
  • Electronic Instrument Building with Meng Qi
    Mar 24 2021
    Meng Qi is a pioneering synthesizer designer and musician, famous for his music and distinctive instruments, which are used by electronic artists all over the world. He joins Sound Method to speak with hosts Jess Tsang and Noah Sniderman about his latest creation, The Wing Pinger, and his philosophy of instrument building.
    Más Menos
    27 m
  • Sonic Communication with Nicole Patrick
    Mar 3 2021
    Nicole Patrick is a percussionist, drummer, and community builder living in New York City. She joins Sound Method to speak with host Jess Tsang and Noah Sniderman about how she uses percussion and improvisation to communicate.
    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Sound as a Relationship with Karen Yu
    Feb 17 2021
    Karen Yu is a percussionist, experimental sound artist, and interdisciplinary arts researcher who uses sound-making as a medium to question and subvert the relationship between audience and performer. She joins Sound Method to speak with host Jess Tsang about her perspective on sound as a tool for relationship building and collaboration, and how these view informed her composition, The Vigil of Debris.
    Más Menos
    28 m
  • Spatial Audio with Michael Trommer
    Feb 3 2021
    Michael Trommer is a Toronto-based sound and video artist; his practice has been focused primarily on psychogeographical and acoustemological explorations of anthropocentric space via the use of VR, ambisonic and tactile sound, field recordings, immersive installation and expanded cinema. He joins Sound Method to speak with hosts Jess Tsangs and Noah Sniderman about his audio-led, virtual reality documentary, *Ancient Thoughts and Electric Buildings*.
    Más Menos
    24 m
  • Radio Art with Gambletron
    Jan 20 2021
    Gambletron is a queer sound artist/musician known for their experimental sonic noise and works with radio transmission. They join Sound Method to speak with host Noah Sniderman about how a basketball halftime show led to a career of radio art experimentation.
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Found Objects with Jess Tsang
    Jan 6 2021
    Jess Tsang, a Brooklyn-based percussionist, joins Sound Method to speak with host Noah Sniderman about her process and techniques for using found objects to perform contemporary music.
    Más Menos
    25 m