• Charging Forward: Inside 8Inks's Lithium-Ion Battery manufacturing innovation
    May 13 2024

    Welcome back to the SustainNOW Podcast, where you learn from the newest sustainable innovations from founders and scientists. Today, we're taking a deep dive into the realm of energy storage with a particular focus on advanced battery designs.

    Joining us is Paul, the visionary mind behind 8inks, a company committed to revolutionizing the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process. Paul will walk us through the challenges and opportunities in scalable battery manufacturing, and how 8inks is addressing the need for efficient energy storage solutions.

    HIs journey into battery development began during his time at ETH Zurich, where he participated in a competition to build the best electric race car. Later he conducted research on battery materials in California.

    This episode is for you, if you would like to understand more about battery technology, the evolution of lithium batteries and possible future applications. But it also highlights the limitation of lithium as an energy storage system.

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    Prepare to be energized as we journey alongside Paul from 8inks, who's sparking revolutionary changes in the world of energy storage. From his formative days at ETH Zurich to his groundbreaking contributions today, Paul shares the narrative of lithium-ion batteries – their rise to prominence and the art of perfecting cell selection. As we navigate the complex landscape of battery integration, Paul's insights illuminate the engineering conundrums and material science considerations that are propelling us toward a sustainable future.

    This episode isn't just about the 'what' – it's about the 'how'. Paul unveils 8INX's pioneering multi-layer curtain coating technique, poised to dramatically boost electrode structures and battery performance. Behind the scenes of battery production, we witness the transition from lab-scale innovation to the tantalizing prospect of mass production, which could ultimately slash manufacturing costs. Join us as we unpack these advancements that could redefine energy storage systems and set new benchmarks for the industry, all through the lens of 8INX's visionary approach.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    33 mins
  • 32: Design Meets Sustainability in Mutebox's Modular Office Revolution
    May 1 2024

    Today, we're focusing on MuteBox, a company dedicated to redefining workspace design by offering modular phone booths and meeting rooms with a sustainability focus.

    Joining us are Christian Toft Bach, who is leading MuteBox's marketing efforts and joint the company almost from day 1, and Adil Sheikh, who is focusing on the design of Mutebox to reduce the carbon footprint.

    Together, they'll discuss how MuteBox is addressing the new hybrid working environment and at the same time reducing the environmental impact.

    MuteBox aims to provide sustainable, flexible solutions prioritizing employee satisfaction and acoustic optimization.

    Christian and Adil will share insights into the company's vision and the challenges they face in creating greener and more hybrid workspaces.

    Before we dive in, let's consider the importance of sustainable workspace design in reducing environmental impact. 6% of the global emissions is only contributed by energy consumption of commercial properties. Around 10-15% of the global emissions can be linked to office space if you include construction, furniture, energy and etc.

    So, if you're interested in sustainable workspace solutions, join us as we explore MuteBox's journey toward a greener future in the office space.

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    Embark on an enlightening excursion into the future of office spaces with the innovators from Mutebox, Christian Toft Bach and Adil Sheikh. These trailblazers in the realm of sustainable workspace design reveal how their eco-friendly, modular phone booths and meeting rooms are not only shaping the hybrid work environment but also setting new benchmarks in the industry. From the conception of Mutebox on Denmark's Dragon's Den to its ascendancy as a front-runner in Denmark, Christian and Adil unpack the intricate relationship between employee well-being, environmental stewardship, and acoustic perfection. Their insights into the product's evolution and their head-on approach to the complexities of greening office spaces in a competitive market are nothing short of revolutionary.

    Strap in as we traverse the intricate landscape of modular office design and its potent role in curbing carbon emissions. The built environment's hefty carbon footprint gets a meticulous dissection, showcasing how Mutebox's techniques could herald a new era of sustainable commercial real estate. Their collaborative endeavors with architects, designers, and clients are knitting together a greener, more conscious future. We'll also shed light on the delicate dance between fostering collaboration and upholding individual productivity—a quintessential balance for the hybrid work models shaping offices today.

