• #72: How to Create Joyful Cycles of Giving and Receiving into your Business and Life
    Jun 18 2024

    Welcome back my love!

    In this episode, I discuss the giving and receiving cycle and the common mistake I see in the coaching world when it comes to giving and receiving, as well as the impact of Money Shame on our giving and receiving energy, that could be the underlying cause, or the block behind any stagnation that you feel when it comes to creating wealth.


    • Join “Freedom from Money Shame” workshop on June 26 at 10AM PST.


    ✨ Learn tools to improve your financial health.

    ✨ Learn tools and exercises to reduce and soothe financial shame and anxiety.

    ✨ Break free from the shame to step into empowerment and confidence.

    ✨ Receive a Somatic Practice to help you release shame and feel more empowered.

    ✨ Develop a more empowering money mindset and boost self worth

    All within a trauma-informed, judgement free environment!

    A Recording will be available if you can't attend live!

    Register here:

    • Learn about my 6- Month Program, Create Fulfilling Abundance by going to this link: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa


    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

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    21 mins
  • #71: Creating Financial Happiness through Spiritual Healing
    Jun 10 2024

    “I wanted money, just like any other relationship in my life, to be more meaningful and intentional”.

    Ahhh Spiritual Money Healing is so so beautiful. It is beautiful because it is simple. It is simple because your intuition and your heart already know what to do!

    Join me in this solo and heartfelt episode as I share my journey of healing my money wounds and bringing in more alignment, happiness and harmony into my relationship with myself, and money.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Healing past emotional traumas is one of the 3 pillars for cultivating a positive relationship with money.
    • Conscious spending and intentional saving can align finances with one's values and higher self, and can help you save a lot of money!
    • Practicing emotional regulation and trusting the flow of the universe are key in manifesting and creating abundance.
    • Taking quiet time every day and reflecting on emotions can support money healing, manifestation and acting in alignment with your finances.


    • Receive my free ebook on emotional regulation here.
    • Download my Abundance Activation Meditation.
    • Learn more about my 6- month Money Healing Program, CFA. Now accepting new students! 🚀

    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

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    25 mins
  • #70: Navigating Finances and Spiritual Awakenings with Nervous System Mentor Jen Butler
    Jun 3 2024
    Today’s conversation explores the theme of spiritual awakenings and their impact on personal values, beliefs, and of course, our finances!

    A Dark Night of the Soul, or a spiritual awakening is a profound shift in consciousness where you start to perceive life through a new lens, often realizing deeper truths about existence and your own purpose.

    Financial healing and spiritual awakening are interconnected, and the journey involves addressing deep-seated beliefs, redefining values, and aligning energy, thoughts, and actions with the higher self.

    Join me and Nervous System Mentor, Jen Butler, as we explore the importance of being in tune with the body, setting boundaries, and embracing a gentle approach to healing and transformation during a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings can lead to a shift in financial priorities, values and even a need for financial healing.

    The conversation covers the themes of spiritual awakening, manifestation, emotional work, financial healing, and societal expectations. It delves into the impact of awakening on financial decisions, the importance of emotional capacity, and the role of finances in supporting spiritual growth and theneed for financial resources to navigate life changes and the significance of community support during awakening.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Manifestation and Transformation
    • Navigating Financial Healing During Spiritual Awakening
    • The Role of Emotional Capacity in Financial Growth
    • Community Support and Co-Regulation in Awakening
    • Financial Resources for Navigating Life Changes

    ☀️June Offerings:

    Receive guidance and support while navigating life transitions, such as career changes, or Spirtual Awakenings by booking a 1:1 Session with me! https://saveamillioncents.as.me/june100off

    Connect with Jen:

    Jen is a nervous system mentor who helps guide people through their spiritual awakenings in order to reconnect with their intuition and authenticity.

    They want to help the world wake up and fuck the system, and they are a big believer that this is done through transmuting trauma and becoming the empowered, sovereign being that we all are at our core.

    Connect with Jen on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/coregulatewithme/


    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 5 mins
  • #69: How to Unlock Your Manifestations and Make More Money 💰
    May 28 2024

    Mentioned in this episode:

    1- Book a Money Healing Session and receive a $100 discount here.
    (This offer is valid for June 2024 only, limited spots available).

    2- Get my free Emotional Regulation for Abundance e-book here.

    ✨Welcome back!

    This episode is about creating more flow with finances and making money flow into our lives, our business, and bank accounts.

    Last week, we explored how to become unfrozen with money. This week we are diving all into the 'go, go, go' energy, especially if you are not seeing the desired financial results

    This could be a result of being in a FIGHT response in the nervous system when it comes to finances. This episode provides insights on working with this fight response to move into a more open and receptive place to receive more abundnce.


    • Creating Financial Flow requires balancing Practical and Magical Approaches
    • Understanding the impact of being in a 'go, go, go' energy without seeing desired financial results.
    • Recognizing the influence of the 'fight' response in the nervous system on financial abundance and our ability to manifest.
    • How to make a plan that is focused on connection and providing help to improve financial outcomes.

    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    13 mins
  • #68: ☀️ Get Unstuck and Make Beautiful Money Moves 🌈
    May 21 2024

    Welcome to this Masterclass on how to gain financial confidence, and momentum to make big, bold beautiful money moves.

    This is for you if to you want to gently get unstuck from feeling frozen with money, or any income-creating tasks.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    1- Get my free e-book on Somatic Exercises and Emotional Regulation here.
    2- Join my new program Financially Fabulous here.
    3- Download the free Financial Glimmers Practice (Yes, it’s ready!!) here.

