison rather than compromise his beliefs, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. These were courageous leaps of faith that changed the course of history. Building the Decision-Making Muscle Every choice you make shapes your future. The ability to decide quickly and firmly is a muscle you need to build. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets. Hill provides timeless advice: Keep your own counsel: When making decisions, seek facts and information quietly. Be selective about whom you confide in.Listen more, talk less: People who talk too much often miss opportunities to accumulate useful knowledge.Commit to your decisions: Once you decide, stick to it. Change your decisions very slowly, if at all. Practical Tips for Decision Making Set deadlines for yourself to prevent procrastination. Weigh the pros and cons to make the decision-making process more structured. Trust your gut. Often, our instincts are more reliable than we give ourselves credit for. I'd rather trust my gut, take action, and learn from it if it's wrong than procrastinate and make no decision at all. In our age of information overload, it's easy to get lost in endless research. At some point, you have to pull the trigger. Or as my dad used to say, "Sean, you need to shit or get off the pot." Embracing Risk and Learning from Failure Every significant decision comes with risk. Evaluate them, but don't let them paralyze you. Not every decision will be a home run. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. Build a support system. Surround yourself with a mastermind group that provides valuable feedback and encouragement. In modern life, courage and decision-making might mean starting that new business, leaving a secure job for a more fulfilling path, or making a lifestyle change for better health. These decisions require guts and courage, but they can lead to extraordinary outcomes. Be Crystal Clear and Expect Success Define your goals clearly. Plan strategically by breaking down your goals into actionable steps. Approach your decisions with a success mindset. Expecting positive outcomes increases your chances of achieving them. Think about your career. Are you in a job because you chose it, or did you just fall into it? Make a definite decision about where you want to be and take actionable steps toward it. Decisiveness can open doors you never thought possible. Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching https://...
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    12 mins
  • Elevate Your Audio & Video Game with Guest Jason Belisha: From Amateur to Pro
    May 27 2024

    This episode is sponsored by:

    Welcome to another exciting episode of the Thinking Big Podcast! Today, we're diving deep into the world of audio and video production with our special guest, Jason. Jason is a seasoned entrepreneur and course creator with a background in the arts. He's here to share his journey and offer invaluable insights into improving your content creation game, specifically focusing on audio and video setup.

    Big Ideas:

    1. From Artist to Entrepreneur:

      • Jason's unique journey from being a professional drummer and sculptor to a successful course creator.
      • How his artistic background fuels his entrepreneurial ventures, emphasizing the importance of creativity in business.
      • Key takeaway: Embrace your artistic side to think outside the box and bring innovation to your entrepreneurial efforts.
    2. The Power of Effort and Presentation:

      • The importance of putting effort into your appearance and presentation when creating content.
      • How showing effort can significantly enhance your credibility and authority in the eyes of your audience.
      • Key takeaway: Effort and presentation are crucial in establishing trust and authority with your audience.
    3. Creating High-Quality Content:

      • The significance of high-quality audio and video in content creation.
      • Why investing in good lighting and sound equipment can make a huge difference.
      • Key takeaway: Quality content is non-negotiable. Good lighting and sound can transform your content from amateur to professional.
    4. Jason's Course on Audio and Video Setup:

      • Overview of Jason's comprehensive course designed to help entrepreneurs improve their audio and video quality.
      • The course includes budget-friendly tips and strategies for setting up a professional-looking and sounding content studio.
      • Key takeaway: With the right guidance and tools, you can achieve professional-quality content without breaking the bank.
    5. Teleprompters and Authenticity:

      • Jason’s advocacy for using teleprompters to maintain eye contact and enhance the authenticity of your presentations.
      • Techniques to use teleprompters effectively without sounding robotic.
      • Key takeaway: Teleprompters can help you maintain a connection with your audience while ensuring you stay on message.
    6. The Role of Lighting and Audio:

      • Detailed discussion on the importance of lighting and how it impacts video quality.
      • Tips for improving audio quality, including microphone selection and room acoustics.
      • Key takeaway: Lighting and audio are foundational to creating engaging and professional content.
    7. Entrepreneurial Mindset and Course Creation:

      • The entrepreneurial mindset required to create and market successful online courses.
      • How to leverage your unique skills and knowledge to help others and create a sustainable income stream.
      • Key takeaway: Anyone can create a successful online course with the right mindset and dedication.

    Links and Resources:

    • Jason’s Website:

    If you found this episode helpful, don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the Thinking Big Podcast on your favorite platform. Share this episode with fellow entrepreneurs who could benefit from Jason's expertise in audio and video production. Let's all think big and create amazing content together!

    Connect with Sean Osborn at Thinking Big Coaching

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    40 mins

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