• 75. From 'Are We There Yet?' to 'Best Trip Ever!' – Vacation Tips for Families
    Jun 24 2024

    Is your dream family vacation turning into a nightmare of sibling squabbles or teen moodiness?

    We’ve all been there – those vacations that were supposed to be great but ended up in misery. This episode is your ticket to transforming those potential disasters into unforgettable, joy-filled adventures.

    Join me as I share proven strategies to ensure your family vacation is more about bonding and exciting experiences than endless complaints. Discover how to set up this year’s family vacation for success with actionable tips tailored for elementary schoolers, middle schoolers, and teens.

    Let’s make this vacation season the best one yet!

    In today’s episode, I'm diving into how to transform those endless days of potential summer slump into a season brimming with growth, connection, and involvement. Here’s a sneak peek of what I'll cover:

    [8:36] Setting the Foundation for a Smooth Vacation: Kickstart your trip on the right foot with essential tips for preparation and setting expectations.

    [14:52] Tackling Common Vacation Challenges: Address the most frequent vacation hurdles with practical solutions to keep everyone happy.

    [20:09] Engaging Elementary School Kids: Learn how to make vacations magical and fun for your young children with specific, age-appropriate strategies.

    [28:26] Balancing Independence and Family Time for Middle Schoolers: Discover ways to give your tweens the independence they crave while ensuring quality family bonding.

    [36:51] Keeping Teens Invested and Engaged: Find out how to respect your teen's space and interests while encouraging their participation in family activities.

    [46:04] My Parent Coaching Challenge for You: Take on my special challenge designed to help you plan a successful, stress-free vacation.

    Tune in and turn your next family vacation into a memorable and positive experience for everyone!

    If you find this episode helpful, please follow The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast on your favorite podcast app and share it with other parents. It could be just the resource they need.

    Got questions about parenting in this modern world? Reach out at podcast@modernparentingsolutions.org. I’m here to help, and your questions might just become the focus of a future episode!

    Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger:

    • Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tips
    • Browse my library of free parenting resources
    • Gain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classes
    • Sign up for my newsletter to get each episode—and its accompanying free guide—emailed directly to you each Monday morning

    And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.

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    48 mins
  • 74. Finding Purpose: How to Help Your Tween or Teen Find Meaning in Life (Even If You Don’t Go To Church)
    Jun 9 2024

    Is your young person feeling lost, wondering what the point of it all is?

    In today's episode, we tackle a challenge many parents face: helping their child or teen find a sense of purpose in life. It's all too common for young people to feel like life is just an endless cycle of meaningless tasks: going to work, doing boring work, coming home to pay bills, and then doing it all over again. But it doesn't have to be that way!

    Many worried parents tell me they fear their child or teen might miss out on learning important morals and a purpose in life without a religious background. This episode will show you that plugging into a sense of purpose can be done with or without a religious framework. Whether your family is connected to a religious community or not, there are powerful, actionable strategies you can use to guide your young person toward a fulfilling and meaningful life.

    Join me as I share 8 impactful strategies to help your child or teen discover their unique strengths and passions, and learn to connect positively with their community and the world around them. We’ll explore:

    • [8:15] Understanding Purpose: Discover what true purpose means and why it’s so vital for your young person’s well-being.
    • [13:00] The Disconnect: Learn the four key reasons why modern teens may feel disconnected from a sense of purpose and how to address these issues effectively.
    • [19:28] Building Purpose: Dive into seven strategies designed to foster a sense of purpose in your child or teen, helping them see that life is more than just a monotonous routine.

    This episode is packed with practical advice, heartfelt insights, and encouraging support to help you empower your young person. Don’t miss out on these valuable tools that can transform their outlook on life.

    Tune in now and take the first step towards helping your child or teen live a life full of meaning, joy, and purpose.

    If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to listen to this one: [Episode #35] The Importance of Teaching Your Young Person To Live a Purposeful Life

    Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger:

    • Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tips
    • Browse my library of free parenting resources
    • Gain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classes
    • Sign up for my newsletter to get each episode—and its accompanying free guide—emailed directly to you each Monday morning

    And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.

