• Distributors Of The Blue Pill: How Society's Powerhouses Mislead Us
    Jun 22 2024

    In this episode, we delve deep into the realms of society that foster illusions and misleading ideals—namely, the church, the government, and the entertainment industry.

    These institutions have played monumental roles in sculpting societal perspectives, often dressing up the harsh realities of life with a more palatable, fantasy-like veneer. This episode isn't just a critique; it's an exposé on how these powerful entities shape our understanding of the world, guiding masses towards a dream-like state where expectations rarely match the truth.

    We'll explore how these "blue pill" philosophies manifest across different aspects of our lives, from our spiritual beliefs and civic duties to the movies and shows that captivate our imaginations. More importantly, we discuss the consequences of consuming these narratives without question and how they skew our perceptions of reality, relationships, and personal responsibility.

    This discussion is crucial for anyone seeking to break free from the seductive lure of comforting lies to embrace the liberating, albeit often challenging, truth. Join us as we unravel the intricate web woven by the biggest purveyors of the blue pill and arm ourselves with the clarity needed to see the world for what it truly is, not just what we are told it should be.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    20 mins
  • All Women Have The Same Playbook
    Jun 21 2024

    In today's episode, we take a deep dive into an eye-opening experience I had at a museum in Croatia dedicated to broken relationships. This unique museum showcased submissions from around the world, providing a stark revelation about the universality of relationship dynamics.

    During a recent visit to a unique museum in Croatia dedicated to broken relationships, I stumbled upon a startling revelation. The museum, which features submissions from people all over the world, revealed a common thread in the stories of failed relationships, echoing themes often found in viral TikTok tales. What struck me most was how women, regardless of their cultural or geographical background, shared strikingly similar stories and justifications for their relationship breakdowns—whether those relationships were romantic or familial.

    In this episode, we're not just recounting these stories for their intrigue but also delving into what they signify about human behavior and societal patterns. We'll discuss how, despite the vast diversity of human experience, certain narratives and tactics are universally recognized, often playing out in remarkably similar ways across different contexts.

    For men, this episode is particularly crucial. It's about arming yourself with knowledge and understanding the patterns that can often lead to heartbreak or manipulation. This isn't about casting blame but about recognizing patterns to better navigate relationships and maintain personal integrity and happiness.

    Join us as we explore these stories, dissect what they mean, and discuss how we can learn from them to foster healthier, more aware engagements with the people in our lives. This is more than just a discussion—it's a tool for awareness and self-protection in the complex world of human relationships.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    16 mins
  • How Politics And The Pursuit Of Pussy DESTROYED Young Men
    Jun 19 2024

    In this episode, we delve deep into how various political ideologies and social movements have profoundly impacted the development and wellbeing of young men today. From the influence of the Red Army faction and the profound implications of Herbert Marcuse's writings to the sweeping changes brought by the feminism movement and the concept of free love, we'll explore how these elements have attempted to redefine traditional roles and expectations.

    We'll also discuss the controversial roles of abortion, immigration policies, and what I term 'Crimson Christianity'—a fusion of progressive ideals with traditional Christian doctrine. These forces have collectively contributed to a societal shift that has, in many cases, left young men navigating a landscape that seems to circumvent the natural human condition, often leading to a loss of purpose and increased unhappiness.

    This episode isn't just a critique but a call to awareness. We aim to understand the currents that steer young men away from traditional pathways of fulfillment and how these individuals can reclaim a sense of purpose in an ever-changing world.

    Join us as we unpack these heavy themes, seeking not just to educate but also to offer perspectives that might help redefine what fulfillment and success can look like for young men today. Whether you agree or disagree, this episode promises to provide a thorough examination of the cultural and political undercurrents shaping our lives.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    20 mins
  • Why I Will Never Support Modern Marriage
    Jun 18 2024

    In this episode, we take a deep dive into the transformation of marriage from a sacred union to what I term a 'penis tax'—a controversial but candid look at how modern marriage has shifted away from its noble intentions. Historically, marriage served as a spiritual covenant that brought out the best in both men and women, fostering a mutual growth environment. However, the narrative has drastically changed in contemporary settings, where it seems more driven by economic and biological incentives rather than emotional and spiritual bonding.

    I'll discuss how, in many modern societies, marriage has been co-opted by what can be described as 'greedy grifters'—those who manipulate the system for personal gain, overshadowing the genuine connection it's supposed to foster. We'll explore the historical context of how civilizations were built on the aspirations and achievements of men who were motivated by more than just survival—men who sought to fulfill a broader spectrum of desires.

    Moreover, this episode will highlight how the current legal and social frameworks surrounding marriage often do not protect those it intends to but instead serve to exploit the natural desires and responsibilities of men, turning what should be a partnership into a transaction.

