• Should we have condoms in our house?
    May 21 2019

    Hi There,

    Have you ever given your kids advice and they have actually taken it on board straight away?

    Like when you point out that running around with their laces undone is not a good idea. Or when you suggest that studying a bit every day will make it easier in the long run? 

    Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

    But if you start instilling formative messages into your kids from an early age, eventually they will stick.  Or, at least, the concepts will be more normalised for them.  

    When it comes to talking to our children about sex, sexuality and consent, there are many subjects that need to be addressed and normalised. 

    Like condoms, for example!

    And whilst you may think that introducing condoms to younger children seems highly inappropriate, the reason behind this is all about their self-confidence and future safety.

    This week at thetalk.ie we give parents tips and advice on: 
    - how to introduce the subject of condoms 
    - how to reinforce and normalise an awkward topic and dispel the stigma that exists around them.

    For further discussion on this and other topics, please join our Facebook group 'Learn to talk to your kids about sex'.  This is a closed group so you can participate in discussions in a safe and private space.

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    7 mins
  • Minimizing First Period Embarrassment
    May 28 2019

    Hi There,

    You'd think that when it comes to puberty and periods, us adults should have it all sewn up. 

    I mean, we've all been through it so we should know the pitfalls and challenges and have figured out how to make it easier for our kids. 


    Unfortunately, sometimes we parents can blank out our own 'less-than-rosy' past experiences and meanwhile expect our kids to navigate through the choppy waters easily on their own.

    Many kids are literally 'at sea' when they hit puberty.  

    Our kids might be unsure who to talk to, who to ask for support while at the same time, trying to be grown up and avoid embarrassment.  

    This week on TheTalk.ie we offer insight into the anxieties many young girls have when it comes to coping with getting their period for the first time and make suggestions on how to reduce these worries in a supportive and respectful way.

    x Sarah

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    8 mins
  • Do I just answer questions simply or do I give more information?
    Jun 4 2019

    Hi There

    We've all seen those gritty courtroom dramas where the person being questioned has to swear to 'tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! 

    Sometimes having conversations with our kids about sex and sexuality can feel a bit like an inquisition as well 😲  And figuring out how far to go with 'the truth' can be nerve-wracking.

    So if you find yourself being cross-examined by an 8-year-old, this is a great opportunity to 'come clean' and answer their questions as accurately as possible.  

    This week in TheTalk.ie we give parents tips and advice on how to seize opportunities to talk to their younger kids openly and accurately about sex, sexuality and how our bodies work.

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    5 mins
  • How do you handle your kid's​ most embarrassing question ever?
    Jun 11 2019

    No matter how prepared we are for parenthood, how open and honest we have always promised (in our minds!) to be with our children, kids have a great way of sending us down an unknown track, without a map!  You don't quite know where you are going or what challenge is around the corner.

    Questions about sex are particularly difficult to avoid, particularly when our kids are young. 

    Words and phrases heard in the playground are often catalysts for their enquiries and it's good to have an idea of how you are going to deal with them.  And then your kid asks you about your own sex life or sexual practice!

    This can be that Indiana Jones rolling boulder moment you never expected! This week at TheTalk.ie we help parents think more clearly about their own personal boundaries and the level of information they feel comfortable sharing with their children.  How to be clear about your own privacy limits and that it's ok to keep certain things to yourself.

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    6 mins
  • My 8 year old wants to touch my breast and I don't want that
    Jun 18 2019

    If your 16-year-old daughter came up to you and wanted to touch your breast, you'd find that kind of strange, right? 

    But what if your daughter was only 8?   Still such a little girl. Still hanging off the apron strings? Still wanting snuggles and bed-time stories?

    It's a tough one but it is not uncommon. You aren't on your own if you find this difficult. It is possible to manage this sensitively and in a way that is kind to your kid and supportive of yourself.

    Establishing physical boundaries with your children can be difficult. You are still their parent and love them heaps but there comes a time when your own personal boundaries need to be clarified and your need for personal space acknowledged.

    This week in TheTalk.ie we tell parents that it's ok for them to establish their own physical boundaries around their children.  We talk about why it's important for kids to understand that everyone has different thresholds when it comes to what they feel comfortable with - even mum! And how to communicate these boundaries in a caring and sensitive manner.

    x Sarah 

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    9 mins
  • Older and younger kids in the same place
    Jun 25 2019

    Hi there 

    Do you know what it's like when you are trying to have a conversation and 'little ears' have their radar senses on?

    You try and send cryptic messages back and forth or spell out words that you hope won't be understood by the kids hanging around.   

    Like C.O.N.D.O.M. or E.R.E.C.T.I.O.N.  You know what I mean?

    Given how early kids learn their alphabet these days, your window of opportunity for covert conversations is rather short.

    So if your tween asks you questions about sexuality and consent, it can be stressful if your younger kids are nearby. 

    Explaining about sex and reproduction, for example, requires thought and engagement and is a bit more involved than just spelling A.B.C.   

    This week at TheTalk.ie we discuss why parents should seize these opportunities to include their younger children in these conversations and give you tips on how to explain complicated questions in simple terms. 

    Click here to learn more (7 mins).

    Once you’ve viewed or listened to the vlog, please share with me any comments or questions you may have by email at chat@thetalk.ie

    I read and appreciate them all!

    Sarah  x

    PS. Once you’ve viewed or listened to the vlog, would you share with me any comments or questions you may have? Just hit reply to this email and get typing. I read and appreciate them all.

    PPPS. Have you joined our Facebook group? Click here to join us. We are talking about parenting and the awkward conversations that happen when we are raising kids.

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    8 mins
  • Talking about same-sex​ relationships: step by step
    Jul 2 2019

    When Ireland voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Marriage Equality Referendum in 2015, it was the first time any state had legalised same-sex marriage through a popular vote.

    In other words, we, the people, decided we wanted to help create a fairer society for all who lived here.

    At the time of the Referendum, there was a huge amount of publicity and debate, both public and private. Opinions were whirling around in the ether, and without doubt,​ many children's minds were and still are, working overtime to understand this thing that is so important.

    Many parents struggle to 'explain' what this all means but the starting point of this conversation should be no different to any other that we deal with here on thetalk.ie. Our ethos is all about raising confident and caring young people who, from the word 'go' respect themselves and the people around them.

    This week at TheTalk.ie, we help parents put in place the building blocks which will help kids understand same-sex relationships, how everyone is different, and how self-acceptance is the first step in accepting others.

    x Sarah

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    7 mins
  • Why do we need to have these conversations with our kids?
    Jul 6 2019

    Why do we need to have these conversations with our kids?

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    7 mins