• EP 219 - The Big SHIFT is Happening Now - There is No Going Back! (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    Jun 21 2024

    You are leaving all fear-based programming behind as you shift into New Earth and higher dimensional consciousness.

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women and new paradigm leaders worldwide who are answering the call of divine service to humanity.

    Divine Femme is a pebble and ripple in the global pond of mass awakening as humanity collectively shifts to 5D Unity Consciousness (New Earth).

    Sarah shines a light on the RISE of the Divine Feminine (not gender specific) journey to Oneness and the collective shifts taking place to EMBODY your Divine Nature and actualize your highest timeline and potential in this lifetime.

    She explores the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypal energies, the dark feminine, and the dualistic play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE and Divine Presence that you BE.

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    9 mins
  • EP 218 - You Are the Eternal Love That You Seek (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    Jun 8 2024

    Divine Feminine, it's time to come home to the God essence "Goddess" within you and the eternal love at the core of your being.

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women and new paradigm leaders worldwide who are answering the call of divine service to humanity.

    Divine Femme is an embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence within to reclaim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women so they can lead from truth, divine confidence, and unapologetic authenticity.

    Sarah Rose channels ancient sage wisdom as she explores the rise of the divine feminine individually and collectively. She shines a light on the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, dark feminine energy, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    18 mins
  • EP 217 - You Are in the Process of Aligning with Your Highest Authentic Timeline!!! (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    May 28 2024

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women and new paradigm leaders worldwide who are answering the call of divine service to humanity.

    Divine Femme is an embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence within to reclaim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women so they can lead from truth, divine confidence, and unapologetic authenticity.

    Sarah Rose channels ancient sage wisdom as she explores the rise of the divine feminine individually and collectively. She shines a light on the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, dark feminine energy, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    14 mins
  • EP 216 - You and Divine Masculine are BOTH Runners! (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    May 22 2024

    Divine Feminine, you and Divine Masculine are essentially both running from the same things on this journey. Understand the true purpose of the twin flame journey and of meeting your mirror soul so you can focus on your ascension and highest timeline in this lifetime.

    The Calling Uncensored for Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women and new paradigm leaders worldwide who are answering the call of divine service to humanity.

    Divine Femme is an embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence within to reclaim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women so they can lead from truth, divine confidence, and unapologetic authenticity.

    Sarah Rose channels ancient sage wisdom as she explores the rise of the divine feminine individually and collectively. She shines a light on the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, dark feminine energy, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    22 mins
  • EP 215 - Truth and Authenticity or Bust! The Call of the Divine Feminine for a New Earth (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    May 20 2024

    New Earth energy is here and now and you're being guided to embrace your authenticity and truth fully. It's time to release any lingering fear-based conditioning and trust your heart's guidance to align with your highest divine timeline and calling as a New Earth way-shower.

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women and new paradigm leaders worldwide who are answering the call of divine service to humanity.

    Divine Femme is an embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence within to reclaim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women so they can lead from truth, divine confidence, and unapologetic authenticity.

    Sarah Rose channels ancient sage wisdom as she explores the rise of the divine feminine individually and collectively. She shines a light on the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, dark feminine energy, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    12 mins
  • EP 214 - Life is a Divine Play and "You" Play All Roles! Seeing Through the Veil of Maya (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    May 12 2024

    This episode is for those on the divine feminine journey ready to see through the illusory dream of separation.

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women worldwide who are ready to activate their feminine magnetism and live in the flow of their divine nature.

    Divine Femme is a divine feminine awakening, embodiment, and leadership brand that helps women worldwide awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence to reclaim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy high-value women.

    Sarah Rose shares ancient sage wisdom as she explores the rise of the divine feminine individually and collectively. She shines a light on the feminine shadow, divine feminine archetypes, dark feminine energy, and the dualistic nature of the play of creation expressed as the feminine (yin/shakti) and masculine (yang/shiva) polarity while pointing to the underlying fabric of all existence, the unconditional LOVE that you BE.

    Sarah Rose is also a mentor to divine feminine leaders, coaches, visionaries, healers, and wayshowers ready to master the art of aligned magnetic sales and scale their soul business online for more impact and freedom inside her signature program, Sacred Leader Academy™

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at: https://bit.ly/DIVINEFEMME

    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    15 mins
  • EP 213 - You are at a PIVOTAL POINT!!! You Have Risen From the Ashes of Your Old Self. (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    Apr 2 2024

    This message is for the divine feminine collective that has done the inner work and is ready to fully let go and surrender (PLUS two things that will keep you hooked into cycles of suffering if you’re newer to the TF journey).

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women worldwide who are ready to activate their feminine magnetism and live in the flow of their divine nature.

    Divine Femme is a divine feminine embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide to awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence to claim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women.

    As a divine feminine embodiment coach, speaker, and channel, Sarah Rose explores mythology, archetypal imprints, embodiment practices, shadow work, and the dualistic polarity of both inner feminine and masculine energies (not gender specific) as they create the world of form and simultaneously point to the oneness that underpins duality as the essence of all things.

    Sarah Rose is also a mentor to divine feminine leaders, coaches, authors, artists, and healers who are ready to master the art of aligned magnetic sales and scale their business online for more impact and freedom inside her signature program, Sacred Leader Academy™

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:


    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    20 mins
  • EP 212 - An Empress Is Born - A New Prosperous Era Begins As You Step Into Your Purpose! (Divine Feminine Collective Message)
    Feb 24 2024

    This message is for the divine feminine who is alchemizing her deepest wound and moving into fully embodying her divine empress energy. She is no longer being held back by old fear-based conditioning. BIG SHIFTS that require complete trust, courage, and surrender are happening that are catapulting her into her Soul's purpose in a bigger way.

    The Calling Uncensored For Divine Feminine Leaders is your no-nonsense guide to navigating the divine feminine journey. Your host and Founder of Divine Femme, Sarah Rose, is a catalyst for awakening women worldwide who are ready to activate their feminine magnetism and live in the flow of their divine nature.

    Divine Femme is a divine feminine embodiment and leadership brand that helps women worldwide to awaken, activate, and embody their divine feminine (and sacred masculine) essence to claim their sovereignty and power as divinely worthy women.

    As a divine feminine embodiment coach, speaker, and channel, Sarah Rose explores mythology, archetypal imprints, embodiment practices, shadow work, and the dualistic polarity of both inner feminine and masculine energies (not gender specific) as they create the world of form and simultaneously point to the oneness that underpins duality as the essence of all things.

    Sarah Rose is also a mentor to divine feminine leaders, coaches, authors, artists, and healers who are ready to master the art of aligned magnetic sales and scale their business online for more impact and freedom inside her signature program, Sacred Leader Academy™

    Experience Divine Femme Embodiment and Leadership Programs + Free Masterclasses and Live Events at:

    Say hello and connect with Sarah Rose on YouTube @DivineFemmeTV and Instagram @spiritualceo and if this episode resonates share a snapshot of you listening to your Insta stories and tag Sarah to let her know!

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    15 mins