
  • The Acolyte S1E4 "Day"
    Jun 20 2024
    After a bit of a detour last week, spending an entire episode in flashback, we return to the main adventure. This week's episode, "Day", is largely a positive step forward for the series, bringing fun (if sparse) lightsaber action, improved character development, and an enhanced sense of place, as they spend less time in cramped sets and more time shooting on location. That all being said, it's the big finish that will leave the biggest impression. Unfortunately, the decision to cut things off right when the action was ramping up felt like a bit of a cheat. With a relatively short run time this week, and a story that really felt like it was hitting it's stride as we got closer to the end of the episode, the choice to not follow through on that momentum with a satisfying finish, instead using a cliffhanger, comes across as a means to brag about an extra episode in the season, as opposed to serving the story in the moment. Oh, there was also some very cool cameos this week. Listen as Julian and Rachel unpack it all!
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    2 hrs and 17 mins
  • The Acolyte S1E3 "Destiny"
    Jun 13 2024
    After starting off the series with a series of Jedi murders to set the tone, with episode 3 we flash back 16 years to Osha and Mae's secret origin. Which just happens to feature a coven of witches, Jedi space cops testing Padawans, and large force related questions about the twin's parentage. All under twin moons in eclipse. Though not perfect from an acting and pacing perspective, the intrigue offered by the force related mysticism, and what exactly happened that night that "Mae set a fire", helps keep up the shows momentum. It's hard to predict where we are going next, and that's a refreshing thing when we're talking about a prequel in a galaxy far, far away. Listen as Julian and Rachel unpack it all... after a short negativity cleanse.
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    1 hr and 51 mins
  • The Acolyte - Series Premiere
    Jun 6 2024
    After a very short hiatus (RIP ‘The Bad Batch’, we already miss thee), Small Screen Star Wars is back to cover the latest Star Wars series on Disney+. After a heavy dose of animation, we return to live action. Our last taste being ‘Ahsoka’ late last year, which was met with mixed reviews. However, that’s about where the similarities with recent live action Star Wars end, as ‘The Acolyte’ takes us to an entirely new era. Back nearly 100 years BBY to the age of the High Republic, where Jedi are a dime a dozen, and the Sith have been presumed extinct for a millennia. This is all framing for a dramatic murder mystery as we’re introduced to a new intrepid bunch of Jedi playing detective as they try to figure out who is training force user assassins in secret. As is tradition it seems, the first two episodes were dropped as part of the premiere and Julian and Rachel are here to break it all down and recap every scene as they look ahead and try to piece together the mystery as it unfolds.
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    2 hrs and 28 mins
  • Tales of the Empire
    May 12 2024
    Last year on Star Wars Day (May the 4th), Lucasfilm Animation surprised us with 'Tales of the Jedi' a mini-series of shorts dedicated to showing some untold stories from before the fall of the Jedi. This seems to have become somewhat of a tradition, as this year, on the same day, we got 'Tales of the Empire'. A darker twist on the same concept. This time though, it was bit more focused. Two stories, told in three parts each, for a total of six shorts. The first story follows Morgan Elsbeth and her journey of revenge, which begins with her as a young girl on Dathomir to where we fist met her in 'The Mandalorian' season three. Unfortunately, despite another noticeable step forward in animation quality throughout, this first story-arch leaves a lot to be desired. While 'Tales of the Jedi' revealed secrets of Jedi's pasts, Morgan's doesn't really provide the audience with any new information. Instead, just expanding on a lot of which we already knew or could have inferred. The second half of 'Tales of the Empire' however does pack more of a punch. We follow Barriss Offee, a young Jedi Padawan we had not seen since she framed Ahsoka for the Temple bombing in 'The Clone Wars', as she's recruited to become an Imperial Inquisitor. These final three episodes are filled with fascinating glimpses into the Inquisitorius Program, insightful dialogue into the psyche of the fallen Jedi that make up their order, and some genuine twists that keep you guessing throughout. Listen as Julian and Rachel unpack each mini-episode, and discuss the package as a whole.
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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • The Bad Batch Series Finale
    May 5 2024

    Congrats to Ray Mills for some great selections on our Death Pool. Thank you to everyone who participated. Good riddance Hemlock, Scorch, Rampart, and many other terrible Imperials.

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    2 hrs and 29 mins
  • The Bad Batch S3E14 "Flash Strike"
    Apr 27 2024

    REMINDER: Don’t forget to participate in our Bad Batch Death Pool! With no characters biting the dust in this week’s episode, there’s still time to place your predictions for who comes out of the series still breathing. It’s easy, just follow this link and place your picks: https://forms.gle/vcBCTsH2eeHykYE87

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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • The Bad Batch S3E13 "Into the Breach"
    Apr 19 2024
    As we close in on the series finale, you'd like to see episodes with longer runtimes. The concern being that we might run out of time to effectively wrap up all the story threads before the series wraps up. Despite only coming in at 26 minutes this week (about average for the series), "Into the Breach" gets a pass on this nitpick for two main reasons. Firstly, the pacing is near perfect. There isn't an ounce of fat in this episode, and the momentum caring the viewer into some extremely tense final moments is masterful. Secondly, they nailed the Star Wars tone here. Despite extremely high stakes, the general sense of adventure is maintained, and Rampart's humorous interjections keep things from getting too dark. As a whole the episode feels exactly as long as it needs to be and is an extremely compelling installment in the Star Wars saga. If you can't find yourself investing in these characters after these nail biting moments I'd recommend checking your pulse.
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • The Bad Batch S3E12 "Juggernaut"
    Apr 12 2024
    After this week, 'The Bad Batch' is only left with three more episodes before the series wraps up entirely. Last week's two-parter set the stage for a clear endgame - The Batch need to find Tantiss Base and rescue Omega. With that in mind, this week sets up an intriguing idea off the jump - perhaps the former Admiral, now prisoner, Rampart, knows the location. Unfortunately, the episode spins it's wheels with a "mission of the week" format without really moving the plot along in any significant way, and uses information the audience already knows as if it's a big reveal. This would have been a great episode in the middle of the season, but not for the fourth from last episode. The action and visual fidelity were top notch as always, but at this point in the series that's not enough to carry the story at this critical stage.
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    1 hr and 23 mins