• Tiananmen Squared, AoT#425
    Jun 10 2024

    Did the “Tiananmen Square never happened” tweets fool you? It wouldn’t have if you had seen Shen Yun. America can become even more greater by electing the best rich guy for the job. Our problems aren’t so hard to fix when all the answers just seem to keep falling right in our lap.

    Topics include: help promote the show, different sources of content online, propaganda from everyone, disinformation, government, narratives, Chinese Twitter posts, Tiananmen Square, Tank Man, Chinese propaganda, Epoch Times, Falun Gong, religious cults, over the top homophobia, CFO money laundering, what people say means nothing, basic corruption, Shen Yun, Russian propaganda ubiquitous, online news sites used as propaganda portals, Russiagate, Intelligence community shared beliefs, Stop the Steal, geopolitics, competition over resources, US spread thin, divided population, minimum wage increase in CA, insane profits, political cults, apparatus behind Trump, Project 2025, Truth Movement roots of MAGA, redirected energies, coming protests over election results, Insurrection Act, Idiocracy in real life, states pitted against one another

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    59 mins
  • Robert Skvarla interview, The Truth Is In There, AoT#424
    May 27 2024

    Freelance writer, researcher and historian Robert Skvarla is the guest on this episode of the show. You may know him as the smoking alien from Twitter. This interview was most definitely a close encounter of the informative kind.

    Topics include: Pennsylvania, fringe topics, X Files, 90s paranormal and conspiracy boom, writing, hidden American culture, Trump, left vs right wing conspiracy material, propaganda, Edward Bernays, misinformation, Havana Syndrome, narrative wars, defense contracts, civil liberties, truth, inner enemy, DHS accused of being too woke, DHS INA, Project 2025, right wing new turn against intelligence and DOJ, government contingency plans, Rex 84, McCarthyism, concentration camps, conspiracy concepts derive from true histories of oppression, culture wars, political campaign noise, being online, Twitter, micro celebrity, new student protests, crime statistics inaccurate and used for political benefit

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    58 mins
  • Gray Goo(gle) Theory, AoT#423
    May 20 2024

    Entertainment media is shifting. Meanwhile, the continuing corporate takeover of all internet is only picking up more speed and momentum.

    Topics include: remixing the shows, content creation, corporate takeover of online media, Big Tech, MIC, Conner O’Malley, Standup Solutions, mixed media comedy, satire, Google borders change on maps, subversive comedy, new media, Marc Rebillet ad for Google, entertainment, Google employees resign in protest, Alphabet, SEO industry, AI generated imagery dominating image search results, fantasy art, Dead Internet, attention obsession, artificial intelligence does not have intelligence, terminology, hacking slavery, deep fakes, online services, terms of service, ubiquitous surveillance, link back to your own website, idiocy of online content, search may be dead, TikTok as source of information, continuum of our world, thought experiments, seeking truth, climate change, online discourse not inspiring

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Alchemy Is More Than Medieval Meth Lab Experimentation, AoT#422
    May 13 2024

    We have been told that alchemy was no more than the delusions of Medieval drug addicts. Might there be more to the story than this?

    Topics include: misfits, confusion, rapid change, alchemy, medieval addicts smoking lead, human experience, philosophy, abstract thinking, imagination, flying sticks, time, Great Work, ages, technique, taking our world for granted, thinking as hard labor, creative power, artifice, magic, mental health crisis, attaining inner peace, esoteric practices and goals, meditation, miracles of modern world, mystery of prehistoric humanity, biology, mining in space, the Tao, greatest truth defies quantification, death, ego, humility, nature, creation and creator, transhumanism, metaphor of lead into gold, limits of language, art of multiplication, Crone aspect of goddess, deleting discomfort, maturity, silliness of politics, tent revivals, perfect eternity, it’s a bible

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    1 hr
  • No More Business As Usual, AoT#421
    May 6 2024

    An unexpected hero arises to take on our old enemies, the Neocons. Not the hero we expected, but most likely, the hero we deserve.

