Jun 17 2024
    SHIFTING THE PARADIGM FROM LOOKING EXTERNALLY FOR ANSWERS Historically we have looked externally to others to teach, preach, heal, and inform us! Now that we are expanding our consciousness beyond the limits of our 3D reality how do we shift beyond these old paradigms? How can we begin to not only look internally to infinite Source within for our answers but also facilitate and empower others to find their own answers within? How can we encourage others to find their unique gifts and talents and express them as part of their soul mission? How do we co-create healing communities grounded in our Mother Earth that are conducive to expressing an individual’s uniqueness and creativity? How do we shift the paradigms away from a central all-knowing figure towards a co-creative multidimensional tapestry of common experiences? Join Elizabeth Monroy, Amma Sol and David Emery as they discuss how they are shifting paradigms in their lives now!
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    1 hr
    Jun 10 2024
    1 .COM INFINITE HUMAN HOME FOUNDATION INFINITE HUMAN TOURS TALK SHOW BLOG AUDIO BOOKS SHOP Log In EN YouTube Facebook Pinterest Tumblr Instagram LinkedIn Twitter All Posts Divine Technology Cosmic Christ Ascension Transfiguration Christ Consciosness More Elizabeth Monroy May 27 11 min read LAYING THE INFINITE HUMAN FOUNDATION Updated: May 29 Shifting Paradigms “When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will Disappear.” LAO TZU “Since the Fall of humanity when the Divine Holographic Architecture of our Earth was severed from Infinite God Source and all truth was carefully hidden we have looked outside ourselves for answers. We have looked to Spiritual Teachers, Priests, Priestesses, Shamans, Witch Doctors, Sorcerers, Magicians, Witches, Warlocks, Ministers, Preachers, Pastors, Rabbis, Gurus, Mystics, Swamis, Psychics, Therapists, Fortune Tellers, Seers, Healers, Life Coaches, T.V. Evangelists, Celebrities, Newscasters, Icons, Presidents, Speakers, Experts and the list goes on. Like cell phones without a sim cards, we have been rendered non-functional, unable to go to Infinite Source for our information. Thus, we have become dependent on external sources of information that may or may not be reliable.” THE INFINITE HUMAN Elizabeth Monroy M.S. Peter Monroy M.D. Since birth, we are conditioned to believe we know nothing and must be taught everything. In fact it goes deeper we are taught we are inherently evil and our innate instincts, intuition, creativity, and sexuality must be suppressed and we must be molded and shaped by those around us to fit into a (broken) world. As we ascend and reassemble our genetic 12 strands of DNA and access more of higher selves gaining Krystal Clarity into the higher dimensions we return to our true state of being Infinite all that is ever has been and ever shall be! We have access to information that expands beyond our finite inter-NET but we can surf the Infinite or cosmic WiFi as David Icke calls it. So in reality we do not need to “teach” anyone anything.
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    1 hr
    Jun 3 2024
    Elizabeth Monroy will be joined by Voice America Producer Tacy Trump and Harrison Ide Social Media Director to discuss the creation of The Infinite Human Talk Show which is based on the book The Infinite Human which Elizabeth wrote with her husband and twin soul Doctor Peter Monroy to serve as a foundation for a New Infinite Earth. She will be revealing the birth of the Infinite Human Foundation a Non-profit foundation and its mission to create products, publications, pilgrimages, conscious films, media, educational experiences, events, and eco- communities etcetera that excite, inspire, and support the creative imagination and uniqueness of individuals as the co-creators of an infinite new reality and NEW EARTH in alignment with the KRYSTALA SPIRAL OF LIFE leading us back HOME to Infinite Source! She will discuss her plans to create eco-village epicenters of advanced spiritual sciences called infinite human YOUniversites where people can come together to learn about themselves and co -create, grounded in new earth communities that live in harmony with our Mother Earth
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    1 hr
    May 27 2024
    It is with great joy and respect that I announce our upcoming guest on The Infinite Talk Show: David Icke world-famous for his work exposing our world’s fast-unfolding global dystopia for more than three decades.His YouTube channel was taken down and he has been banned from more than 26 European Countries but he continues exposing the lies hidden in plain sight and helping humanity awaken from the DREAM. We will be discussing The Dream David’s lastest book and as David Icke go deeper down the rabbit hole than ever before to describe fantastic revelations about the nature of our reality, who we are, where we are, and the real origin of human control. Book Review: TIME TO WAKE UP! This latest work by David gives you tools/strategies to awaken finally from the Dream. The last chapter alone was worth the journey through the book. If you're reading this David, Thank You. Your efforts are not wasted. The Power goes to those who can awaken from the Dream! We will also be discussing what we can co create with divine infinite source once we are freed from the Archon’s mind control program? What type of holographic reality will we design? What kind o world will be co- create? How can we BE THE CHANGE?
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    1 hr
  • Back To the Future Tartarin Technology & the Krystala Spiral
    May 20 2024
    The Great Ian Parks is back by popular demand for the second part of his two-part series about Tartarian Technology, Leylines, Star Gates, and how the Royals of England have confiscated Key power points to use for their parasitic mischief! Join us for another fascinating conversation where we will reveal how the Krystala spiral is taking us back to our future!
