• Digital Object Tokens x Coca-Cola on Solana (feat. Vito, founder All Art)
    Jun 18 2024

    Full notes for this episode at: https://solfate.com/podcast/56
    Follow @SolfatePod on Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/SolfatePod

    PS: We are happy to announce the launch of our Solfate Drip channel where you can collect Solfate Podcast episodes as digital collectibles! Subscribe to our Drip channel today: drip.haus/solfate (we have some fun experiments planned)

    📝 Notes from the show

    A conversation with Vito from All Art.

    Vito, co-founder of All Art, shares his journey into the crypto and virtual reality spaces. He discusses the challenges of payments in virtual reality and the need for instant and low-cost transactions. Vito explains how his team experimented with the Stellar blockchain and the development of their NFT platform. He also highlights the negative perception of NFTs and the impact of media coverage. Vito concludes by discussing the partnership with Coca-Cola and the different approaches of marketing and innovation teams within large companies. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the problems that clients or partners face and tailoring the technology to solve those specific issues. Vito introduces the concept of Digital Object Tokens (DOT) and the need for standardized metadata to accurately represent real-world assets on the blockchain. He also highlights the challenges of user experience and the importance of collaboration with brands, regulators, and governments to drive adoption and solve key problems in the blockchain space.

    🔗 Find Vito and All Art online
    - Follow Vito on twitter - @vjevremovic
    - All Art's website - https://all.art

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    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    59 mins
  • Fastest blockchain payments on Solana with Sphere Pay (feat. Arnold, co-founder of Sphere)
    Jun 11 2024

    A conversation with Arnold, the co-founder of Sphere (a payments and banking platform on Solana).

    PS: We are happy to announce the launch of our Solfate Drip channel where you can collect Solfate Podcast episodes as digital collectibles! Subscribe to our Drip channel today: drip.haus/solfate (we have some fun experiments planned)


    Arnold shares his background and early experiences with crypto, including his journey to building Sphere on the Solana blockchain. He discusses the benefits of blockchain and the pragmatic approach to decentralization. Arnold also emphasizes the importance of understanding history in the context of blockchain. Finally, he explains the pain points that Sphere Payments aims to address.

    In this conversation, Arnold discusses the benefits of using Sphere to simplify crypto payments and integrations. He highlights the challenges of creating an SPL transfer wrapper contract and emphasizes the ease of using Sphere for accepting crypto payments, especially from international customers. Arnold also explains that Sphere is a suitable solution for businesses that want to handle their finances in a crypto-based world. He mentions the ability to accept payments in fiat and have them land in USDC, as well as the future goal of automating payout processes. Arnold advises listeners to learn from history and consider unconventional approaches to problem-solving. The conversation concludes with plans for future discussions and appreciation for the insights shared.


    • Blockchain offers the potential for decentralized solutions, but it is important to take a pragmatic approach and consider the existing systems and their benefits.
    • Understanding history is crucial in the context of blockchain, as it helps us recognize the challenges and opportunities that arise from the current financial and regulatory systems.
    • Sphere Payments aims to address pain points in the correspondent banking system, such as high fees, slow transactions, and lack of transparency.
    • By leveraging blockchain technology, Sphere Payments provides a more accessible and efficient way to transfer value, particularly for remittances and cross-border transactions. Sphere provides an easy and efficient solution for accepting crypto payments and simplifying integrations.
    • The target customers for Sphere are businesses that want to handle their finances in a crypto-based world.
    • Sphere allows for accepting payments in fiat and converting them to USDC.
    • Automating financial processes and exploring unconventional approaches can lead to more efficient solutions.
    • Future conversations with Arnold are anticipated to delve deeper into historical and philosophical aspects of crypto.

