• Episode 23 | Restoring Hope When Hope is Lost
    Jun 19 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick understand that recovery brings hope. Recovery has given them lives better than they ever dreamed of. In this episode, they explore different aspects of the recovery process: effective communication, allowing space for personal growth, supporting the lives of those in recovery, and practicing self-care.

    Today's Guest: A very hopeful conversation comes your way via a very inspirational and talented man who has used the power of music to bring him out of the dark depression of alcoholism. Joining us is Tom Cridland of Tom's Elton Tribute. When on stage, Tom is a doppelganger of Elton John in voice and appearance.

    Timestamps & Discussions:

    16:38 - 17:06

    Matt and Ryan introduce Tom Cridland and his tribute act to Elton John.

    17:17 - 18:06

    Tom discusses his journey in recovery and how music has influenced his path to sobriety.

    18:13 - 19:53

    Tom recounts a pivotal moment in his life when he confronted his alcoholism head-on, marking a significant turning point in his recovery.

    19:58 - 21:46

    Tom shares a harrowing story about his time at boarding school and a terrible binge he was on, offering a glimpse into the depths of his struggle with addiction.

    21:48 - 22:50

    Tom talks about the most important person in his life—his wife—who played a pivotal role in saving him from his addiction and supporting his recovery journey.

    24:14 - 26:26

    Tom describes the amends process and how his wife views his recovery, highlighting the importance of making amends in the recovery process.

    26:35 - 28:09

    Tom elaborates on music's role in maintaining his sobriety, emphasizing how it continues to be a source of strength and inspiration for him.

    28:13 - 29:15

    Tom shares his strategies for staying motivated in his recovery, underscoring the importance of having a purpose and staying committed to personal growth.

    29:42 - 30:23

    Tom talks about an upcoming big show in Scranton, Pennsylvania, giving listeners a glimpse into his future endeavors and ongoing journey in music and recovery.


    Social Media: Follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @sobriety_pod. You can find our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and wherever else you get your podcasts. Please like, subscribe, and rate us!

    Support Resources:

    • Al-Anon: Al-Anon.org
    • AA Meetings: aa.intergroup.org/meetings
    • Virtual NA Meetings: virtual-na.org
    • Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (available 24/7)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    36 mins
  • Episode 22 | Navigating Detox in Recovery
    Jun 12 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick discuss detoxing your body, which is the first tangible step in recovery, but it should always be done professionally.

    The guys answer important questions like, what does it feel like? Do you shake uncontrollably? Do you go into life-threatening delirium tremens (DTs), including audio and visual hallucinations? Are you scared or ashamed of entering the detoxification center? What happens after you're done? Is it, “Hey, I’m dried out, all is great,” or is there something more?

    In Supporting Sobriety’s Extended Playlist #2, Matt and Ryan share their own detox experiences, recalling all of the good about removing the “drugs of choice” from their systems and speaking on the not-so-good aspects of the process. Regardless, the experience varies from patient to patient, and the magic of recovery is quick to follow if the right choices are made. Again, please do it professionally. Let people keep you safe.

    (Supporting Sobriety's Extended Playlists is slightly different from normal shows. In these EPs, Matt and Ryan talk more about themselves and their recovery experiences while remembering that the podcast is always about you, the caregiver. Thank you for listening. You’re so loved.)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    24 mins
  • Episode 21| What’s a Sober Birthday?
    Jun 5 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick share their personal experiences and emotions as they both prepare to celebrate recovery milestones in the next two months. They reflect on the significance of their upcoming sober birthdays and how these celebrations motivate them to continue their journey.

    Introduction with Matt and Ryan

    [00:00 - 03:00]
    Matt and Ryan introduce the concept of a sober birthday and set the stage for the discussion.

    Significance of a Sober Birthday
    [03:01 - 08:30]

    Explanation of what a sober birthday is.
    Discussion on how it shows progress boosts self-esteem and motivates continued sobriety. Importance of identifying as a RECOVERING addict or alcoholic.

    Personal Reflections on Upcoming Sober Birthdays

    [08:31 - 13:45] Comparing sober birthdays to traditional birthdays and their emotional impact.

    How to Celebrate a Sober Birthday
    [13:46 - 19:36]
    Tips for planning the celebration, including choosing the right guest list.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    20 mins
  • Episode 20 | New Behavior Around Your Brand-New Person
    May 29 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick delve into why summer parties can be particularly challenging for those recovering from substance abuse. These gatherings often feature a lot of alcohol and sometimes drugs, which can trigger memories of past substance use for your loved one. They discuss the pressure that addicts might feel to either drink to fit in or risk feeling left out if they don’t. It’s a delicate balance.