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    1 hr
  • Part 2 of The Restoration of the Divine Masculine and The Divine
    May 13 2024
    Part 2 of The Restoration of the Divine Masculine and The Divine Feminine from Within We will continue our discussions with two of the foremost thinkers of the New Consciousness Renaissance Dave Emory (author) and Jane Evershed (visionary artist) exploring what happened to create the distortions in the masculine/ feminine dynamic and how to heal and transmute the wounded Masculine and wounded Feminine into the powerful balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within? We will discuss how the true Goddesses are women who embody both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine are BEING THE CHANGE that is creating the New Earth. We willl discuss the roles of masculine Electrical and Feminine Magnetic and how by being our authentic selves and breaking the stereotypical mind programming we free ourselves to move from masculine to feminine to properly respond to the world around us thus creating a beautiful bright future for ALL. We will look at how to escape the trap of the war between the sexes a lose /lose scenario since we are all masculine and feminine and we are merely attacking ourselves. We will explore Twin souls how we all have twin souls that exit within us and how sacred sexual alchemy regenerates and helps you to ascend.
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    1 hr
    May 6 2024
    A TIME FOR HEALING As our Mother Earth fell from her divine position in the Cosmos her connection with the Divine Mother aspect of Infinite Creation, and the Divine Feminine were severed creating a world void of nurturing, creativity, respect for our Mother Earth, all LIFE and unconditional love. Without the presence of the divine, the feminine was banished to the lunar shadows of the moon goddess, the Baphomet serving as a mere reflection of the solar male unable to generate her own inner luminosity. Thus manipulation, insecurity co- dependency and victimization became tools of power in this warped world. Without the balance of the divine feminine the divine masculine fell to the epitome of its Dark masculine force which has been seen at work in the world during these dark eons. Its protective nature turned to acts of rape and child sacrifice, and Its stability and foundation inverted to oppression and chaos. Its honesty and integrity turned to corruption, greed, and lies. Since we all are both masculine and feminine this perverted inner balance has deeply affected us ALL! Few realize that the most devastating action you can take is to war against the opposite sex. This division was masterfully created to cause us to create a devastating war within our very being to halt our ascension. HIEROS GAMOS Hieros means holy or sacred and gamos means marriage. It is the sacred marriage of the God and Goddess divine feminine and divine masculine within YOU! This alchemical blending lays the foundation to ascend beyond duality. This can manifest in the physical when both aspects of one Soul (Twin Souls) choose to incarnate to experience and express this divine union physically but due to the fallen nature of our universe, these two must overcome many obstacles. If they are able to find each other they must heal their wounds so that the two may become three to become ONE again to be made whole or holy. This truly is the holiest of hierogamic Unions the completion of the Twin Soul Hero/Heroines Journey. But we all must complete this journey within. I know everyone longs for their TWIN SOUL but your twin soul is always within you! LET ’S TALK ABOUT SEX, BABY My “Spiritual Teacher” once said that the problem with the World is that nobody understands sex. Thirty years later, I am beginning to realize the profundity of his statement. To begin to comprehend our Multiverse one must know the true creation mechanics. It was not as we have been taught, some random Big Bang that blasted our universe into a chaotic pattern of existence. Rather, our Multiverse was created when Infinite Source simultaneously gave birth creating the true holy trinity of Partiki, Partika, and Particum. This divine trinity of Infinite Source birthing Matter and Anti-matter created the Divine Mother and Divine Father who then gave birth to the sacred hierogamic union of Divine Masculine/ Divine Feminine .
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    1 hr
  • The Infinite New Earth BE THE CHANGE!
    Apr 29 2024
    THE NEW INFINITE EARTH BE THE CHANGE There is emerging on the face of the Earth a New Human ...an INFINITE HUMAN and the human is YOU! THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS RENAISSANCE The New Infinite Earth Builders will be the artists, painters, poets, writers, healers, inventors and visionaries who are not distracted by the current narratives running on our finite 3D Earth. These spiritually mature Infinite Human Beings will not wait for someone or something outside of themselves to take care of things, but will roll up their sleeves and create a world they want to live in! The New 5D Earth will be populated by Infinite Human Beings who have freed themselves from the scripted dramas and finite illusions of the 3D World and can focus on their creations! This New Consciousness Renaissance, unlike the past one, will not be based on ancient scriptures, documents, bibles, tablets and external sources of information which can be co-opted to misdirect individuals from the Truth. Rather, it will be founded on each person’s direct connection to Infinite God Source within. The information will come from INFINITE SOURCE born from the soul, the heart and every Infinite Human Being who has ascended to their own freedom within. They will be, as Plato wrote, “individuals who attain this world of perfection within.” One by one, as each human awakens to the Infinite within themselves, this expanded awareness will pick up speed like a massive snowball! There will be no stopping it! This time the Dark Side will not be able to corrupt that which is pure and created in the higher frequencies of truth. EXCERPT FROM THE INFINITE HUMAN Jane Evershed and Amma Sol return to talk about ways we the people can extract ourselves from the time matrix of the Fibonacci death spiral and become the founders and co creators of our beautiful New Earth on the Krystala spiral of prime creation!
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    1 hr