    Find Arnold and Sphere online

    • Follow Arnold on twitter - @0xdirichlet
    • Follow Sphere on twitter - @sphere_labs
    • Checkout the Sphere website - spherepay.co

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    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

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    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
    • collect episodes on Drip: drip.haus/solfate
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    58 mins
  • DRiP and the Creator Economy on Solana (feat. Vibhu, founder)
    Jun 4 2024

    A conversation with Vibhu, the founder of DRiP.haus, one of the most popular consumer apps in all of crypto (being focused on the creators).

    We are also happy to announce the launch of our Solfate Drip channel where you can collect Solfate Podcast episodes as digital collectibles! Subscribe to our Drip channel today: drip.haus/solfate (we have some fun experiments planned)

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot


    In this conversation, Vibhu Norby, the co-founder of Drip, discusses the latest updates and developments with the platform. He talks about the expansion to cross-chain creators and the challenges of sourcing and curating creators. He also shares insights into conversations with non-blockchain creators and the magic of Drip's economic model.

    Vibhu discusses the potential for improving the internet around digital content by leveraging micro-transactions and digital ownership. He explains how the current subscription model and traditional content platforms have created inefficiencies and asymmetrical value accrual. Vibhu also highlights the importance of introducing ads in a less annoying way and the potential for fair monetization models. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the upcoming Drip mobile app and the transition process for existing users.


    • Drip has evolved over the past year, with a focus on accessibility, monetization, and cross-chain creators.
    • The platform has been resistant to liquidity cycles and has stood out in the Solana ecosystem.
    • Conversations with non-blockchain creators often revolve around the challenges of monetization and the direct-to-consumer model.
    • Drip's economic model, with droplet donations and spending, provides a frictionless microtransaction platform for creators. Microtransactions and digital ownership can improve the internet around digital content.
    • The current subscription model and traditional content platforms have created inefficiencies and asymmetrical value accrual.
    • Introducing ads in a less annoying way can provide fair monetization models for creators and benefit users. Drip may experiment with this in the future.
    • The upcoming Drip mobile app will provide a better user experience and seamless integration with wallets.

    Find Vibhu and DRiP online

    • Follow Vibhu on twitter - https://twitter.com/vibhu
    • Follow DRiP on twitter - https://twitter.com/drip_haus
    • DRiP's website - https://drip.haus

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    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
    • website: https://nick.af


    • twitter: @jamesrp13
    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

    Solfate Podcast

    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
    • collect episodes on Drip: drip.haus/solfate
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    57 mins
  • Evolution of the Keystone Hardware Wallet (feat. Lixin, founder)
    May 28 2024

    A conversation with Lixin, the founder of Keystone Wallet, an open source hardware wallet that is fully airgapped and has a touchscreen.

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot


    The conversation covers the introduction and background of the Lixin, an overview of Keystone wallet, the design philosophy and user experience features of Keystone, the versions and evolution of Keystone.

    Lixin discusses his transition into crypto and the development of Keystone, from the early versions of Keystone to their target audience. He even details the integration of Keystone with MetaMask and other wallet providers. The gents discuss how the 3 secure elements and security measures in Keystone, including the device verification and logistics security measures taken by Keystone.

    In this conversation, Lixin from Keystone discusses the importance of security in the crypto space and provides recommendations for new users. They emphasize the need for self-custody and the use of hardware wallets to protect assets. Lixin also highlights the significance of security education and the importance of verifying transactions. They mention resources such as security researchers on Twitter and Telegram groups for learning about security. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the evolution of security in different blockchains and the future features and collaborations of Keystone.


    • Self-custody and hardware wallets are essential for protecting crypto assets.
    • Security education is crucial for new users to protect themselves from scams and phishing attacks.
    • Verifying transactions and learning about the inner workings of different blockchains is important for security.
    • Collaborations with other wallets and NFT communities can enhance the user experience and customization options.

    Find Lixin and Keystone online

    • Follow Lixin on twitter - @BitcoinLixin
    • Follow Keystone on twitter - @KeystoneWallet
    • Checkout the website - keyst.one

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    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
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    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

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    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    56 mins
  • Web3 Domains on Solana with AllDomains (feat. Vlad Toni, founder)
    May 21 2024

    A conversation with Vlad Toni, the founder of AllDomains, a web3 domain platform on Solana.