    Finally, join us as we cast a lens over the meticulous craftsmanship that embodies Mutebox's commitment to sustainability. We'll discuss the innovative materials that lend both durability and environmental friendliness to their designs, including the use of recycled PET and groundbreaking alternatives like mycelium. It's not just about creating a space; it's about creating a legacy of sustainability that carries forward as Mutebox charts its growth across the Nordic landscape and beyond. Christian and Adil leave us with profound lessons on maintaining stellar standards and cultivating relationships that echo the ethos of Mutebox—where the synthesis of dynamic workspaces and the health of our planet coalesce.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    38 mins
  • 31: Synonym's mission to create a new green asset class - using bioeconomy to replace 50% of petrochemical products
    Mar 25 2024

    In today's episode we will explore the world of scaling bioeconomy to replace 50% of petrochemical products in the future. That is the bold vision of Synonym, a company dedicated to accelerating the transition to better, more sustainable materials through bioproducts.

    Joining us today is Joshua Lachter, Co-founder and Chief Business Officer of Synonym. With a background in finance, Joshua brings a different perspective to the world of biomanufacturing, and he's here to shed light on the potential of fermentation and its role in revolutionizing our daily products from food, over chemical products such as Lubricants or fibers to special chemicals like enzymes or plant-based proteins.

    Synonym's mission is to create a new green asset class - a bioeconomy asset class to enable the commercialization and manufacture of bioproducts. Joshua will walk us through the company's vision, the challenges they're addressing, and the partnerships they're developing to scale bioproducts on industry scale.

    But before we dive into the details, let's take a moment to understand the magnitude of the problem Synonym is trying to tackle. From the high cost of production to the limitations of available current fermentation infrastructures, Joshua will guide us through the complexities of the biomanufacturing landscape and highlight the urgent need for scalable solutions.

    So, if you're curious about the future of sustainable materials and the pivotal role of bioproducts in driving this transition, you won't want to miss this episode.

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    Embark on a transformative exploration into the bioeconomy with Joshua Lachter, Synonym's visionary co-founder, as we discuss the bold ambition of biologically revolutionizing the materials of our everyday lives. Discover a world where nature's ingenuity provides us with everything from biodegradable cups to complex, spider silk-like proteins, all while treading lightly on the planet. Our conversation with Joshua shines a light on the potential for biomaterials to not only replace petrochemical products but also enhance their functionality, offering a glimpse into a future where sustainability and superior performance go hand in hand.

    As we wade through the intricacies of scaling biomanufacturing, Joshua from Synonym reveals the strategic moves and digital tools, like Capacitor and Scaler, that are poised to accelerate the growth of companies from fledgling startups to industry heavyweights. This episode peels back the layers of precision fermentation's vast applications beyond food, touching on the creation of polymers, resins, and synthetic methane. It's a peek into the colossal efforts being poured into building an infrastructure that supports the escalating demand for bio-based goods.

    Finally, we explore the landscape of standardizing equipment and mobilizing financing in the synthetic biology sector. Learn how Synonym's journey, from a simple stroll in the woods to forging alliances with industry magnates like Anderson Horowitz, is paving the way for synthetic biology to reshape American manufacturing. This episode connects the dots between the creation of a flexible, standardized platform for synthetic biology companies and the innovative financing strategies that might just be the key to unlocking commercial-scale production. Join us to understand how Synonym embodies the pioneering spirit needed to nurture an industry that could redefine our material world.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    49 mins
  • 30: Making farming sexy again: How Climate Farmers Aims to Support Regenerative Farmers with Co-Founder Philipp Birker
    Feb 28 2024

    Today, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Philippe Birker, co-founder of Climate Farmers. This company is on a mission to revolutionize agriculture by building the necessary infrastructure to scale up regenerative practices. How? By developing an ecosystem measurement system that serves as a baseline for financing the transformation to regenerative farms.

