• The Consistency Advantage: Upgrading Your Life, One Step at a Time
    Jun 21 2023

    Welcome to The BEAM Life podcast! In this episode, I dive into the power of consistency. Understanding why consistency is important can help us commit to the process. I share the 5 main reasons WHY creating consistency in your life is a non-negotiable. Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights on how consistency can transform your life. 



    Happening LIVE July 10th at 5pm PST! (Unlimited access to the replay if you can’t make it LIVE!) CLICK HERE TO SECURE YOUR SPOT!

    Consistency doesn’t always look the same for everyone. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by trying to do something 100% everyday, why not figure out what consistency looks like for YOU? Hope to see you in class, babe!



    Join the free Facebook community, where women come together to connect, inspire, and uplift each other on their journeys to self-discovery. In this community, you'll find a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and receive support from like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal growth. Exclusive bonus content, behind-the-scenes updates, and special announcements related to The Beam Life Podcast are available for members. Click here to join the community today and let's support each other in creating the life we've always dreamed of.



    If you're the lucky listener of the week, make sure to email kaitlin@thebeamlife.com to gain unlimited free access to exclusive BEAM membership for a whole month! This exclusive offer will provide you with even more resources and support on your journey, no matter what path you're on. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to unlock your full potential!

    It's so simple to be next week’s winner! Here's what you need to do:

    Step one: Leave a review on Apple Podcasts with your name, OR leave a review on Spotify.

    Step two: Take a screenshot of your review and email me to kaitlin@thebeamlife.com. or DM or tag me on social media using @thebeamlife. 

    It's that easy! By leaving a review and sharing it with me, you'll automatically be entered into the pool of potential Listener of the Week!

    Your reviews mean the world to me. They help this podcast to reach more incredible women like you and spread the message of personal growth and empowerment. So, not only do you have a chance to be our Listener of the Week, but you also contribute to the growth of our community.

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    14 mins
  • Conquering Guilt and Embracing REAL Self-Care
    Jun 14 2023

    This week, we delve into the topic of guilt and how it affects women's ability to prioritize self-care. In a society that often places the needs of others above our own, it's essential to recognize that self-care isn't selfish—it's necessary. Join us as we explore the reasons behind this guilt, practical strategies to overcome it, and the importance of setting boundaries to nurture our well-being.


    It's time to release the guilt and prioritize self-care. Setting boundaries, communicating assertively, and recognizing the necessity of self-care are crucial steps towards a fulfilling life. Remember, self-care is an act of self-love, and you deserve to have your needs met. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and connect with our vibrant and supportive community on Facebook, where you can find like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal growth.




    Join the free Facebook community, where women come together to connect, inspire, and uplift each other on their journeys to self-discovery. In this community, you'll find a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and receive support from like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal growth. Exclusive bonus content, behind-the-scenes updates, and special announcements related to The Beam Life Podcast are available for members. Click here to join the community today and let's support each other in creating the life we've always dreamed of.




    If you're the lucky listener of the week, make sure to email kaitlin@thebeamlife.com to gain unlimited free access to exclusive BEAM membership for a whole month! This exclusive offer will provide you with even more resources and support on your journey, no matter what path you're on. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to unlock your full potential!


    It's so simple to be next week’s winner! Here's what you need to do:


    Step one: Leave a review on Apple Podcasts with your name, OR leave a review on Spotify.


    Step two: Take a screenshot of your review and email me to kaitlin@thebeamlife.com. or DM or tag me on social media using @thebeamlife. 


    It's that easy! By leaving a review and sharing it with me, you'll automatically be entered into the pool of potential Listener of the Week!


    Your reviews mean the world to me. They help this podcast to reach more incredible women like you and spread the message of personal growth and empowerment. So, not only do you have a chance to be our Listener of the Week, but you also contribute to the growth of our community.

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    16 mins
  • How to Kick Self-Doubt to the Curb
    Jun 7 2023

    In this empowering episode I delve deep into the topic of overcoming self-doubt. I explore strategies to rise above self-doubt and embrace our true potential. I also share personal experiences and practical techniques to help conquer that mean inner critic once and for all. 