    This episode dives into the concept of “functional freeze” in relation to money and the nervous system.

    The Freeze state is a state in the nervous system where the sympathetic fight or flight response and the parasympathetic freeze response are blended together, resulting in high levels of activation or arousal with the inability to take action.

    If you are in a state of freeze, it is not your fault!

    Money is often tied to survival, worth, belonging, rejection, and acceptance, and all that jazz, making it a potentially traumatizing topic for everyone, regardless of their financial background. I’ve had clients from all financial backgrounds who came to me feeling overwhelmed financially.

    In this episode (which is more like a masterclass) I give you 5 steps that will help you start thawing out that freeze response so you can build financial confidence and momentum.

    Key takeaways:

    - The Connection Between Finances and the Nervous System.

    - Understanding Functional Freeze and Its Impact on Money

    - 5 Steps to Start Addressing Functional Freeze.

    ❤️ Sending you lots of love!

    I’m here if you have any questions!

    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    22 mins
  • #67: How to Feel Financially Fabulous Today!!
    May 14 2024

    My love, you deserve to feel fabulous in every way, especially with your finances!

    Welcome back to The Money Healing Podcast ❤️

    In this new episode you are going to learn a double whammy money exercise that will shift BOTH your conscious thoughts, aka your mindset, AND your subconscious thoughts, the ones that live in your nervous system.

    I am SO excited to be sharing this new exercise with you!

    Using little exercise will help you have a regulated nervous system around money, which leads to more empowered choices, stronger self-trust, and the ability to make bold money moves and start feeling financially fabulous!!

    I hope you love it!!

    Thanks for being here 😘

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 63: How to Guide Your Nervous System towards Abundance.

    Create comfort, confidence and creativity in your relationship with money by joining my brand new 6- Week money program Financially Fabulous! 🥳
    Click here to check it out!


    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    19 mins
  • #66: How to Rebuild Your Relationship with Money
    May 7 2024

    Welcome back to The Money Healing Podcast!

    This episode discusses the theme of getting unstuck from a cycle of healing when it comes to money, and rebuilding your relationship with money to foster financial confidence and ease.

    Episode Highlights:

    • How to get un-stuck from a whirlwind of healing when the healing isn't working anymore.
    • The Key Step to buidling financial confidence.
    • How to rebuild your relationship with money from an avoidant one to a positive one.
    • Understanding How Your Nervous System Responds to Money.
    • Separating Self-Worth from Financial Situation.
    • Announcing a future program and possible free podcast community 😉

    Thank you so much for being here!

    ❤️ Nadine

    If you'd like to participate in my Market Research Survey and enter a draw to win a free 1:1 coaching session with me, please complete this form.

    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • #65: Healing through Art w/ Tattoo Artist James Kerr
    Apr 23 2024
    Welcome back to this new episode of the Money Healing Podcast!

    In this rich conversation with my guest James Kerr, tattoo artist and musician extraordinaire, we explore themes of authenticity, self-expression, attachment, and the impact of trauma on art, money, purpose and authentic self expression.

    James shares about his personal journey of surviving adversity, and his continuous growth, healing and evolution through art, music and creativity that emphasizes and prioritizes safe connections, and working through our attachment wounds from childhood, and how they can impact our relationship with money and how we price ourselves.

    Episode Highlights:

    • How healing and growth can be synonymous in the context of trauma recovery.
    • Understanding the connection between past experiences and current behaviors can lead to personal growth and transformation.
    • Creative outlets, such as art and music, can provide a safe space for authentic self-expression and emotional healing.
    • How unresolved trauma can impact our relationship with money and our ability to express ourselves authentically.
    • How attachment in early life can impact our relationships and beliefs about money.
    • Life purpose is about experiencing life and evolving as conscious beings.
    • Retirement planning is essential for artists and creatives who don't have a traditional retirement plan.
    • Creating from a place of safety and calm allows for greater focus and creativity.
    • Breaking the cycle of abuse and finding one's life purpose can be transformative and healing.
    • Exploring the concept of safety and understanding its emotional and visceral aspects is crucial for personal growth and well-being.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    - Financial Coach for Creatives and Tattoo Artists, Ryan Roi.
    - Alice in Chain, and Layne Staley.
    - No Bad Parts by Dr. Richard Schwartz
    - The 8 Money Archetypes
    - Dr Gabor Mate

    Connect with James:
    James Kerr is Father, husband, musician, tattoo artist and a trauma informed coach.

    James has worked in the tattoo industry for 19 years. As a trauma survivor, he has had to do a lot of work on himself in order to prevent passing down the cycle of abuse to his child. That work started when his mother finally gave his father the choice of either stopping the physical abuse, or losing his family. James' healing journey lead him through dark places, crossing into methanphetami

    Thank you for being here ❤️

    Join my 6-month program, Create Fulfilling Abundance.
    Learn more and apply here: https://www.saveamillioncents.com/cfa

    If you are interested in working with me 1:1, send me an email!

    ✨If this podcast is a helpful resource for you, please share it with your friends, on social media, and leave a 5-star rating and review.

    💝 To receive your FREE Money Archetype Workbook, complete this form

    Chance to win a 1:1 Call:
    Complete this survey to enter a monthly draw for a chance to win a FREE 1:1 session with me.

    Connect with me on Instagram for free tips, inspo: https://www.instagram.com/nadinezumot/

    ~Podcast theme song by
    The Jilted Irony

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 33 mins