    Topics include: Future of Humanity Institute closing, Oxford, transhumanism, Nick Bostrom, Anders Sandberg, WTA, h+, eugenics, Silicon Valley billionaires, Simulation Hypothesis, racist emails, dysgenics, artificial intelligence, progressive version of transhumanism, fringe ideologies and groups, IEET, Martine Rothblatt, EA, Longtermism, national economic systems, technological development, Neoliberals, Neocons, establishment in crisis, Erik Prince, Blackwater, Xe, Bush Administration, War on Terror, MIC, Indo-Pacific military theater, pivot away from Middle East, defense spending, Reagan, Cold War, post communist Russia, focus on private sector to save governmental failure, Eric Schmidt, national security shift, Boeing, whistleblowers’ deaths, basic corruption, focus on profits over all else, financialization, wealth gap increasing, money isn’t real, lack of economic philosophy, no accountability, dismantling of legitimate protest, Israel, student protests, banning campus protests, 2024 presidential election, AGI, major governments want to steer their own new world order, space vs the desert

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    56 mins
  • Truth Town Troubles, AoT#420
    Apr 29 2024

    The Age of Transitions is your one stop shop for important tech news. Make your way through the shadows and over to this podcast to learn a thing or two. There are other shows out there that you may not want to listen to, lest you get us all into more trouble than we are already in.

    topics include: Silicon Valley new MIC, expert opinions, one stop tech info hub, AI, nascent technologies, Kissinger, CHIPS Act, TSMC, semiconductors, China and US, Taiwan, Arizona fab, national security, LLMs, graphics cards, shadow people, fringe and alternative communities always degrading, the conspiracy is the conspiracy, 9/11 Truth, Ron Paul campaigns, Alex Jones as the Joker, marketing, Stop the Steal rally, fringe ideas going mainstream, electing a US president, adversarial aesthetics for public political protests, confrontation videos, narratives, propaganda, relating to MAGA crowd motivations, rapid contradictions, accountability, deep state, alternative figures prefer to play the victim, massive narrative shift, Republican establishment, instability, stolen election, guns, desire for civil war, possible election outcomes

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    59 mins
  • Boeing's Fall From Grace, AoT#419
    Apr 7 2024

    Boeing’s very public fall from grace appears to be coinciding with a changing military contracting ecosystem. Commercial airliners are being grounded as the art of war gets a new operating system.

    Topics include: favorite words, time to live in your own head, solar eclipse, Northrop Grumman AI drones, killer robots, MIC, aerospace companies, military contractors, old and new guard, Silicon Valley and tech companies, mass psychology, fall of Boeing, marketing to public, exoteric and esoteric sides of businesses, air travel industry, commercial jets, 747, financialization of business, funny debunking videos, logic of the culture wars, celebrating your accomplishments, Amazon No Checkout shut down, AI object recognition, RFID, tracking chips, sensors, automation, training data, labor intensive, exploits, numbers don’t lie, total surveillance, efficiency, intangibles animating the tangible world, unnecessary complexity, belief, school, pragmatism, defy categorization

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    59 mins
  • The Global Propaganda Matrix, AoT#418
    Mar 24 2024

    We are now trying to make sense of our world from within a global propaganda matrix. It should come as no surprise that most of us are confuse and tired, due to the fact that everyone has been screaming at us in order that we believe their side of the story.

    topics include: cliche advice, too many analogies, Russian terror attack, who will be blamed, ISIS, Ukraine, World Wide Web, all views presented at the same time, tweets, Israel, US intelligence, talking points, bots, embassy warnings, Putin off the record, propaganda for every audience, global propaganda matrix, independent media sources, all media tainted, reactionary takes, reason for confusion and division, information war, world war, analytics, algorithms, numbers game, content creation, attention is the only thing that matters, truth tellers, comedy content, US intel working within Chinese social media, American hypocrisy, deny everything, global tension, global influence and infrastructure building operations, trolling, all social media can go away tomorrow

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    1 hr