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    29 mins
  • 73. Want Your Rules To Stick? The Best Parenting Advice No One Ever Told You
    Jun 2 2024

    What if I told you that the reason you often give up on enforcing a household rule with your child or teen is because they're using science against you? And what if, by understanding this science, you could finally stop giving up RIGHT BEFORE they give in?

    In today’s episode, I'll show you why you're giving up too soon when your child or teen pushes back on your rules or boundaries...and your young person was just moments away from complying.

    There’s a game-changing concept that will help any parent successfully implement new boundaries and rules. Once you hear it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

    This episode will explain why so many parents struggle to follow through with new rules and boundaries and provide the key to achieving lasting behavior change in your child or teen.

    By the end of today’s episode, you’ll:

    • Understand the critical concept of the "extinction burst"
    • Recognize the four stages of behavior change
    • Have practical strategies to stay consistent and see positive results

    Imagine feeling like a confident parent when you know to expect pushback from your child or teen - AND you know how to deal with it in a way that makes it a non-issue.

    For more resources, including links to additional parenting tips and strategies, click here for the podcast episode page.

    If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to listen to this one: [Episode #63] Redefining Obedience: How To Go From Blind Obedience To Mutual Trust

    Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger:

    • Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tips
    • Browse my library of free parenting resources
    • Gain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classes
    • Sign up for my newsletter to get each episode—and its accompanying free guide—emailed directly to you each Monday morning

    And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.

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    37 mins
  • 72. Stop Feeling Manipulated By Your Child or Teen By Using These 4 Proven Strategies
    May 26 2024

    Today, you’ll discover how to stop feeling manipulated by your child or teen using four proven strategies.

    This episode is a masterclass in understanding and managing emotional manipulation. You'll learn about the science behind why parents get caught in these cycles and, most importantly, how to break free.

    Dr. Becca Ballinger shares the four key strategies you need to create a peaceful and connected family environment. After listening, you will know exactly what to do to handle your young person’s intense emotions, foster better communication, and build a stronger, more supportive relationship.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page and to download the episode guide. This guide includes a summary of the key points and a worksheet to help you implement the strategies discussed in the episode, making it easier for you to tackle emotional manipulation in your home.

    Connect with Dr. Becca Ballinger:

    • Follow me on Instagram for daily parenting tips
    • Browse my library of free parenting resources
    • Gain skills by taking my court-approved parenting and co-parenting classes
    • Sign up for my newsletter to get each episode—and its accompanying free guide—emailed directly to you each Monday morning

    And always remember, Friend, I believe in you. You’ve got this.

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    38 mins
  • 71. Yes! You've Got To Start Planning For Your Summer Now - And Here's How
    May 19 2024

    Summer's coming, and I know what you're thinking: How long until I'm secretly wishing for school to start again? This year, I want you to flip the script!

    Summer isn’t just about avoiding the summer ‘brain drain’ or surviving until fall—it's your golden opportunity to focus on your child or teen's natural strengths, deepen family bonds, and create those picture-perfect memories -- all while enjoying a well-earned break from academic pressures. If you're wondering how to keep your child or teen off their screens and engaged this summer, then this episode is for you!

    In today’s episode, I'm diving into how to transform those endless days of potential summer slump into a season brimming with growth, connection, and involvement. Here’s a sneak peek of what I'll cover:

    [9:24] Using Summer To Develop Natural Strengths and Interests: Find out how those lazy summer days can become the perfect backdrop for your young person’s creativity and exploration. We’re turning the dreaded summer slump into a season of growth and self-discovery.

    [22:46] Connect With Your Child or Teen This Summer: Dive into practical ways to deepen your connection with your child or teen this summer. Whether you’re strengthening your connection or building bridges, we’re all about making heartwarming memories and shared experiences.

    [29:54] Setting Up A Successful Summer Routine: Discover the secrets to creating a summer routine that’s flexible enough to feel like a break, yet structured enough to keep everyone connected and engaged in worthwhile activities. It’s all about balancing enriching activities with the chill vibes of summer.