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot


    This conversation delves into All Domains' shift from developing social primitives on Solana to tokenizing web2 domains, exploring the benefits and potential of Solana in domain tokenization. Vlad shares insights from his journey into Solana, emphasizing the importance of long-term vision in the crypto space and the role of community support. The discussion also touches on the challenges of building the product and concludes with future plans, including the unique offering of emoji domains.


    • All Domains started as a project focused on social primitives but pivoted to tokenizing web2 domains on Solana.
    • Solana's vibrant and noisy ecosystem makes it an ideal blockchain for building domains and identities.
    • Tokenizing web2 domains on Solana allows for instant domain transfers and trading, providing a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to traditional domain registration.
    • The future of domains in Web3 includes making them visitable in browsers and exploring security features that leverage on-chain resolution. Having a clear goal and long-term vision is crucial in the fast-paced crypto space.
    • Support and encouragement from the community can make a significant difference in the success of a project.
    • Overcoming challenges and persisting through difficult times is essential for building a successful product.
    • Exploring unique offerings, such as emoji domains, can provide new opportunities in the blockchain space.

    Find Vlad and AllDomains online

    • Follow Vlad on twitter - @vladtoni
    • Follow AllDomains on twitter - @AllDomains_
    • Checkout the AllDomains website - AllDomains.id

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    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
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    • twitter: @jamesrp13
    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

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    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    52 mins
  • NeoSwap: Smart auctions for perfect swaps (w/ John Ennis, founder of NeoSwap)
    May 14 2024

    A conversation with John Ennis, the founder of NeoSwap, a multi-way trading platform where everyone wins.

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot


    NeoSwap is a platform that aims to make assets spendable and provide purchasing power from assets. The idea of multi-way trading, where complex transactions involving assets and money can be facilitated, is at the core of NeoSwap.

    The founder, John Ennis, has a background in mathematics, AI, and market research, which led him to develop the NeoSwap algorithm. The algorithm uses solvers and prediction models to optimize trades and maximize utility for all parties involved. NeoSwap has developed products like smart auctions and starter pack finders for gaming (including for StarAtlas), which have shown promising results in improving efficiency and trade volume.

    The NeoSwap platform is blockchain-agnostic but has found more success on chains with denser data and on-chain commitments. The conversation explores the choice of Solana as a platform, the promise and durability of Bitcoin, the differences between Solana and Bitcoin cultures, the two-sided war between Ethereum and Bitcoin, and the value of inscriptions on Bitcoin. It also discusses the dangers of fiat currency, the importance of commerce and value exchange, and the vision of NeoSwap for decentralized commerce.


    • Solana offers advantages in terms of speed, low gas fees, and an active community, making it an attractive platform for projects.
    • Bitcoin provides an alternative to fiat currency and offers durability, but its tooling and performance are not as advanced as Solana.
    • The culture in Solana is more focused on efficiency and winning in the startup world, while Bitcoin attracts more ideologically motivated individuals.
    • Inscriptions on Bitcoin provide a new use case and can ensure the blockchain's value even after the block reward goes away.
    • The vision of NeoSwap is to create a decentralized commerce platform that allows for value exchange and matchmaking without the need for centralized control.

    Find John and NeoSwap online

    • Follow John on twitter - @john_ennis_btc
    • Follow NeoSwap on twitter - @neoswap_ai
    • Checkout the NeoSwap website - NeoSwap.xyz

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    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
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    • twitter: @jamesrp13
    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

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    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Building a Solana Test Validator on Steroids w/ Thorsten Lorenz (Luzid) - Solfate Podcast #50
    May 7 2024

    A conversation with Thorsten, the creator of Luzid, a Solana test validator at light speed.

