• The collapse continues as con/cons refuse to name the problem.
    Jun 9 2024

    In this episode I play a variety of short clips to drive home the point that things are collapsing and yet the people are NEVER told the truth about what is really the problem. Nobody in media ever calls out the problems with the system itself. They act like it is genius. If you like The Quash you can get a lot more and get the education of a lifetime inside my Patreon.com/theQuash. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me on twitter I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview.

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    43 mins
  • Con Con "law" vs Spooner on the law.
    Jun 2 2024

    In this episode I show people the way the con/cons deceive people about what the law really is and show people what Spooner says about it. If you like The Quash and want to learn more about the way the system actually works go to patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. I have 100's of timeless shows to give you the education of a lifetime. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview on Twitter.

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    42 mins
  • U.S was a land grab not a freedom machine
    May 26 2024

    In this episode I discuss land acquisition prior to 1862 homesteading. I show people the truth about what drove this country and it wasn't the wonders of the constitution and some imaginary freedom machine. If you like The Quash you can get a lot more of it. Go to patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. The Quash comes out on Sundays to the public.

    You can follow me I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview on twitter.

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    40 mins
  • Spooner tells people the Truth about the system
    May 19 2024

    In this show I read an excerpt from Spooner in its entirety and then show people why they are NEVER told the truth about the system. Because if they were they would never permit it to run on and they would NEVER defend it. It is the job of con/cons in media and academia to make sure the people NEVER find out the truth. If you like The Quash and want of hear more then go to Patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. You'll get the education of a lifetime with hundreds and hundreds of shows. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me at Legalman@UScrimeReview on twitter/X.

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    42 mins
  • It's a 10 state soLuTION!! well actually, it's just more voting nonsense.
    May 12 2024

    In this episode I use a clip discussing a supposed controversial suggestion that floated around the internet to show people that con/cons NEVER have real solutions. Just more time wasting to run out the clock while our overseers finish building the electronic prison. If you like The Quash you can get a lot more of it. Go to patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. The Quash comes out on Sundays to the public.

    You can follow me on Twitter at Legalman@UScrimeReview.

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    47 mins
  • When did we "consent" to the govt creating a dystopia?
    May 5 2024

    In this episode I use a clip from a huge media personality in the con/con movement to show people once again that the STRUCTURE of our govt that we're TOLD exists makes NO sense. NOBODY would ever consent to a govt empowered to destroy them. If you like The Quash you can get the education of a lifetime. Go to patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. I have more than 400 timeless shows explaining how this system actually works. The Quash comes out on Sundays for the public. AH episodes like this have more harsh material and language.

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    45 mins
  • Spooner on THE LAW
    Apr 28 2024

    In this episode I begin covering another great Spooner essay to show people how badly fooled everyone is on what LAW actually is. Law is a control system now. Nothing more. If you like The Quash you can get a lot more of it by becoming a member. Go to patreon.com/theQuash and sign up. You will get a legal education that isn't available anywhere else. The Quash comes out on Sundays.

    You can follow me at Legalman @UScrimeReview on Twitter.

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    49 mins
  • AH Govt Hearings are NOT real, they are a SHOW
    Apr 22 2024

    In this episode I once again try and show people that all of these "investigations" and hearing are NOT REAL they are ludicrous. They are there to keep the fools believing in a fantasy about the govt. If you want to keep having The Quash in your life then go over to Patreon.com/theQuash and become a member. I've made this show available to the public for years now. It's a lot of work. I don't know how much longer I will continue to to that. I have 100's and 100's of shows in patreon. I make 2 shows a week. It's becoming very clear to me that my show doesn't grow and that's fine. But I will not continue to beat my head against a wall forever.

    You can follow me on Twitter I'm Legalman@UScrimeReview.

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    49 mins