
  • Episode 38: Listener Q/A
    Jun 19 2024

    In this special episode, we had the rare opportunity to be in the same place at the same time! And so we sat on Mariana's couch, and answered questions submitted by our dear listeners. Tune into our thirty-eighth show, where we explore topics both personal and magical, chatting about the story of our friendship, building spiritual businesses, contending with family reactions to interest in witchy topics, favorite and least favorite astrology placements, and more.

    We love making this podcast, and are so grateful for the wonderful questions from the audience :)

    Special thanks to this episode's ad partner, Sophia Kaur, find her on Instagram @___sophiakaur.

    Doors are now open for Cristina's signature class, The Art of Chart Interpretation: An Immersion in Astrology and Its Mythic Symbols, which you can learn all about here!

    Get your free Archetypal Tarot book from Mariana here, and keep an eye out for the announcement for open enrollment for the Archetypal Tarot School!

    Join our book club! We meet on June 29th to discuss Sophie Strand's amazing book of essays The Flowering Wand.

    Be sure to leave us a review and rating, it helps our work find other like-minded souls :)

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    55 mins
  • Episode 37: Interpreting Your Dream Language
    May 30 2024

    While it's typical to, after a dream, turn to a dream symbol dictionary to puzzle out the meaning of what we saw while we were asleep, dream experts urge us to connect with the symbols and images of our dreams in a personal, particular manner. But how can we do that, when we feel we have no foundation for understanding the strange images of our dreams?

    Join us in this special episode, where we immerse ourselves in the practice of learning to interpret your unique dream language. We discuss approaches to the dream, noticing patterns in dreams, the way dreamwork can be life changing, and our favorite dream interpretation practices, like the amplification of dream symbols, seeking correspondences in myths, fairytales, and media, lucid dreaming, and building out our own unique dream vocabulary.

    Our listener dream explores the scene of a castle, a coffin, and a potential rebirth of self.

    Special thanks to our ad partner Sophia Kaur, who you can find on Instagram @___sophiakaur.

    Dream Resources mentioned:

    Alyssa Polizzi: theartemisian.com



    Maria Nazdravan: https://www.instagram.com/beginagain.space

    Explore Mariana's Foundations of the Tarot workshop here
    Book an astrology reading with Cristina

    🐚 Join The Cloister 🐚

    Our new community membership space is up and running, offering a sweet community chat, bonus podcast episodes bi-weekly, a book club, and even a dream interpretation space! Join us here.

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    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

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    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

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    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Episode 36: The Symbol of the Star
    May 16 2024

    The Star: a beloved major arcana card in the tarot, and a beautiful feature of the natural world. Stars glitter in the dark, reminding us of the vastness of the cosmos, and our smallness within it. But the star is never solitary - it is grouped in clusters of its fellow stars, forming constellations that tell cultural stories, encouraging us to find a sense of place within the wild reaches of the macrocosm.

    Join us in this episode, as we explore stars in myth, fixed stars in astrology and their unique tales, and of course, the messages of hope, replenishment, and healing, that the Star card of the tarot brings to life.

    Enroll here in Mariana's upcoming Foundations of the Tarot course, beginning June 9th!

    Just two days left for the 30% off sale Cristina is holding on her pre-recorded classes on astrology and myth! Use the code SPRING30 at checkout.

    Join us on Sunday May 21st for our next book club meeting in the Cloister! We're discussing Merlin Stone's classic, When God Was a Woman. Explore here.

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

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    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Episode 35: The Symbol of the Garden
    May 1 2024

    As the season of spring unfurls before us, we contemplate the symbol of the garden. Different from the lush vitality of wild nature, the garden tends to be protected by a fortress, guarded by angels, with something sacred and special at its very center. Join us as we explore the meaning of the garden and its occulted fertility, moving through famous gardens like Eden and the Garden of the Hesperides, and how these gardens are a reminder of the sacred space of the womb, the generative creative processes of life, and that which we must protect first, in order for true growth to occur.

    📚 Our next book club book is WHEN GOD WAS A WOMAN, by Merlin Stone! Join us in The Cloister for a conversation about this book, which will be held on May 19th. 📚

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

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    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    57 mins
  • Episode 34: The Path of the Healer
    Apr 19 2024

    This episode offers a conversation a bit more personal, and more candid, about our experiences of working in our fields of tarot and astrology. Both of our disciplines can be considered healing modalities, but what does it really mean to be a healer in the modern age? How can we keep our work grounded and human, yet still invite in a connection with something more numinous? We chat about the ways in which being a healer is really more of offering a sacred mirror to our querents, allowing them to see their complexities with nuance and compassion--that's where we believe the true healing emanates from.

    For our dream portion of the show, we explore a listener's dream and synchronicity of being struck by lightning.

    🐚 Join The Cloister 🐚

    Our new community membership space is up and running, offering a sweet community chat, bonus podcast episodes bi-weekly, a book club, and even a dream interpretation space! Join us here.

