
  • The Venusian Starseed Transmission
    Jun 15 2024

    This is a transmission of light from the planet Venus Herself, assisted by Archangels from Venus, as well as a transmission of assistance from 6D Masters of Light from Venus.

    Many Starseeds on the earth have a connection with Venus. Many on the earth-plane have passed through Venus as part of the process of down stepping their vibration to the denser vibration of the earth-plane.

    Within the higher dimensions of the planet Venus there exist 6D races that have a focus to help the earth at this time. They are here to help with the chosen destiny of earth, to ascend beyond war, violence, and greed. They can help earth become a higher vibrational civilisation guided by love and wisdom.

    It is useful to note that when plotted geocentrically – from an Earth-centered perspective – there is a pattern that can be seen in the motion of the planet Venus. This is known as the eight-year cycle of Venus, and this cycle was known to, and of great interest to, ancient peoples such as the Maya. This orbit takes the shape of a pentagram or Five Petals of Venus. This symbol is used in this transmission.

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    34 mins
  • Affirmations: Goddess Isis / Healing Beyond the Mother Wound
    Jun 10 2024

    Affirmations are one tried and tested way we can re-programme our unconscious mind with new possibilities. Affirmations can raise the level of our thinking which in turn increases certain feel-good hormones.

    The Mother Wound typically occurs when a mother passes her unprocessed trauma down to her children. Signs of the Mother Wound include: feeling a lack of nurturing, love, and caring from the mother, difficulties in relating to the mother on an emotional level, challenges in friendships and intimate relationships later in life - including not feeling good enough and certain energetic boundary issues.

    In this track we call on Mother-Goddess Isis and all helpful beings using affirmattions to clear all 'negative' energies and programming connected to the Mother Wound. And to open up all the gifts that the Mother Wound has to offer.

    "I am healing beyond the mother wound. I am moving through and beyond the mother wound, beyond all resonance and limitations of that wound. Beyond all resonance and limitations coming from my bloodlines, beyond all resonance and limitations coming from other multidimensional lifetimes. There is a shining part of me that was never touched by the mother wound. This shining part of me was never touched by the pain and suffering of this wound. Its origins and its consequences. This shining part of me knows I am already healed, whole and complete. This shining part of me dwells in love. This shining part reminds me I am already healed, whole, complete and loved. That nothing in this world can harm my eternal bright spirit. This shining part of me is eternal, bigger and brighter than any pain and suffering generated within this world. This shining part of me is immortal, eternally connected to love, eternally connected to joy and bliss, eternally connected to Spirit, to Source Energy..."

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    22 mins
  • The Sirius Vortex Transmission: Embracing The Lion's Gate
    Jun 8 2024

    Every year on and around the eighth day of the eighth month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gate Portal” or “the Lions Gateway”.

    “When the Vortex opened it filled you with Light, a Light that will change, grow, transmute and transform you. Through it flowed the Light and Love that can allow you to transcend what has been, and to create what will be. It is through the gateway represented by the brilliant blue-white star Sirius – that all the energy enters your universe – the energy that is your very Soul and Spirit, the energy of your Higher Self....... “This is a time of new birth and of new life. It is the time of the grandest transmutation, the grandest transformation and yes, of the grandest transcendence that has ever occurred. The Goddess is returning and She brings with Her a Light, a Light that once lit, cannot be extinguished.” The Opening of the Vortex of Sirius. By Lazaris

    In this transmission, you will once again connect to the energies of the archangels and to the grids of the earth and central sun. Within this higher light we journey to the Temple of the Higher Heart where we connect with the radiance pouring through the vortex of Sirius. As the channel Lazarus tells us, Sirius is the portal of the Goddess as She returns to birth a new age of enlightenment on the Earth.

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    40 mins
  • Higher Light Decree: Goddess Isis / Healing the Witch Wound
    Jun 7 2024

    Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

    The Witch Wound is an inherited, collective trauma that is rooted in the dark history of the persecution of the Burning Times. Our ancestors who lived through those dark times passed on the memory of those events to us their descendants. The witch wound is a deep psychic trauma that women and some men carry due to a millennium of abuse, disempowerment, punishment, and suppression of the Divine Magical Feminine. The Witch Wound can manifest in our lives in different ways including the fear of:

    • The Unseen Spirit worlds, • Expressing psychic gifts, • Punishment and persecution, • Being too weird or different, • Being too bright, powerful, or successful, • Being in the body, • Speaking our truth, • Trusting our intuition, • Pursuing a spiritual or alternative lifestyle or profession, • Identifying as a Witch, Medicine Woman, Pagan or Priestess.

