• The Pleasant Pastures of Israel
    May 29 2024

    “I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil.” (Deuteronomy 11:14)

    This is the Bible verse that this week’s podcast guest quotes when speaking of a very special spot in the Holy Land of Israel.

    Neot Kedumim, Hebrew for “pleasant pastures,” is a biblical nature reserve in Israel—open for all to come experience firsthand the nature and culture of the Bible. Efrat Meir-Groman is Tourism Director at Neot Kedumim, and graciously sat down with The Fellowship to bring our listeners with her to this “beautiful place.”

    Full of wildlife and natural wonders from God’s Creation, Neot Kedumim brings the Bible to life. Efrat discusses the animals and nature one might find there, as well as such biblical activities such as shepherding and gathering water that people can experience today. And Neot Kedumim is a “hands-on” park, allowing visitors to see, smell, hear, taste, and touch the Bible with all five senses.

    Learn more about Neot Kedumim and plan your visit today.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    12 mins
  • My Brother's Keeper
    May 22 2024

    Born in America. Raised in the Holy Land. A devoted Jewish father and husband. An IDF veteran. A veteran of Israel’s politics—having served as Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister of Israel, as well as Bureau Chief and Foreign Policy Advisor. And now the author of a book about Israel that directly looks at the events that helped lead up to the ongoing war with Hamas.

    This is Ari Harow. Besides all of these accomplishments and experiences, Ari is also part of our Fellowship family—literally. Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein is privileged that Ari is her brother-in-law. And now, having shared Shabbat dinners and family memories with him, Yael welcomes to the podcast this Israeli who has devoted his life to making life better for his country, God’s people, Israel—truly his brothers’ and sisters’ keeper.

    Ari shares not only his own life story of making aliyah (immigrating to Israel) as a child from the U.S. to the moment when he knew he would devote his life to serving Israel—while serving as a 20-year-old in the IDF infantry in Lebanon. He also shares about his time serving under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the many situations he navigated in that role—including the 2014 kidnappings of three Israeli boys that led to Israel’s last major war in Gaza.

    Listen to this insightful conversation with an Israeli who has devoted his life to serving the people of Israel.

    And read Ari Harow’s new book about his life, his career, and how a moment in Israel’s recent history set the course of today’s events, My Brother’s Keeper: Netanyahu, Obama & the Year of Terror & Conflict that Changed the Middle East Forever.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    39 mins
  • An Ambassador of Faith
    May 15 2024

    “These are God’s chosen people and He’s got a message that He wants to give the rest of the world through them.”

    This is what Ambassador Sam Brownback, a true friend of Israel, told Fellowship Board Chair Bishop Paul Lanier during a recent conversation on matters of faith and how Christians can stand for the Jewish state and its people.

    But despite the Jewish people’s calling as God’s people, Brownback points out that “evil has come after them in almost every country they’ve been in.”

    And it is this evil, this faithlessness, that Ambassador Brownback has helped combat throughout his long career as a public servant, as both Congressman and Senator, as Governor of his home state of Kansas, and as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom during the Trump Administration.

    Speaking with Bishop Lanier at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville, TN, Ambassador Brownback shares about his first trip to Israel while serving in the U.S. Congress, his recent trip to the Holy Land in the wake of the October 7th attacks, and what people of faith can do do stand for what’s right and stand for Israel.

    Listen to this insightful conversation with a true ambassador for faith and freedom.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    15 mins
  • Israel—Our Blessing from God
    May 8 2024

    This past October—October 10, 2023 to be exact—Yael Eckstein planned to welcome Dean Michele Bachmann to the podcast to discuss the dean joining the board of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, as well as her lifelong love of Israel and her time spent there. Of course the Hamas attacks of October 7th changed those plans, and in the months since, Israel and those who support her have been busy simply meeting the needs of the Israeli people.

    But in those long, hard months, Dean Bachmann has proven to be what she has always been—a true blessing to Israel—as she helps lead The Fellowship during these days when The Fellowship is needed, more than ever on the ground in the Holy Land.