    Join the free Facebook community, where women come together to connect, inspire, and uplift each other on their journeys to self-discovery. In this community, you'll find a safe space to share experiences, ask questions, and receive support from like-minded individuals who are also committed to personal growth. Exclusive bonus content, behind-the-scenes updates, and special announcements related to The Beam Life Podcast are available for members. Click here to join the community today and let's support each other in creating the life we've always dreamed of.


    If you're the lucky listener of the week, make sure to email kaitlin@thebeamlife.com to gain unlimited free access to exclusive BEAM membership for a whole month! This exclusive offer will provide you with even more resources and support on your journey, no matter what path you're on. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to unlock your full potential!

    It's so simple to be next week’s winner! Here's what you need to do:

    Step one: Leave a review on Apple Podcasts with your name, OR leave a review on Spotify.

    Step two: Take a screenshot of your review and email me to kaitlin@thebeamlife.com. or DM or tag me on social media using @thebeamlife. 

    It's that easy! By leaving a review and sharing it with me, you'll automatically be entered into the pool of potential Listener of the Week!

    Your reviews mean the world to me. They help this podcast to reach more incredible women like you and spread the message of personal growth and empowerment. So, not only do you have a chance to be our Listener of the Week, but you also contribute to the growth of our community.

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    16 mins
  • Self-Care Beyond the Obvious
    May 31 2023

    Welcome back to another episode of the Beam Life podcast. I am excited to dive into a topic that's been on my mind lately—underrated self-care tips. And let me tell you, this episode is going to be raw, unscripted, and straight from the heart, just like every other episode of this organic podcast.

    So, let me give you a little background. I recently took a trip to Texas, and honestly, it wasn't under the happiest circumstances. It was for a funeral. My stepdad had been ill for some time, and even though we knew the day would come, it still hits you hard. Gathering with my family, who have a wide range of personalities and quirks, always brings about some chaos (in a good way). But it also drains me emotionally.

    Now, this trip was a combination of factors that left me feeling creatively stumped, exhausted, and not quite like myself. Can you relate? I bet you can. We all have moments like these when life throws us curveballs and we need to find a way to recharge and take care of ourselves.

    That's why I felt compelled to share these underrated self-care tips with you today. I want to explore accessible ways to nurture yourself that have a lasting impact beyond the time you invest in them. We won't be talking about the typical indulgences like bubble baths and massages (although I adore those too). Instead, I'll be sharing some less obvious tips that can truly make a difference.

    I hope one or ALL of these underrated self-care tips resonates with you and that you'll give them a try. 

    Listener of the Week: 

    If you're the lucky listener of the week, make sure to email kaitlin@thebeamlife.com to claim your one-month access to The BEAM monthly membership. This exclusive offer will provide you with even more resources and support on your journey, no matter what path you're on. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to unlock your full potential!

    Join our Free Community: 

    Want to connect with like-minded women and be part of a supportive community? Click here to join our free community of amazing women who are all striving to live their best lives. Share your journey, gain support, and be inspired by the incredible individuals in our community. Together, we can achieve greatness!

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    18 mins
  • Motivation Unleashed: Empowering Women in Fitness and Beyond with Master Health Coach Christine Bettera
    May 24 2023

    Certified master health coach, Christine Bettera, joins us for this week’s episode. Christine shares her personal journey and provides practical tips, motivation strategies, and solutions for women starting their fitness journeys. However, the wisdom shared in this conversation extends far beyond fitness alone. Whether you're embarking on a fitness journey, pursuing personal growth, or striving for success in any area of life, this episode offers invaluable insights. Tune in to gain empowerment and inspiration for your unique journey.

    Connect with Coach Christine

    Work with Coach Christine


    Listener of the Week: 

    This week, we have a special treat for our dedicated listeners. If you're the lucky listener of the week, make sure to email kaitlin@thebeamlife.com to claim your one-month access to The BEAM monthly membership. This exclusive offer will provide you with even more resources and support on your journey, no matter what path you're on. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to unlock your full potential!


    Join our Free Community: 

    Want to connect with like-minded women and be part of a supportive community? Click here to join our free community of amazing women who are all striving to live their best lives. Share your journey, gain support, and be inspired by the incredible individuals in our community. Together, we can BEAM even brighter!