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

    🌹 Advertise With Us 🌹

    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    1 hr
  • Episode 33: The Symbol of the Cosmic Egg
    Apr 3 2024

    The egg, or the cosmic egg, is a primal symbol of creation. In honor of spring truly getting underway, episode 33 of Soror Mystica explores the egg in all its procreative glory. Eggs are present in mythologies the world over, often coming up in explanations of the birth of the world, which usually is figured by the bifurcation of an egg which splits into sky and earth.

    Join us as we explore the mysteries of egg symbolism as it emerges in religious traditions, creation myths, mystery cults, and of course, as a symbol of the potential contained within the feminine. Contemplations of the binary of necessity and potential, the Temperance card, the rebus, the mandorla of the World card, fire and water lend deeper context to this symbol. Eggs, snakes, and ancestors emerge, here, and we hope this episode is nourishing as spring gets underway.

    At the end of this episode, we interpret a listener's dream of being presented with a dagger. Submit *your* dream symbol to us at our website.


    Mariana will be teaching Archetypal Tarot 101, explore here
    Cristina will be teaching Astrology for Beginners, explore here

    Our book club meets April 13th to discuss Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red, join us here!

    🐚 Join The Cloister 🐚

    Our new community membership space is up and running, offering a sweet community chat, bonus podcast episodes bi-weekly, a book club, and even a dream interpretation space! Join us here.

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

    🌹 Advertise With Us 🌹

    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    1 hr
  • Episode 32: The Symbol of Spring
    Mar 21 2024

    In honor of the Vernal Equinox, this episode is dedicated to the shimmering, gently unfurling symbol of Spring! With winter behind us, the Sun and his warmth grows wilder and more golden with each passing day. But there is more to this season than the warming of the world. Spring is associated with the themes of resurrection, fertility, and the reclamation of the sovereign path.

    Our listener symbol this episode is a contemplation of the theme of being chased in our dreams.

    Calling all astro-curious listeners of this show ~ Cristina is going to be teaching "Astrology for Beginners" this spring! Get all the details and your early-bird discount, here! https://www.cristinafarella.com/astrology-for-beginners

    Our BOOK CLUB will be meeting April 13th, to discuss Anne Carson's Autobiography of Red. Join us by joining The Cloister today!

    🐚 Join The Cloister 🐚

    Our new community membership space is up and running, offering a sweet community chat, bonus podcast episodes bi-weekly, a book club, and even a dream interpretation space! Join us here.

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

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    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    58 mins
  • Episode 31: The Symbol of Oracular & Prophetic Vision
    Mar 6 2024

    Oracles and prophetic vision were paramount to life in the ancient world. Along with astrology and haruspicy, consultation of the oracle was recognized as an important way of connecting with the will and vision of the divine.

    We live in a world that has stripped away the importance of the oracle and her voice, and so in this episode, we explore stories of the Oracle at Delphi, Apollo, Python, and Gaia, Cassandra, and expressions of the feminine oracle, and snake connections in prophecy. We also contemplate the split between the "mantic," uncontrolled oracle (associated with the feminine) and the "prohetes," the interpreter of the divinations, oftentimes associated with the masculine.

    Sit with us as we ask the question, what does it mean to crack open the boundary between mortal and oracular realms, and how can we connect with the oracular through divination? Can we connect to the personal oracular through nature, through the body? How can we best translate our intuitive knowing into empowering insights? How do we find truth in the oracular?

    For our listener symbol portion of the show, we examine the synchronistic discovery of four leaf clovers in one of our listener's lives.

    We loved this episode, and hope you do, too.

    Links and Announcements!

    There's just a few days more to enroll in Cristina's new class on Chiron in myth and astrology, starting on March 10th! Learn more here!

    What We're Reading

    Mariana: Healers on Healing, Richard Carlson
    Cristina: Brideshead Revisited (still!), The Greeks and the Irrational, E.R. Dodds

    Thanks to our episode partner Tending the Mystery
    @tendingthemystery on Instagram

    🐚 Join The Cloister 🐚

    Our new community membership space is up and running, offering bonus podcast episodes bi-weekly, a book club, and even a dream interpretation space! Join us here.

    💓 Leave Us A Review 💓

    If you love our show, you can help us reach curious minds and hearts by leaving us a rating or review wherever you listen to your pods! Thank you so much for being a part of our podcast journey.

    🌹 Advertise With Us 🌹

    Would you like your product or shop to be featured as an ad partner on Soror Mystica? Explore advertising options here!

    🧩 Share Your Symbols 🧩

    Do you have a symbol that pops up in dreams, in your tarot card pulls, or in your personal experience that puzzles you? If you’d like to hear us talk about your personal symbol on our show, feel free to share your story with us here.

    📸 Find Us On Instagram 📸

    Soror Mystica

    Mariana Louis

    Cristina Farella

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    1 hr and 6 mins