    Join me as we unpack these complex dynamics, question the sustainability of current marital expectations, and consider what the future holds for one of society's oldest institutions. Whether you're single, married, or somewhere in between, this episode promises insights that will challenge your perceptions of what it means to be bound by the vows of modern marriage.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    19 mins
  • Why Women Don't Listen To Men
    Jun 17 2024

    We delve into the cultural and social conditioning that men undergo, which often leads to a dynamic in which their voices go unheard in personal relationships.

    Throughout the episode, we explore how men are often raised and educated to prioritize deference and service towards women, positioning themselves more as providers than partners. This approach, while seemingly noble, can diminish a man's presence and influence, leading to a lack of respect and attentiveness from women. We discuss the concept of "holding frame" in relationships—a man's ability to maintain his beliefs and boundaries, which is crucial in commanding respect.

    Moreover, we unpack the reasons why many men fail to challenge women or walk away from unfulfilling relationships. The root often lies in a scarcity mindset, ingrained through societal narratives that emphasize the importance of securing a partner above all else. This episode challenges listeners to reconsider these ingrained beliefs, advocating for a more balanced approach where men feel empowered to assert their needs and expectations without fear of loss.

    Join us as we dissect these intricate dynamics, offering insights and strategies for men to reclaim their voice and earn the respect that fosters healthier, more balanced relationships. This is not just a call for awareness but a guide towards actionable change in how men interact with women and perceive their own worth in the dating world.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    15 mins
  • The Paradox of Pookie: Winning Today, Losing Tomorrow
    Jun 16 2024

    In this insightful discussion, we're peeling back the layers on a character often glorified in youthful circles: Pookie, the archetype known for his early success with women and seemingly effortless charm.

    The allure of Pookie's lifestyle is undeniable, especially to young men who see his conquests as a benchmark. However, this episode aims to explore the long-term outcomes of such a lifestyle. We discuss how initial victories in love and social dominance can often lead to diminishing returns, where the investments in superficial relationships fail to yield deep, lasting benefits.

    We're calling on men who identify with or have moved past the Pookie stage to share their experiences. It's crucial to understand that the sparkle of constant pleasure without meaningful achievement can fade, leaving one to reckon with what's truly valuable in life.

    Join us as we navigate the complex journey of such archetypes, providing a platform for stories that can guide others in shaping a more fulfilling path. This episode is not just about cautionary tales but also about understanding and redirecting the energies that drive us toward or away from genuine success.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    16 mins
  • Chad Has Problems Too...Worse Than Yours!
    Jun 14 2024

    Today, we're peeling back the layers of an often misunderstood figure in modern discourse—the archetype known as 'Chad.' Typically seen as the ultimate winner in the domains of romance and finance, Chad's life is envied and often misconstrued by many.

    In this episode, we delve deep into the unique challenges faced by those who seem to have it all. It's easy to assume that with ample charm and wealth, life is a breeze, but the reality can be far more complex and isolating. We explore how societal expectations and constant pressure can shape a life in ways that aren't always visible to the outside observer.

    This discussion isn't about garnering sympathy for the Chads of the world; rather, it's about expanding our understanding of human experiences across different spectra of success and struggle. By breaking down these narratives, we aim to foster a more nuanced view of the lives that many fantasize about but few truly comprehend.

    Join us as we go beyond the facade of effortless success to understand the real implications of living as Chad. This episode is for anyone interested in the subtleties of social dynamics and the often unseen personal costs of being perceived as a 'winner' in society's eyes.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    16 mins
  • Should Morality Matter To Men?
    Jun 12 2024

    In this thought-provoking session, we dive deep into the role of morality in a man's life, questioning whether it serves as a genuine guide or merely as a means to gain approval from others.

    We begin by exploring the concept of morality, often upheld as a badge of honor, yet sometimes it complicates issues rather than resolving them. This episode challenges the listener to consider whether adhering strictly to societal moral standards is genuinely beneficial or if it's a façade that stifles personal growth and genuine ethical understanding.

    Instead of blindly following a moral compass dictated by society, we discuss the importance of men developing their own code of conduct. This personal code should resonate with their true selves and be designed to navigate the complexities of modern life effectively, rather than simply aiming to impress or appease others.

    Throughout the episode, I urge our listeners to prioritize authenticity over societal approval, emphasizing the significance of self-accountability and personal integrity. By crafting and adhering to a personal ethos, men can lead lives that are not only principled but also profoundly fulfilling.

    Join us as we dissect the intricacies of morality and its impact on men's lives, encouraging a shift from external validation to internal conviction and self-leadership. This episode is essential for anyone seeking to understand the real value of personal morality in a world that often prioritizes appearance over authenticity.

    📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: https://www.amazon.com/Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook/dp/B0CK4X2K34/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Biblical-Bachelor-Austin-Creed-ebook&qid=1707133187&sr=8-1

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    23 mins