
  • Sex, Lies & Dating Sites - Part 1?
    Jun 16 2024

    You’re on the loose again and have already been banned from local yoga classes, birding clubs and grocery store produce aisles. Now what?! In this episode of Old & Confused, hosts Mike and Jon explore the dizzying world of Sex, Lies and Dating Sites. It hasn’t been this easy to meet new people since that first week in prison! Part 1 of what may turn out to be a multi-part series. Tell us what you think: oldandconfused247@gmail.com.

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    37 mins
  • O&C Annual Marketing Sweepstakes
    Jun 7 2024

    We've never had a marketing plan for the Old & Confused podcast. Surprising? Uh, no. Because let's face it - we're unimaginative, lazy and cheap. But now we have a plan! We're asking you to promote the podcast! We're proud to announce the Old & Confused Annual Marketing Sweepstakes! Just listen to the deets in this episode, then enter early and often. With any luck (and given the almost certain dearth of any real competition), you could win one of our fabulous prizes! Submit your entry to: oldandconfused247@gmail.com. Thanks!!!

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    13 mins
  • Segment Sampler
    May 18 2024

    In this episode of Old & Confused, we roll out a sampling of what we call 'Segments.' These Segments are short riffs on a dozen topics we find interesting, like The Organ Recital, Can We Have a Word, The Bucket List, Artsy Fartsy, Tech Desk, Road Trip, etc. We're planning to feature a couple of these Segments in upcoming episodes. Old & Confused boldly plunges headlong into charted and uncharted waters. Join Mike and Jon as they dog paddle to keep their heads above water in search of fascinating insights and surprising inspirations! Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠.

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    26 mins
  • To EV, or not to EV, that ...
    May 14 2024

    Admit it, you can't stop thinking about electric cars. Maybe it's the price of gas, or climate change, or Nick Saban retiring from Alabama. Old & Confused hosts Mike and Jon are here to help guide you through the myriad of factors involved in buying an EV. Too much? Fortunately, this episode features the experiences of two guys who have taken the plunge and lived to tell about it. They share their thoughts on range anxiety, self-driving cars, total cost of ownership, and their almost child-like glee in silently rolling past gas stations and repair shops. Join us - you'll get a charge out of it. Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠. (note: the internet is full of websites with information on EVs - one of our interviewees suggests ⁠https://forthmobility.org/showcase/electric-cars-101⁠ )

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    36 mins
  • De Church!!! De Church!!!
    May 13 2024

    Is going to church not your thing? Well, you're not alone. Tens of millions of Americans have stopped attending church. This episode of Old & Confused explores what the hell has made going to hell less scary. Blessedly, two men of the cloth join Mike and Jon to discuss this trend and what some churches are doing about it. They also take on the hilarious hypocrisy of small "e" evangelicals who are staking out the lunatic fringe of the small "c" christian nationalist movement. Whether you church or dechurch, you'll want to listen in on this heavenly discussion. Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠.

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    35 mins
  • Feedback!
    Apr 26 2024

    You think it’s too early to have a Feedback episode. You’re not wrong. After all, we’ve only released three episodes. You think we’re just stalling. Again - not really wrong. We’re Old & Confused and so - pretty slow. You think ……. well hell, you think a lot of things. We want you to know that we hear you. Or we try to hear you. You see, sometimes the hearing aid batteries get weak without our knowing it and… Anyway, tune in and - if you dare - get in tune with Mike and Jon as they respond to listener feedback and share their half-baked so-called plans for the future. Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠.

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    30 mins
  • Tattoos - For You?
    Mar 27 2024

    You're not the only one who's noticed that tattoos seem to be multiplying and dividing their way across the arms, legs, and torsos of people - young and old alike - whom we encounter almost every day. Tattoo-less Mike and Jon have too! Old & Confused takes a long look at what in the world is going on here. Who knows? After this episode you might find yourself in a local tattoo shop joining in on this modern phenomenon. Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠.

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    27 mins
  • Taming Gaming
    Mar 27 2024

    For millennia, we humans have invented games as a way to pass time, challenge ourselves, and socialize with and compete against others. Modern games, including those played on computers, video consoles and tabletops, have captured our attention like never before. Although this trend dates back decades, Mike and Jon are just now catching up (a bit). Join us as the Old & Confused duo explore modern gaming and learn why so many of us - young and old alike - are spending so much time playing games. Mike and Jon almost understood their expert guests and they hope you will, too. Tell us what you think: ⁠oldandconfused247@gmail.com⁠.

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    30 mins