    Matt and Ryan highlight four key points:

    Check Your Guest List: Be mindful of who you invite to create a supportive environment.

    Communication is Key: Openly discuss plans and concerns with your loved one.

    Be Supportive: Offer encouragement and understanding throughout the event.

    Respect Boundaries: Invite your loved one, but respect their decision if they choose not to attend. If your loved one needs a meeting or seems out of place during the party, understand that they might feel overwhelmed. Knowing these factors can help create a more comfortable and inclusive atmosphere.


    4:12 - 6:55 | Check Your Guest List

    • As the caregiver, you have some influence over how things go.
    • Remember, you don't need to walk on eggshells around our feelings and recovery.
    • Our recovery is ultimately our responsibility.

    6:56 - 9:50 | Communication is Key

    • Communication is crucial.
    • Have an open and honest conversation with your loved one.
    • Ask them what they need from you to feel safe and supported.

    9:53 - 13:09 | Be Supportive

    • If your loved one needs a meeting or seems out of place at parties, understand that they might feel overwhelmed.
    • We know it's a lot to ask, but you play a crucial role in creating a supportive environment.

    13:08 - 15:59 | It’s Up to Us to Change

    • Caregivers may expect immediate results, but recovery takes time.
    • It’s up to the addict to change their life.
    • Be patient; recovery takes time and is full of ups and downs.


    • Social Media: Follow us on X/Insta: @sobriety_pod
    • Podcasts: Listen and subscribe on Spotify, Apple. Please like, subscribe, and rate.
    • Meetings:
      • Al-Anon: Al-Anon.org
      • AA Meetings: aa.intergroup.org/meetings
      • NA Meetings (Virtual): virtual-na.org
    • Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (24/7)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    23 mins
  • Episode 19 | Alcohol at Parties and Your Recovering Loved One
    May 22 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick delve into the challenges that summer parties pose for those in recovery. These gatherings often feature alcohol and sometimes drugs, which can evoke memories of past substance use for your recovering loved one. The hosts explore the pressures to conform and the feelings of exclusion that can arise when someone abstains from drinking in a social setting. Striking the right balance is crucial.

    Discussions and Timestamps:

    5:46 - 7:41 - The guys discuss the importance of checking your guest list. If a family member is still drinking and might be disrespectful, leaving them off the guest list is best to avoid conflict. As the host, you have control over these situations.

    7:51 - 12:20 - Communication is so important. Have an open and honest conversation with your loved one. Ask them what they need from you to feel safe and supported. Sometimes, knowing you know their struggles can be a huge comfort.

    12:20 16:28 - Be supportive. If your loved one feels out of place or needs a meeting during the party, they might feel overwhelmed. We know it's a lot to ask, but your support is crucial in creating a supportive environment.

    17:00 - 20:04 - Respect your loved ones' boundaries at the party, but always respect their boundaries. Including them shows they are valued, but be mindful of their comfort levels and personal limits regarding social situations and potential triggers.


    Social X/Insta: @sobriety_pod.

    Podcasts: Spotify, Apple, Please like, subscribe, and rate

    Meetings: Al-Anon.org

    aa.intergroup.org/meetings, Meetings (virtual-na.org)

    Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (24/7)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    25 mins
  • Episode 18 | Caregiving for People in High-Stress Situations
    May 15 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick discuss the stress addiction places on families, sharing their personal battles and recovery experiences while offering tips for caregivers on self-care, recognizing addiction signs, and seeking support.

    Joining the Show: Captain Brandon Dreiman

    Background: Captain with 22 years at the Indianapolis Fire Department.

    Roles: Coordinator of Firefighter Wellness & Support, IAFF Peer Support & Resilience Master Instructor, CBT-I clinician, Certified Sleep Science Coach, Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach, and yoga teacher.

    Founder of Naptown Yogawalla.

    Key Discussions and Timestamps:

    10:40 - 11:18 | Introduction to Captain Dreiman

    Introducing Dreiman and his impressive background and achievements.

    11:19 - 14:33 | Firefighter Wellness Program

    Overview: This peer support program offers various firefighter services, focusing on intervention and prevention.

    Proactive Approach: The program aims to address issues before they become serious.

    15:03 - 17:25 | Dreiman’s Path to Sobriety

    Personal Story: Dreiman talks about a turning point 12 years ago when a random drug and alcohol test led him to choose sobriety.

    Lesson: The importance of giving back to maintain personal recovery.

    17:39 - 20:16 | Recognizing Signs of Addiction

    Advice for Caregivers: Look for behavior changes and patterns that might indicate addiction.

    Communication Tips: Avoid using “I” statements instead of “you” statements to make the person feel attacked.