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot


    Thorsten, the creator of the Luzid validator, joins James in our first in person episode. Thorsten shares his unique journey getting into software development and into Solana, starting as a jazz musician, then a poker player, then writing poker bots and diving into more development. Including building some of the most popular developer tooling at Metaplex.

    The conversation explores the features and capabilities of Luzid, a tool for testing Solana programs. James and Thorsten discuss the setup process and navigate through the Luzid.app, exploring transactions, accounts, and snapshots. They also discuss the ability to undo actions and perform regression testing.

    Thorsten touches on the future plans for Luzid, including the business model and collaboration with MagicBlock. The hosts conclude by providing information on the public release of Luzid and expressing excitement for its potential. This conversation explores the concept of emotional intelligence and its importance in various aspects of life. It discusses the definition of emotional intelligence, its components, and how to develop it. The conversation also highlights the role of emotional intelligence in leadership and relationships.

    Find Thorsten and Luzid online

    • Follow Thorsten on twitter - @thlorenz
    • Checkout the Luzid website - Luzid.app

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    • twitter: @nickfrosty
    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
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    • twitter: @jamesrp13
    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

    Solfate Podcast

    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    54 mins
  • Cross-chain Stable Coin Bridges (w/ Andriy, founder of AllBridge)
    Apr 24 2024

    A conversation with Andriy, the founder of AllBridge, a cross-chain bridging protocol that uses stable coins.

    PS: Checkout the Snapshot newsletter: a byte-sized email newsletter filled with the biggest updates from Solana ecosystem teams and builders. ~5 minute read. Every 2 weeks. 👉 https://solfate.com/snapshot

    Full show notes: solfate.com/podcast/49

    Follow the @SolfatePod show on Twitter for updates. Thanks for listening frens :)

    Notes from the show

    Andriy, the co-founder of AllBridge, discusses his background and transition into the crypto space. He shares the early days of AllBridge and its role in bridging stable coin assets between different chains, particularly on Solana. He explains the architecture of AllBridge and the transition from the common “mint and burn” model to the current liquidity pools.

    Andriy also discusses the future plans for AllBridge, including the potential introduction of governance and partnerships with other protocols. He provides insights into the user flow and technical process of bridging, as well as the returns and risks associated with liquidity pools. Lastly, he talks about the integration with Phantom and the role of bridge aggregators in the ecosystem.

    The conversation with Andriy from AllBridge focused on the importance of collaboration over competition in the blockchain industry. Andriy emphasized the need to work together with other companies to provide better solutions for users. He shared an example of how AllBridge partnered with Wormhole to offer a more convenient cross-chain solution. Additionally, Andriy discussed the potential for B2B solutions in the future, where protocols can leverage AllBridge’s infrastructure for liquidity transfers. He also highlighted the importance of informed decision-making and transparency in the crypto ecosystem.


    • AllBridge is a bridge protocol that facilitates the transfer of assets between different chains, with a focus on stable coins.
    • The architecture of AllBridge has evolved from mint and burn models to liquidity pools, which provide a more efficient and user-friendly experience.
    • The returns and risks associated with liquidity pools depend on factors such as the amount of liquidity in the pool and the volume of transactions.
    • Allbridge is actively exploring partnerships and integrations with other protocols, and there are plans to introduce governance mechanisms in the future.
    • The integration with Phantom and the use of a bridge aggregator like Li-Fi have expanded the accessibility and options for users. Collaboration with competitors can lead to better solutions for users.
    • B2B solutions for cross-chain protocols could be the future of bridges.
    • Informed decision-making is crucial when participating in liquidity pools.
    • Transparency and openness are essential for building trust in the crypto ecosystem.

    Find Andriy and AllBridge online

    • Follow Andriy on twitter - @avelykyy
    • Checkout the AllBridge website - allbridge.io

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    • twitter: @nickfrosty
    • github: github.com/nickfrosty
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    • twitter: @jamesrp13
    • github: github.com/jamesrp13

    Solfate Podcast

    • twitter: @SolfatePod
    • more podcast episodes: solfate.com/podcast
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    56 mins