    A recent solidarity trip to Israel found Dean Bachmann and the rest of The Fellowship’s board visiting not only the sites of unimaginable violence and devastation left in the wake of Hamas’ attacks—including the kibbutz where Dean Bachmann once lived and worked as a teenager—but also some of the projects that The Fellowship and our faithful donors support, projects that are saving lives.

    She shares about wounded IDF soldiers whose dedication to life gives her hope. She shares about elderly survivors of the Hamas attacks who have been given hope. She gives us all a glimpse into how Christians are blessing—and being blessed by—God’s people.

    Listen now to learn about the current situation on the ground in Israel, and to learn what Christians in America—Christians like Michele Bachmann and like you—are doing to bless Israel.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    33 mins
  • Magen David Adom Is Israel
    May 1 2024

    “In Israel, we actually say, ‘Magen David Adom is Israel.’”

    This is what Uri Shacham—chief of staff for Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency services—recently told The Fellowship when he sat down to discuss his organization’s history, from the earliest days of Israel until October 7th and the difficult days since.

    Founded 94 years ago in 1930, in the wake of anti-Semitic riots against the pre-state Jewish population of the Holy Land, Magen David Adom has fulfilled its mission of preparedness and compassion for the people of Israel ever since.

    And when Hamas terrorists overran southern Israel on October 7th, killing 1,200 and wounded thousands more, Magen David Adom emergency personnel and ambulance crews were prepared for the unthinkable, rushing into harm’s way to rescue those in need and putting their own lives at-risk, some even making the greatest sacrifice.

    Listen to this conversation with Uri Shacham, chief of staff for Israel’s national emergency service, about how Magen David Adom has served Israel for more than nine decades, and continues to serve Israel’s people in their time of need.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    15 mins
  • Asking Questions on Passover
    Apr 24 2024

    In today’s special Passover episode, host Yael Eckstein explains the unique and sometimes unusual traditions for the Passover seder that teach us to ask questions. In fact, the telling of the Exodus story begins not with facts and explanations, but with questions.

    As Yael explains, this time-honored tradition of asking questions during Passover is an annual reminder that God wants us to be lifelong seekers. By asking God our questions and entering Passover with a spirit of curiosity, we are more open to learning, rediscovering, and recommitting to Him on our journey of faith, ultimately, growing ever closer to Him.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    21 mins
  • What Christians Should Know About Passover
    Apr 17 2024

    As we approach the holy season of Passover, host Yael Eckstein is joined on the podcast by Bishop Paul Lanier, Chairman of the Board for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and pastor of Hope Community Church in Winston-Salem, N.C., to discuss the relevance today of the ancient and timeless Exodus story for both Christians and Jews.

    In this profound conversation, Bishop Lanier shares how the Passover celebration rallies people of faith around the table and reminds us of who we are in God. Through Passover, Bishop Lanier says, we find a message of hope that speaks across all generations, reminding us that God is with us amidst our afflictions and sufferings, bringing us His redemption.

    Learn more about the Passover celebration at our Learning Center.

    For more information on today’s episode, visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    33 mins
  • Beautifying the Holy Land
    Apr 10 2024

    As he sat down with The Fellowship recently, Jordan Marcellino quoted Isaiah 58:12 when telling how God called his family back to Israel—to live, to work, and to restore the beautiful Holy Land he calls home.

    “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”

    And today, the holy work of rebuilding, repairing, restoring, and raising up the Holy Land is being done through the Beautiful Land Initiative (BLI), founded by Jordan and his wife Hillary in 2015. With a wide array of projects—from voluntourism cleanups to beachside bins, from education to archaeology of the land of the Bible—BLI connects those who stand with Israel to the Holy Land that they love, making it even more beautiful in the process.

    Jordan chatted with The Fellowship at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville, TN, sharing of Israel’s beauty, of God’s call to him, and how the Beautiful Land Initiative is inspiring and empowering all of God’s people to appreciate and take ownership of His Holy Land.

    For more information on today’s episode visit mybiblicalroots.org.

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    10 mins