    21:10 - 23:37 | Family and Recovery

    Impact on Families: Addiction affects the whole family, but recovery can bring everyone together.

    Positive Outcomes: Dreiman shares stories of successful recoveries and the comprehensive support his program offers, including counseling and relapse prevention.

    24:15 - 27:00 | Importance of Communication and Dealing with Anger

    Key Insights: Honest conversations and addressing anger are crucial in dealing with addiction.

    Evaluating Decisions: It's important to weigh the pros and cons of addiction-related actions.

    27:05 - 29:44 | Warning Signs and Support Programs

    Identifying Issues: Discussing signs that might indicate a loved one is struggling with addiction.

    Finding Help: Highlighting effective programs and resources available for support.


    Social X/Insta: @sobriety_pod.

    Podcasts: Spotify, Apple, Please like, subscribe, and rate

    Mettings: Al-Anon.org

    aa.intergroup.org/meetings, Meetings (virtual-na.org)

    Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (24/7)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    34 mins
  • Episode 17 | Your Addict is in Denial. Now What?
    May 8 2024

    Denial offers strong opposition to the caregiver trying to save the life of their suffering addict or alcoholic, and the situation can seem impossible. Can you help when they refuse to say, “I’m an alcoholic?” Can they be treated without admitting, “yes, I’m an addict?” Are they using more excessively? Do they say, “That’s just who I am,” while nursing hangover after hangover? Do they refute your concerns with “I can stop anytime I want,” even though they don’t? What about you, caregiver? Is it hard to believe your loved one is truly an addict or alcoholic?

    In this episode, Supporting Sobriety co-hosts Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick speak with Amber Hollingsworth, who calls on her decades of experience working with caregiving families to answer the demanding questions about denial in recovery. If you believe your child, sibling, parent, or S/O is stricken with the disease of addiction, please listen. Amber has lived addiction her whole life, growing up in an addicted family and as a professional caregiver for decades. She also has a YouTube channel called Put the Shovel Down, which hits the disease of addiction from all sides.

    Thank you for listening. Please like, subscribe, and rate.


    Join the Supporting Sobriety community @sobriety_pod on X or Instagram.
    aa.intergroup.org/meetings, Meetings (virtual-na.org)
    Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (24/7)

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    30 mins
  • Episode 16 | Your Addict Needs Meds. Now What?
    May 1 2024

    Matt Bair and Ryan Hedrick delve into the delicate balance between addicts responsibly using prescription drugs and the steps caretakers can take to prevent relapse when their loved ones are prescribed medication. Drawing from their own experiences with medications as barriers to recovery, Matt and Ryan emphasize the importance of communication between caregivers and addicts, especially when legal prescriptions are necessary. They highlight the significance of honesty and accountability in preventing relapse and easing the pressure on loved ones.

    Joining The Show:
    Dr. Michael LaRosa from the Salvation Army joins the discussion. With his extensive experience as the clinical director for Harbor Light in Indianapolis, Dr. LaRosa offers valuable insights into helping individuals enter recovery.

    Timestamps and Discussions:

    15:40 - 16:00 - Introduction to Dr. LaRosa:

    16:08 - 17:03 - Should Addicts Take Prescribed Opiates?

    Dr. LaRosa weighs in on the complexities of addicts taking medications that could potentially lead to relapse.

    17:18 - 19:55 - Recovery as a Collaborative Process:

    Dr. LaRosa emphasizes the importance of collaboration between doctors and addicts in moving forward with recovery.

    20:05 - 21:47 - Communicating with Caretakers:

    The importance of open communication and teamwork between addicts and caretakers in managing medication and preventing relapse is discussed.

    22:15 - 23:49 - Managing Refills and Alternative Solutions:

    Dr. LaRosa shares his approach to addressing refills and suggests healthy alternatives to medication.

    24:40 - 26:00 - Over-the-Counter Medications and Narcotics:

    The potential risks associated with over-the-counter medications and the importance of moderation are highlighted.

    26:16 - 28:32 - Recognizing Indicators of Relapse:
    The signs indicating a potential relapse and the role of communication and pain in motivating recovery are explored.

    28:45 - 30:02 - Addressing the Crisis:

    Dr. LaRosa discusses the challenges of the fentanyl crisis and the need for vigilance in combating addiction.

    30:15 - 31:25 - The Journey of Recovery:

    The importance of a God-centered attitude and giving back in the recovery journey is emphasized.


    Social X/Insta: @sobriety_pod, like us and subscribe.


    aa.intergroup.org/meetings, Meetings (virtual-na.org)

    Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-8255 (24/7)

    Like us and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    36 mins