    [40:44] Connect With Community This Summer: Learn why reaching out beyond your usual crew of close family and friends is crucial this summer. We’ll discuss how fostering community connections and diverse friendships can enrich your young person’s social skills and broaden their horizons.

    Ready to turn this summer from standard to stunning? Press play now, and let’s kickstart a season you’ll never forget! And if today’s episode sparks joy or gives you that 'aha!' moment, consider spreading the love with a quick rating or review on your podcast app. Not only does it help our show, but it also helps other fabulous parents like you discover us.

    For a complete rundown of today’s tips and links to all the resources, be sure to visit the show notes on my website at modernparentingsolutions.org/episode71.

    Free Guides:

    • Summer Schedule Planner Guide
    • Help Your Child Find Their Passions and Interests

    Blog Posts:

    • Why Your Teen Needs a Summer Job
    • 6 Steps to Encouraging a Resistant Teen to Get a Summer Job
    • Yes! Your Child and Teen Needs a Summer Sleep Schedule! Here’s Why and How To Create One

    Podcast Episodes:

    • Episode #13: Why Your Teen Needs a Summer Job
    • Episode #16: Yes! Your Child and Teen Needs a Summer Sleep Schedule! Here’s Why and How To Create One
    • Episode #17: Challenging Parent-Child Relationship? Try These 6 Strategies To Improve This Important Relationship In Just One Summer
    • Episode #38: Stay Sane This Summer: Summer Strategies For Parents That Build Positive Parent-Child Relationships, Encourage Independence, and Create Lifelong Memories
    • Episode #42: How Establishing Family Routines and Rituals Can Help Modern Parents Overcome Overwhelm, Stress, and Disconnection
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    50 mins
  • 70. Parenting with Heart: The PEACEful Approach to Discipline
    Apr 28 2024

    Ever feel like your discipline approach is more of a mess than a success?

    Let's flip that script!

    If you're worried about being ineffective, crushing your child or teen's incredible spirit, or if tensions are high - it's time to introduce some PEACE into your routine. My 5-point PEACE plan isn't just about keeping order; it's about empowering your young person with the tools they need to grow into an amazing adult.

    What if you could discipline in a way that not only promotes good behavior but also brings out your child or teen awesome potential AND strengthens your bond with them?

    Here's a snapshot of today's episode:

    • [9:42] Passions, Values, and Beliefs (P): Discover how your personal passions, values, and beliefs shape every parenting decision, acting as a moral compass to navigate parenting challenges with confidence.
    • [20:09] Empathy (E): Learn how practicing empathy in discipline shows your young person their feelings matter, nurturing their growth and strengthening your bond, even in tough moments.
    • [26:00] Autonomy (A): Explore how autonomy, backed by self-determination theory, empowers your young person to make decisions driven by internal motivation, seeing the value in their actions beyond mere compliance.
    • [32:13] Consistency (C): Understand how consistency acts as the glue of your discipline strategy, providing security and clarity that builds trust and sets clear expectations for your child or teen.
    • [36:15] Educating Life Lessons (E): Realize how transforming every disciplinary moment into a teaching opportunity can impart vital life lessons, making discipline a constructive and educational experience that extends beyond mere correction.

    The PEACE plan goes beyond traditional discipline. It’s designed to ensure that your approach doesn't just demand respect but inspires it, cultivating a relationship where your young person feels valued and understood.

    To help you implement this transformative strategy, I’ve prepared two free resources: “Empower Your Parenting with PEACE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective and Loving Discipline” and the “50 Life Lessons Every Modern Kid Should Know by the Time They Graduate from High School” checklist. These guides are packed with actionable tips and insightful exercises tailored to fit your unique family dynamics.

    Join me as we explore each facet of the PEACE plan, giving you the tools to not only manage behavior effectively but to enhance your relationship with your child or teen. Remember, I believe in you. You’ve got this!