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    50 mins
  • Breaking Free from People Pleasing: Strategies to Shed the Should Life
    May 17 2023

    Welcome to this episode of the BEAM Life podcast, where I tackle the powerful topic of shedding a Should Life and freeing ourselves from the grips of people pleasing. Join me as I share my personal journey of breaking free from a life driven by obligations, and discover three transformative strategies that will help you do the same.


    Strategy 1: Embrace Your Power of Choice - Uncover the importance of recognizing that you have the agency to make decisions based on your own desires and values. Say goodbye to living up to societal expectations or external pressures, and start living life on your own terms.


    Strategy 2: Setting Boundaries for a Balanced Life - Dive into the significance of establishing clear boundaries and expectations. Learn practical techniques to protect your precious time, energy, and emotional well-being. Reclaim control over your life and prevent being pulled in countless directions.


    Strategy 3: Harness the Power of Mantras - Explore the transformative power of creating a mantra or affirmation. Discover how a simple phrase can serve as a guiding light, reminding you to prioritize yourself and make decisions that align with your own needs and aspirations.


    But that's not all! I also have an exciting announcement for our "Listener of the Week." Make sure to listen carefully at the beginning of this episode. If you hear your name mentioned, reach out to me at kaitlin@thebeamlife.com with the subject line "Listener of the Week" to claim your free month of membership!


    To support you further on your journey of recovering from people pleasing, I invite you to join my vibrant and supportive free community group. Click here to connect with like-minded women who cheer for you and are dedicated to supporting your growth.


    Don't miss out on this episode of the BEAM Life podcast, where you'll gain valuable insights, actionable strategies, and the inspiration you need to shed the shoulds and live a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

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    16 mins
  • The Consistency Code: 5 Traits of a Consistent Person
    May 10 2023

    On this week’s episode I talk about "The Consistency Code" and the 5 traits of a consistent person.

    I was inspired to discuss this topic by my recent re-commitment to marathon training and the positive impact it has had on other areas of my life, such as parenting, emotional resilience, and business. By developing consistent habits and patterns, we can improve our reliability, discipline, perseverance, accountability, and organization.

    Consistency is essential to achieving our goals and making progress in all areas of our lives. It helps us to develop habits, routines, and patterns that keep us on track and moving forward towards our desired outcomes. When we are consistent, we build trust and reliability with ourselves and others. We demonstrate our commitment and dedication to our goals, and we develop a sense of discipline and self-control that helps us overcome obstacles and challenges.

    Consistency also helps us to stay accountable for our actions and to take responsibility for our mistakes. It allows us to learn from our failures and make adjustments as needed to continue making progress towards our desired outcomes. In contrast, when we lack consistency, we can struggle to achieve our goals and make progress towards success. We may feel overwhelmed, distracted, or unmotivated, which can lead to procrastination, inconsistency, and failure to follow through on our commitments.

    It's crucial to cultivate consistency in our lives, whether it's through daily habits, routines, or schedules. 

    PODCAST LISTENER OF THE WEEK: In addition to sharing the 5 traits of a consistent person, I am excited to announce the podcast listener of the week! If this is you, please email me at kaitlin@thebeamlife.com with “Listener of the week” as the subject line to gain access to your free month of membership!

    To support you on your consistency journey, I invite you to join my Daily Journaling Jumpstart program starting on May 15th by clicking this link. Even if you missed the start date, you can still access the program as it is recorded inside my free community group.


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    19 mins
  • Breaking the Silence on Suicide and Mental Health: A Mother's Story with Author Lisa Bachman
    May 3 2023

    On today’s show, I am thrilled to have author, Lisa Bachman, to talk about her book, The Book We Wish We Had: How We Stayed Hopeful When Hope Wasn't Enough.

    Lisa's book is an incredible resource for parents who are dealing with a child in crisis. In our interview, we discuss the challenges of writing such a personal and emotional book, the powerful feedback she's received from readers, and her advice for parents who may be dealing with a similar situation.

    We also talk about the role of empathy and understanding in supporting those struggling with mental health issues, as well as ways that society can work to prevent suicide.

    If you're interested in learning more about Lisa or her book, head on over to:




    And don't forget to join our FREE BEAM Life community, where you can connect with other like-minded women who are also on their journey towards personal growth and expansion.

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The BEAM Life podcast! If you enjoyed this conversation, please subscribe and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. Let's keep spreading positivity and joy in the world. 

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    42 mins