    Before Philippe ventured into the realm of regeneration, he spent five years dedicated to business and community development for various impact startups. But here's a fascinating tidbit about him – Philippe also holds the record in fire breathing. Curious? Well, you'll hear more about it in this episode.

    Let's dive into the numbers: In 2020, EU farms utilized a staggering 157 million hectares of land for agricultural production, accounting for 38% of the total land area. It's noteworthy that the majority, a whopping 94.8%, of these farms are family-owned. However, agriculture also contributes to 26% of our yearly worldwide emissions.

    Climate Farmers is aiming to transform every farm into a profitable and regenerative one. This episode is a must-listen if you're eager to grasp the essence of regenerative agriculture, understand why our food has lost significant nutritional benefits, and explore the necessary changes in policies, financing structures, why carbon financing is not enough, and overall perception towards farmers.

    Get ready for a deep dive into the world of sustainable farming and discover how Climate Farmers is paving the way for positive change. Happy listening!

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    Ever wondered if the soil beneath our feet could be a hero in the climate crisis? Philipp Birker, co-founder of Climate Farmers, joins me to reveal how regenerative agriculture offers not just hope for the planet, but also a financially sustainable future for farmers—especially the youth seeking to sow seeds of change. Together, we unravel the complexities farmers face, from economic barriers to policy labyrinths, while also celebrating Philipp's record-breaking prowess in fire-breathing, a testament to his multifaceted journey as an eco-warrior.

    Strap in for an eye-opening tour of farming's future, where we scrutinize our current yield-focused model that sidelines the well-being of our environment. Philipp and I dissect the transformative potential of regenerative agriculture—a method that cherishes rhythm with nature, enriching our soils, preserving precious water, and fostering a biodiversity haven. Delving into the Climate Farmers Academy, we spotlight how education and financial incentives are vital in encouraging farmers to cultivate change, emphasizing that proper agricultural policies and support are key to valuing environmental stewardship.

    We wrap up this enlightening conversation with a deep dive into the innovative concept of carbon credits, dissecting the evolution from a carbon-centric approach towards a holistic ecosystem regeneration system. Philipp walks us through the intricacies of compensating farmers for carbon capture in soil and looks beyond, to a future where food production nourishes both our bodies and the planet. Join us to gain a fresh perspective on how every choice we make at the dinner table or the ballot box can be a step towards a regenerative and resilient agricultural landscape.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    44 mins
  • 29: From Ancient Organism to Renewable Energy Superhero: Electrochaea Synthesis of Synthetic Methane
    Feb 14 2024

    In today's episode, I am speaking to Doris Hafenbradls, CTO and Managing Director of Electrochaea. Doris has enjoyed a successful career as scientist and corporate executive in the biotech and pharma industry in the US and Europe. She joined Electrochaea from Axxam, a leading provider of integrated discovery services for the life sciences industry, where she was responsible for the company's discovery services activities. Doris dedicated her doctoral research in mircobiology to the study of the microorganism archaea at the University of Regensburg.

    What does Electrochae produce? The company converts renewable energy (solar and wind) and the industrial waste product carbon dioxide into grid-quality synthetic Methane with the goal to replace natural gas as energy source and storage. They use Archaea - an ancient, single-celled microorganisms that survive in extreme conditions to synthesize methane.

    In May 2021, the International Energy Agency (IEA) released its roadmap to help the world get to net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. Net Zero by 2050 recommends a baseline target of 10 percent for synthetic methane in the natural gas flow by 2050.

    The company has been founded in 2014 by Dr. Laurens Mets, Professor at the University of Chicago, and Mich Hein. They have 3 pilot plants up and running and now raising for the next round to expand.

    I learned a lot in this conversation about the power to gas principle and the technology behind. This episode is something for persons who are interested in renewable energy, carbon capture and utilization and the circular economy of carbon dioxide.

