• Win Rate Weekends: The Buyer's Journey > Your Sales Process
    Jun 22 2024

    Today Andy highlights an excellent discussion from the latest episode which of course includes a panel of incredible sales experts, including Andrew Sykes, CEO of Habits at Work and Adjunct Professor at Kellogg Executive Education, Ian Campbell, CEO of Nucleus Research, and Amy Hrehovcik, Director of Enablement at CROP. They go back and forth about the misconceptions of salespeople creating urgency and instead, recommend genuinely focusing on understanding the customer’s journey. They explore the importance of qualifying opportunities, the role of a champion in the sales process, and the disconnect between traditional sales methods and buyer behaviors, like the difference between sellers' linear approach and buyers' non-linear journey, and the psychological impact of having too many choices.

    Take some time to listen to this terrific full episode on Apple or Spotify (and others)

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    9 mins
  • The Myth of Creating Urgency In Sales
    Jun 19 2024

    This is an outstanding episode of the Win Rate Podcast, jam-packed with amazing insights and analysis from a very experienced and lively panel of sales experts. Andy is joined by Andrew Sykes, CEO of Habits at Work and Adjunct Professor at Kellogg Executive Education, Ian Campbell, CEO of Nucleus Research, and Amy Hrehovcik, Director of Enablement at CROP. They discuss building trust through the "responsible promises" method, giving precedent to the buyer's journey over the sales process, the pitfalls of asynchronous selling, and likening the discovery process to waterboarding prospects. They dig into the long-held myth that sellers can magically create urgency and concede that current sales processes are too rigid and don't cater to the individual needs of buyers.

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    48 mins
  • Win Rate Weekends: What To Do With Low Performers
    Jun 16 2024

    Welcome to Win Rate Weekends. Andy highlights a portion of the most recent episode that makes his blood boil. Andy and the panel, Ralph Barsi, VP of Sales at Kahua, Dave Brock, CEO of Partners in Excellence, and David Kreiger, Founder and President of Sales Roads, discuss a common but seriously flawed sales strategy of giving the best leads to top-performing reps. They argue that this approach is shortsighted and ultimately detrimental. Instead, they emphasize coaching and developing all sales reps, holding them accountable, and focusing on creating a sustainable sales system that works over time, not just for immediate results.

    Listen to the full episode on Apple and Spotify

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    8 mins
  • Win Rate Weekends: The Real Reasons Sellers Aren't Hitting Quota
    Jun 15 2024

    On today's Win Rate Weekends, Andy highlights his discussion with Ralph Barsi, VP of Sales at Kahua, Dave Brock, CEO of Partners in Excellence, and David Kreiger, Founder and President of Sales Roads to talk about the correlation between increased sales rep turnover and unrealistic quotas. They critique the irrationality in quota setting driven by investor expectations and advocate for more realistic targets that build reps' confidence and success. They emphasize the importance of enablement and training in achieving quotas and compare sales strategies and successful educational programs.

    Listen to the full episode on Apple and Spotify

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    8 mins
  • Maintaining Win Rates in Tough Markets
    Jun 12 2024

    In this episode of the Win Rate Podcast, host Andy is joined by Ralph Barsi, VP of Sales at Kahua, Dave Brock, CEO of Partners in Excellence, and David Kreiger, Founder and President of Sales Roads. They discuss the impact of economic downturns and whether that should impact win rates, the need for sales discipline, the state of leadership roles, and whether having a side hustle benefits sales professionals. They stress the importance of refining sales processes, aligning with customer needs, and learning from wins and losses to foster long-term success.

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    58 mins
  • Win Rate Weekends: Will the Future of Sales Be Like Walking Into a Gucci Store or Being Shoveled Through a Walmart?
    Jun 9 2024

    On today's Win Rate Weekends, Andy shares one of his favorite parts of his discussion with David Weiss, Kyle Williams, and Mark Petruzzi as they examine the pitfalls of current sales technology, the misuse of AI, and the importance of developing genuine buyer intent data. They highlight the potential of AI to reduce noise and increase efficiency in targeting buyers, while acknowledging the significance of dynamic, evolving Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs). They also talk about the risks of high-volume approaches and the need for meaningful one-to-one interactions in sales.

    Listen to the full episode on Apple and Spotify

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    10 mins
  • Win Rate Weekends: Using Data to Drive Revenue
    Jun 8 2024

    On today's Win Rate Weekends, Andy highlights part of his discussion with David Weiss, Kyle Williams, and Mark Petruzzi on how data science, AI, and metrics can drive revenue in the SaaS industry. They talk about the importance of educating CROs on these topics as well as balancing efforts between customer acquisition and retention, and debate the roles of sales and marketing in lead generation.

    Listen to the full episode on Apple and Spotify

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    9 mins
  • Creating Contrast In Sales
    Jun 5 2024

    Today Andy leads a discussion with another incredible roundtable of sales veterans, David Weiss, Kyle Williams, and Mark Petruzzi. They explore how data science, AI, and guided selling can transform sales operations. They discuss the importance of nuanced ICPs, reducing noise in outreach, and adapting sales strategies to non-budgeted environments. The share their insights on the challenges and potential of AI in sales, balancing tech with human judgment, and the future shift towards high-intent, one-to-one sales interactions.

    Host Andy Paul is the expert on modern B2B selling and author of three best-selling, award-winning sales books, including his latest Sell Without Selling Out. Visit andypaul.com to subscribe to his newsletter for even more strategies and tips to accelerate your win rate.

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    49 mins