• Breaking Free From Emotional Pain
    Jun 16 2024

    I am so glad you're here for this episode, we're gonna dive deep.

    In some ways I feel like this is the most important thing I can teach you!!

    Because it's that good.

    It's legit your new emotional superpower.

    And for sober folks like us, especially those of us with Big Dreams (like entrepreneurship!) that are going to require moving through Big Feels, this is everything.

    This is a technique that previously I reserved for my VIP coaching clients that I'm now sharing with you here.

    This is why you're gonna love it...

    It'll help you go from ANY and ALL intense emotions, including full blown rage, gut wrenching grief and an anxiety attack to calmer or completely calm in less than 90 seconds.

    Legit it took me years to simplify this into something stupid simple that works every time for everyone I've ever personally led through it (all my students and clients).

    So buckle up, and let's embark on this emotional sobriety masterclass!

    Alright, no further delay, we're off to emotional freedom in 3, 2, 1...

    🛼Wanna know the SECRET to feeling comfortable in your skin, confident at work and courageous in life, sober?

    I’ll show you how in my free mini course, click here to get started!

    Let’s stay connected:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/SobrietyBestie

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SobrietyBestie

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SobrietyBestie

    🩷 https://www.sobrietybestie.com/

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    33 mins
  • Dreaming of Making Money While Traveling The World
    Jun 9 2024

    It's time to Dream Big Courageous Bestie!

    And I mean WITHOUT limits. All of our big dreams can feel impossible from the start.

    When I was in rehab, I could NOT imagine staying sober for one year, let alone for any of my dreams to come true.

    It doesn't matter where we are, it only matters where we want to go.

    Here's what I mean.

    1. Get clear on your VISION, your Big Dream!
    2. Take action aligned with your vision, not your circumstances

    This is how I was able to "make money while traveling the world" my first year sober. That was my Big Dream!

    But legit I did NOT think it was possible.

    If you want to make money while traveling the world, or even just stay sober one year, whatever your Big Dream is..

    Get clear on what TF it is (writing it down helps!!) then taking action in that direction is how we become dream livers.

    And we all about Big Dream living up in here, in Sobriety Bestie World.

    So listen in on this episode, "Dreaming of Making Money While Traveling The World," then write in detail your big dreams.

    Bonus points if you write your dreams AS IF they are currently happening.

    Extra bonus points if you then feeeeeeel them as if they are real.

    This trains your brain for what's to come!

    🛼 Wanna know the SECRET to feeling comfortable in your skin, confident at work and courageous in life, sober?

    I’ll show you how in my free mini course, click here to get started!

    Let’s stay connected:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/SobrietyBestie

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SobrietyBestie

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SobrietyBestie

    🩷 https://www.sobrietybestie.com/

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    36 mins
  • We Can Overcome Anxiety
    Jun 1 2024

    I'm so excited to have you here for the Sobriety Bestie Podcast where we'll go on a journey together through emotional sobriety, unapologetically expressing yourself and building a purpose driven business. Because the world needs your wisdom!

    But first things first, we've got to start with anxiety.

    Because anxiety is what stops most of us.

    Anxiety takes A LOT of us down.

    Clearly alcohol made the anxiety go away, but then alcohol made the anxiety worse. Now that we're sober, we can get TF off the downward anxiety spiral and end our anxiety era.

    Yep, anxiety is NOT forever.

    We CAN get free from anxiety.

    I mean, not ALL anxiety, ya, we're always going to have a nervous system. But the crippling hysterically crying the floor in an anxiety attack downward spiral hell...

    THAT is not forever.

    We CAN overcome overwhelming anxiety.

    Adventure with me in this first podcast episode to find out how (and share it with your friends!).

    🛼Wanna know the SECRET to feeling comfortable in your skin, confident at work and courageous in life, sober?

    I’ll show you how in my free mini course, click here to get started!

    Let’s stay connected:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/SobrietyBestie

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SobrietyBestie

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/SobrietyBestie

    🩷 https://www.sobrietybestie.com/

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    30 mins
  • Sobriety Bestie Podcast Trailer
    May 4 2024

    Welcome to the Sobriety Bestie Podcast!

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    1 min