• 9: The Dark History of Mediums: Can we Talk to the Dead?
    Mar 8 2023
    When we’re talking about mediums, where did the idea to speak to the dead come from? Can you really talk to a loved one who has passed away?

    People have been consulting with the dead for Millenia, hoping to find out what’s on the other side. A lot of people wonder what happens when we die. Do we simply fall asleep? Will we go to another earth? Where do we go and how can we communicate with those who have been long gone?

    Let's listen together in today's podcast and find out if we can actually talk to the dead!
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    12 mins
  • 8: Entire Family Massacre: The String of Wicked Queens
    Nov 9 2022
    I give you the real dark events that happened in the history of the Bible that we would never have thought would be in there. Or at least I never thought about it. 
    Can we relate to the Bible or is it just dead? 
    Well, I’ve found some crazy stuff in there that relates to things going on in the world today and in my own life. 
    There’s been violent murders, suicides, more depressed people than I can count. 
    Presidential fails, assassinations – the list goes on. 
    So, let’s get into it.  
    This story is wild. 
    I was just reading a news article the other day where an entire family got killed, I think by their mom. I believe it was in Ohio or somewhere around that area, but the realtor ended up reselling the house with the blood stains and all. They didn’t even try to renovate the house. I thought that was rude. 
    This same thing happened in the bible. A woman killed her entire family for selfish reasons.

    Let's listen together and find out what happens todays podcast! 
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    8 mins
  • 7: Satan, Hellfire & Witchcraft: Who was the First to Dabble in Witchcraft?
    Oct 21 2022
    I’m always wondering who’s the first person to do something. Like the murder of Abel being the first recorded murder in history, I had to find out who the first to dabble in witchcraft was. 

    Let's listen together on today's podcast! 
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    6 mins
  • 6: Murder and Affair: The Story of David and Bathsheba
    Oct 18 2022
    Welcome to another Murder, Sorcery & Salvation in the Bible podcast.
    Do you like candy? I do. Every time I walk pass a candy shop; I want it. Bad. Especially those shops where they sell cool & unique packaging with the candy, so like, it’ll have a meme on it so you can laugh and enjoy your taffy at the same time. Maybe that’s why it’s called laughy taffy… wow, a revelation.  Anyway, wanting the candy is great, but getting to the point where I trip somebody and they fall and get a concussion because they were about to take the last Twizzler, is wrong. I guess. That’s what I’ve heard.
    It's called lust of the eye, and it can get cha’ in a bunch of trouble. 
    Like we see in today’s story of a man who would do anything to have this woman.

    Let's listen together in todays podcast! 
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    8 mins
  • 5: Ripping Apart and Killing Thousands with His Bare Hands: The Story of Samson
    Oct 8 2022
    When we’re talking about things that have potential, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? 
    I know the first thing for me is my sleep schedule. It has so much potential. I’ll be tired all day and then full of energy when it’s time to go to bed. 
    Yeah, but that’s getting a little off topic. I’m talking about purpose in our lives, we all have potential to be great, right? But what are we doing with it?
    In this story, we’re talking about a guy who had big potential, but he didn’t really use it to the fullest. He let other stuff get in the way which led to his downfall. 
    Find out what happened in todays podcast!
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    15 mins
  • 4: Witchcraft and Necromancers: The Life of King Manasseh - Did He Really Sacrifice HIS CHILDREN?!
    Oct 4 2022
    There’s a lot to be said about influence these days. When you turn on the T.V., or watch a movie, someone is on the other end influencing you in some way.
    Just like we can influence others in a good or bad way. 
    It's not any different in earlier days. In today’s story, this man would lead thousands of people astray just by his influence, and when he decided to change his ways, it was pretty much too late. He had already left a big mark.
    Join me in todays Murder, Sorcery and Salvation podcast to find out about the dark life of King Manasseh!
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    11 mins
  • 3: A Concubine's Murder and Dismemberment: The Dark Period of Israel's History
    Sep 27 2022
    Hi there! Welcome to my podcast, Murder, Sorcery & Salvation in the Bible, where I talk about the real dark events that happened in the history of the Bible. I’m telling you the stories of some things that we never knew the Bible would have recorded. At least I never thought it would. I would think the Bible is completely un-relatable and only speaks of good days & prosperity, but as we’ve been on this journey together, we see that’s absolutely not true. There’s been violent murders, adultery, assault, suicide, entire cities being destroyed. 

    Today I’m talking about a woman who would paint that picture for us.
    This woman is a victim of misogyny, subjugation, assault, murder, and dismemberment. 

    Join me in today's podcast to find out about the the dark period of Israel's history
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    13 mins
  • 2: The First Premeditated Murder to Ever be Recorded in History
    Sep 24 2022
    Welcome! I’m so glad we could tune in together. Thank you for stopping by to my podcast, Murder, Sorcery & Salvation in the Bible. 
     Have you ever wondered what the first murder ever to be committed was? 
     I mean, we hear about crime going on in todays world, but like, what was the first? 
    In todays story, we’re going over not just any ole’ murder, but the first premeditated murder in history, and this one was written down for our reference as something not to do.
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    5 mins