
  • The Courage To Lead With Amy Riley
    Apr 22 2024

    #519: Amy L. Riley is an internationally renowned speaker, author and leadership development consultant. She’s worked with organizations such as Deloitte, Cisco Systems and Aon Hewitt and has over 20 years of experience working with leaders at all levels.

    Amy earned a Masters of Science in Training and Development (MSTD), with an emphasis in Organization Development (OD), from Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois. She is a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), a certified Tiara International LLC Coach and certified in the Meyers-Briggs Type Instrument. Amy’s second book, The Courage of a Leader: How To Inspire, Engage and Get Extraordinary Results, was released on March 3, 2021 and immediately reached #1 international best-selling status.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 12 m
  • Turn Hidden Talents Into Extraordinary Advantage
    Mar 20 2024


    I dove headfirst into finance for one reason.


    As a 20 year old I simply neglected who I was, and looked to go to the place I could make a lot of money.

    How ignorant.

    I ignored my real talents.

    Despite natural skills in writing, speaking, and presenting, I chose the expected path.

    Here’s the truth: Our system, from college to career, often buries our genuine strengths under a pile of “shoulds.” It took me too long to listen, to unearth those dormant skills, and truly embrace them.

    Why share this? Because you, too, have untapped potential, overshadowed by what you’ve been told to pursue.

    Let’s challenge that. It’s time to dig deep, uncover our real talents, and redefine our paths.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • The Setback Cycle: How Defining Moments Can Move Us Forward With Amy Shoenthal
    Mar 18 2024

    #517: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of The Break podcast, where we delve into the depths of resilience, flexibility, and overcoming life's obstacles. I'm your host, Mike, and today's conversation promises to be nothing short of enlightening.

    Today, we're exploring a topic that resonates with each and every one of us - setbacks. Life's unexpected twists and turns can knock us off course, but it's how we respond to these challenges that defines our journey forward.

    You know, we often envision our paths as linear journeys, guided by societal norms and expectations. But what happens when life throws us off course? That's where our resilience truly shines. And today, we have a special treat for you - a glimpse into the world of setbacks and how they can propel us forward.

    Our guest has authored a captivating book titled "The Setback Cycle: How Defining Moments Can Move Us Forward." Through her extensive journalism career, she's discovered a common thread among leaders and founders - the ability to rise from setbacks with renewed vigor.

    So, what exactly is a setback? It's not just a bump in the road; it's a reversal of progress, a check on our journey forward. But it's within these setbacks that we find the fuel for growth, the resilience to navigate life's twists and turns.

    Today, we'll explore the concept of setbacks with our guest, delving into the neuroscience, psychology, and real-life stories that illuminate the setback cycle. From the squiggly, misshapen S of our journeys to the realization that success isn't always a linear path, we'll uncover the secrets to becoming unbreakable in the face of adversity.

    So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Because after today's conversation, you'll see setbacks not as obstacles, but as stepping stones toward a brighter, more resilient future.

    If you want to connect with our guest, Amy Shoenthal, you can find her on Instagram and LinkedIn.

    Más Menos
    59 m
  • Becoming [Full Stack] Human
    Mar 13 2024


    In chasing “success” we forget what it is to just be human.

    I feel like my struggles have been about getting back to just being a person.

    I don’t want to just succeed at some line of work that no one will remember.

    I don’t want to just save for retirement that might not ever come.

    I don’t want to be one dimensional.

    I want to be a Full Stack Human.

    What does that mean?

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Exclusive Free Mini Course: Becoming Unbreakable
    Feb 28 2024



    So The World Economic Forum recently released their top 10 "skills for the future of work."

    Guess what made the list: flexibility, adaptability and resilience.

    Why are those so important to the WEF?

    Because the WEF knows that the future is changing rapidly, and companies need employees who can thrive in a rapidly changing environment.

    The job market and the world at large are changing quickly, and what served you yesterday likely won't serve you in the future - especially if you're already thinking about how you can make a change NOW.

    I talk about being unbreakable as a state where you are ready, or at least ready to handle, anything that comes your way.

    So I created a free 5 day mini crash course on how to become unbreakable. Right now all new subscribers are getting it, so I wanted to kick it out to everyone here for a chance to check it out as well.

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    2 m
  • Here's how you get good at creating options in your career
    Feb 21 2024


    You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. You must choose your path with the best odds.

    Look there's 2 places people start when creating options:

    1. "I have no options. I can't imagine what else I could do."
    2. "I can do anything! How do I choose?"

    It's work to realize that neither starting point is reality, but once you do you begin to see that the path to creating options starts with thinking about our odds.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Grit In Action: How Danielle Cobo Transformed Challenges Into Triumphs
    Feb 19 2024

    #513: Welcome back to another episode of The Break podcast, the space where we unpack the remarkable stories of individuals who've faced life's challenges head-on. I'm your host, Mike, and today's conversation is one that you don't want to miss.

    Our guest today is Danielle Cobo, a powerhouse in resilience, courage, and unwavering determination. Before we dive into the heart of her story, a little sneak peek caught my attention recently – Danielle's truck. It's not just a vehicle; it's a symbol. We'll unravel the story behind it in just a moment.

    Now, for our audience, if you're seeking inspiration and insights into overcoming life's hurdles, you're in the right place. Connect with us on our social media platforms for more exclusive content, and don't forget to check out Danielle's podcast, the Unstoppable Grit Podcast.

    But back to Danielle's journey. The heart of today's conversation delves into her mission – helping people discover the power of resilience, courage, and determination. We'll explore her experiences, her mission, and the unexpected twists that make her story truly compelling.

    So, buckle up!! We're about to embark on a conversation that goes beyond the surface, exploring the depths of grit and resilience with Danielle Cobo.

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • I Got Fired In The Middle Of A Meeting, And It Can Happen To You Too
    Feb 14 2024


    I got fired in the middle of a meeting. Well, I was told the next day, but it happened in that meeting.

    I knew it.

    What a terrible feeling. I was up all night, walking the streets of Seattle in the dark by myself.

    My mind racing between panic and planner modes.

    I need a job

    Can I even get a job?

    Why did this happen?

    Who do I reach out to?

    How much runway do I have?

    What do I tell my wife and kids?

    Fortunately, my terror was short lived and I pivoted into a FT, highly paid consulting role within 30 days.

    Because I was ready and flexible.

    Here’s how to pick up on the signs you’re about to be laid off and how to pivot with precision.

    Más Menos
    6 m