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    Discover how the invisible power of microorganisms can revolutionize our energy systems as Doris Hafenbradl of Electrochaea unveils the potential of renewable synthetic methane. In an era crying out for sustainable solutions, we're joined by an expert who is turning the tables on traditional energy storage and utilization. Harnessing the ancient prowess of archaea, Electrochaea's technology is not just a beacon of innovation but a pragmatic bridge to a greener future, syncing the ebb and flow of renewable energy production with our insatiable demand.

    This episode is a journey through the environmental and economic impacts of a truly transformative technology, with real-world applications already taking root from Denmark to Maine. As we explore with Doris, the process of repurposing excess renewable energy into a viable, storable commodity is not merely a theoretical marvel but a practical stride towards a circular economy. Synthetic methane stands poised to redefine energy intensity and costs, proving that the green premium is a small price to pay for a sustainable and carbon-conscious future.

    We wrap up with a candid discussion about the hurdles and prospects within the renewable gas market. Doris guides us through the maze of regulatory requirements, the importance of subsidies, and the potential of voluntary markets, sharing Electrochaea's achievements and aspirations. Their innovative 12-megawatt project in Denmark and ongoing feasibility studies in Canada underscore the scalability of this venture. It's a conversation that leaves us optimistic about a future where synthetic methane could become the norm, providing a cleaner and renewable alternative to fossil fuels.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    49 mins
  • 28: Policy Special Focus - Regenerative Agriculture Policy with NRDC Deputy Director Lara Bryant
    Nov 17 2023

    Today I am talking with Lara Bryant, Deputy Director of NRDC (The Nature Resource Defence Council) in USA. Lara has a background in chemistry and studied plant and Soil Science and has a master’s degree in public administration in environmental science and policy from Columbia University.

    NRDC is a Non-Profit organization with more than 3 million members and online activists with the expertise of some 700 scientists, lawyers, and other environmental specialists to confront the climate crisis, protect the planet's wildlife and wild places, and to ensure the rights of all people to clean air, clean water, and healthy communities.

    In this podcast we talk about regenerative agriculture and how policy and subsidies are driving the transition to regenerative agriculture. In this short episode, we take a look at USA farmers and what needs to change to drive the industry to be more sustainable.

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    Do you want to get a fresh perspective on regenerative agriculture? Then you don't want to miss my conversation with Lara Bryant, the Deputy Director of the Nature Resource Defense Council (NRDC). Lara brings to light the fascinating world of regenerative agriculture and the NRDC's mission. We explore the significance of soil health, and how the U.S. federal crop insurance program could be revamped to reward farmers who prioritize it.

    Imagine an agricultural world where the transition to regenerative practices is supported by policy and resources. We discuss this and more as Lara shares findings from her study with 115 U.S. farmers. We lay out the groundwork for cultivating the next generation of farmers, focusing on providing them with essential resources such as loans, health insurance, and retirement savings. We dive into the complexities of regenerative agriculture, comparing it to organic farming and discussing the regenerative organic certification.

    Finally, we explore the challenges of regenerative agriculture, the potential of carbon credits, and the exciting prospect of policy changes to support more farmers in this transition. Lara reflects on how her theories on agriculture have transformed over the years and gives her insights on the percentage of American farmers already practicing bio or regenerative farming. So, put on your headphones and tune in to this compelling conversation about the future of agriculture, soil health, and how you can get involved with the NRDC. You're sure to learn something new!

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    29 mins
  • 27: Harnessing the Ocean's Might: In-Depth with SeaO2 Founders on their Mission to Capture a Gigaton of CO2 by 2035
    Nov 1 2023

    In today's episode, I am speaking with Rose Sharifian and Ruben Brands. Rose is CTO and co-founder of CDR startup SeaO2. She is a chemical engineer and petroleum engineer by training, who is researched, for the last 5 years, the electrochemical oceanic carbon capture during her PhD at University of Delft, Netherlands.

    My second interview partner is Ruben Brands, CEO and co-founder of Seo2. He previously founded startups and consulted for major corporations on lean startup initiatives. Three years ago, motivated by the urgency of climate change, he was researching technological solutions and met Rose.