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    40 mins
  • Higher Light Decree: Goddess Isis / Healing the Mother Wound
    Jun 3 2024

    Higher Light Decrees are statements or declarations of intention to the Universe. They could be considered as a very focused form of prayer, though they are not made to some unknown deity spoken about in some religious text. These are declarations or prayers to Universal Intelligence of which you are part. They are made to God/Goddess All That is, your Teams in Spirit including your OverSoul, Higher Self and all helpful Archangels and beings of light.

    The Mother Wound typically occurs when a mother passes her unprocessed trauma down to her children. Signs of the Mother Wound include: feeling a lack of nurturing, love, and caring from the mother, difficulties in relating to the mother on an emotional level, challenges in friendships and intimate relationships later in life - including not feeling good enough and certain energetic boundary issues.

    In this decree we call on Mother-Goddess Isis and all helpful beings to clear all 'negative' energies and programming connected to the Mother Wound. This includes 'negative' energies and programs concerning the Mother, Motherline and women in the Fatherline. It also includes 'negative' energies and programming from other lifetimes.

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    45 mins
  • Elohim / Solar Archangels Light Portal Transmission: Opening the Solar Plexus and Third Eye
    May 30 2024

    This transmission invokes Solar Archangels from the Great central Sun and Elohim to assist in first closing negative openings and portals in your energy fields. Then a light portal is opened first in the Solar Plexus and second in the Third Eye. Both portals are guarded by Solar Archangels to ensure their integrity and connection ot the highest light. Power is generated in the Solar Plexus which in turn supports the Third Eye Portal to allow a positive Star Race to connect with your centre of vision and expanded possibility.

    (A Note on Negative Portals. As humanity approached the 2012 ascension trigger point, Starseeds became more vulnerable to interference as lower forces sought to block the ascension process. One form of block is a negative portal which are created through various activities including addictions such as the unconscious use of alcohol or recreational drugs, porn, sexual perversion or promiscuous sexual activity, where we have allowed ourselves to fall into habitual states of fear, guilt, unhealthy attachments or shame. Portals can also be opened where we hang out in physical spaces that have existing lower astral openings. Dark portals allow lower astral forces and fallen entities to attach to our energy fields.)

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    40 mins
  • Archangel Sandalphon Crystalline Light Transmission: Clearing and Revitalising Your Etherical Body
    May 30 2024

    In this meditation we will be working with the Archangel of the Diamond-White Crystalline Grid to raise 5D earth energy via the Earth Star chakra to rise up and clear the inner channel and also each chakra beginning at the root. In this meditation there is no need to force anything, the Crystalline Grid and the angels holding that grid know how to work with your energy field. Although the intention is to raise and clear the inner channel along the spine and all chakras from root to crown this may not happen in one meditation. Therefore, you may wish to repeat this meditation, going at the guiding pace of the intelligence of the Angels and the Crystalline Grid.

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    42 mins
  • Moon Matrix Reversal Meditation: Realigning Your Energy Bodies to the Solar-Gaia Circuit
    May 30 2024

    If you feel drawn to this meditation then you are choosing to dissolve all energetic and magical links with the moon and you are realigning with the Solar-Gaia Circuit of the Earth and Great Central Sun. (This meditation can be done during the day or in the evening and it can be done during any phase of the moon.)

    Sensitive men and women naturally feel a connection to the moon. This is because of the close proximity of the moon to the Earth which creates a strong gravitational pull that affects the tides. The gravitational pull also influences the menstruation cycle in women. The gravitational pull of the moon is not the issue this meditation addresses. The moon is part of a frequency control structure that seeks to maintain the energetic integrity of the low-frequency control grid upon the collective consciousness of humanity.

    For thousands of years many have worked with the lunar cycles in magical ceremonies, in meditation and manifestation rituals. Lunar energies have been utilised for healing and manifesting white magic. Lunar energies have also been used to fuel destructive and karmically binding forms of black magic. Moon magic of both kinds are very potent though there are dangers in working with lunar energies even for white magic. The word ‘lunacy’ gives a good clue as to the potential dangers of working too closely with lunar energies. This is because lunar energies potentially opens us to deception and interference by lower astral and galactic energies, entities and fallen angels.

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    33 mins