    Sea02 is a ocean-based carbon removal company with the mission to protect our planet from getting warmer and warmer, by reducing the CO₂ concentration in the ocean and indirectly in the air. They would like to capture 1 Gigaton of CO2 by 2035.

    In this episode, you will learn about the different Ocean-based carbon removal methods (nature and tech based), the technology of Seo02, the challenges of scaling a company on water and why ocean-based is much more efficient than direct air capture.

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    Can we truly outsmart climate change by harnessing the ocean's might? Get ready to infiltrate the fascinating world of ocean-based carbon removal with our guests, Rose Scharrivian and Ruben Brands, the innovative minds behind SeaO2, a company on a mission to capture a gigaton of CO2 by 2035! Together, we'll shed light on the technology that drives their venture and the hurdles they encounter as they progress towards their ambitious goal.

    What sets ocean-based carbon capture apart and how does it compare with direct air capture? That's what Rose and Ruben will be discussing in depth, as we explore the remarkable efficiency of ocean carbon capture. We'll delve into the role of the ocean as a carbon absorbent, the unique challenges of measuring and monitoring ocean capture, and the tantalizing possibility of achieving gigaton scale carbon removal. Furthermore, we'll probe into the environmental impact of this groundbreaking technology, weighing potential risks and discussing the careful balancing of CO2 levels.

    Lastly, Rose and Ruben will take us on a journey through the Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) market, its stumbling blocks, and the innovative solutions that SeaO2 is introducing. You'll hear about their hands-on experience of working with the unforgiving ocean, the pressing need for funding, and the urgency of scaling up their operations. Learn about their pilot project in the Netherlands and their unwavering determination to battle climate change with creativity and cutting-edge technology. This is an episode you won't want to miss if you're curious about how tech can help us turn the tide in the fight against global warming.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

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    45 mins
  • 26: BiCRS - How can biomass contribute to negative emissions in the future? A conversation with Stefanie Bischoff, Managing Director of Airfix
    Oct 11 2023

    In today's episode, I am speaking with Stephanie Bischof, Managing Director Airfix. Stephanie worked for more than 10 years in finance for large international companies like coca-cola and svwarowski. A movie about soil health led her to move into the climate field. Since the spring of 2022, she has led a subsidiary of South Pole in the field of biomass carbon removal and storage with the goal of creating markets for negative emission technologies.

    Airfix is a consulting and co-developing business in the newly emerging carbon removal industry focused on Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (in short BiCRS) in Switzerland, and Europe. Activities include investing in carbon capture infrastructure, complex value chain management and market shaping.

    In this episode, you will learn about the Carbon Removal and Storage Market and its challenge to scale up to an industry which needs to match the Gas & Oil Industry market.

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    Are you ready to unlock some of the most complex mysteries around carbon removal and storage? We've got something special for you. We had an enlightening chat with Stefanie Bischoff, the powerhouse Managing Director of Airfix. Stefanie, who evolved from a finance professional to a fierce climate change warrior, shared some astoundingly rich insights into the burgeoning carbon removal and storage industry. This conversation is an immersive journey into the world of carbon capture, scaling the industry to rival the gas and oil market, and the intricate processes of biomass carbon removal and storage.

    In the episode, Stefanie also talks about the complex issue of pricing carbon removal. She discusses Microsoft's pledge to buy millions of carbon credits from a Danish project and how these certification standards ensure accurate carbon removal measurements. We also explore the fascinating journey of Airfix Carbazoo, a venture striving to create a market for carbon removal and storage. Stefanie explains their funding strategy, end goals, and how they are tracking their own carbon objectives. If you've been curious about the role of finance in tackling climate change and the urgent need for negative emission technologies, this conversation is an absolute must-listen.

    Please check out show notes and background information: www.sustainnow.ch
    Ideas for a podcast episode? Please contact us here: fvw@forestrock.ch

    Show more Show less
    38 mins