    • Empower Your Parenting with PEACE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective and Loving Discipline
    • 50 Life Lessons Every Modern Kid Should Know by the Time They Graduate from High School


    • Free Parenting Reseouce Library
    • Court-Approved Parenting Classes
    • Court-Approved Co-Parenting Classes
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    42 mins
  • 69. Setting Boundaries: The Tough Love Your Family Really Needs
    Apr 21 2024

    Think setting boundaries is just about laying down the law? Let’s flip that idea on its head.

    In this episode, I'm diving into something truly eye-opening—the reciprocal nature of boundaries. This isn’t your typical chat about rules and limits. It’s about understanding that when you teach your child or teen to respect others’ boundaries, you empower them to expect and receive the same respect in return.

    In this powerful episode, I unpack how recognizing and respecting boundaries can dramatically improve your child or teen’s self-esteem, confidence, and their ability to forge strong, positive relationships.

    Here’s what I've got lined up:

    • [5:50] What Are Boundaries: We’re going beyond the basics here.
    • [8:54] The 5 Types of Boundaries: Some of these might really surprise you!
    • [17:06] The Big Payoff: How respecting boundaries reshapes self-respect and why it’s a game-changer for your child’s development.
    • [20:00] Where Parents Miss the Mark: It’s easy to do—we’ll tackle how to avoid common pitfalls.
    • [24:28] Tips and Tactics: Straight-up strategies to effectively teach and uphold boundaries that work both ways.

    Ready to see boundaries in a whole new light? This episode is packed with actionable insights that can transform not just your approach to parenting but also improve how your family interacts every single day.

    Can I aks you for a favor? Make sure to follow The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast on your favorite podcast app and share this episode with other parents—it might just be the breakthrough they need. And if you find today’s tips helpful, I'd really appreciate a quick, positive review on your podcast app - that would be amazing, Friend :)

    Let me help you on your parenting journey:

    • Got questions or want to share a win? Email me anytime at podcast@modernparentingsolutions.org—I love hearing from you and your story could inspire our next topic.
    • Check out my court-appproved co-parenting and parenting skills online courses: https://modernparentingsolutions.org/courses/
    • I also have a free parent resource library that can answer a lot of your parenting questions: https://modernparentingsolutions.org/parentresources/
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    37 mins
  • 68. 4 Ways To Motivate a Child or Teen Who Could Care Less
    Apr 14 2024

    You asked...and I answered.

    After last week's episode, many of you wrote to me to tell me that you wanted to use the strategies discussed in the last episode, but you're dealing with a VERY unmotivated child or teen.

    Well...consider that problem solved!

    In today’s episode, I dive deep into 4 strategies for igniting a lasting spark of motivation in your young person - helping them not just survive but thrive in these critical final weeks of the school year. This isn't just about pushing for better grades; it's about empowering your child or teen with confidence, resilience, and a sense of accomplishment.

    Join me as I guide you through actionable, engaging strategies that are easy to implement and designed to make an immediate impact:

    • [6:08] Quick Overview of Motivation: Understand the crucial differences between internal and external motivation, and why knowing these can change how you approach motivating your young person.
    • [13:00] Strategy #1: Strategize Together on What Needs To Be Done: Learn how collaborating with your child or teen on a game plan can make them feel invested and motivated.
    • [17:05] Strategy #2: Make It A Joint Effort: Discover how actively participating in your young person's academic efforts can transform their motivation and deepen your relationship.
    • [21:38] Strategy #3: Make It Fun: Find out how adding elements of fun to study sessions can dramatically improve your young person's attitude towards learning.
    • [25:03] Strategy #4: Repeat Important Messages: See how consistent messages can build resilience and foster a mindset geared towards growth and success.

    And for those looking to dive even deeper, I’ve created 'The Comeback Kid Masterclass' – a comprehensive, two-hour course designed to provide you with all the tools you need to help your young person end the year on a high note. This masterclass includes bite-sized, enjoyable videos and personalized worksheets tailored to your family's needs.

    You can access this invaluable resource by visiting modernparentingsolutions.org/comebackkid. Let’s tackle these final weeks with a strategy that not only boosts academic performance but also builds lasting life skills.

    Thank you for joining me today. If you find this episode useful, please follow The Modern Parenting Solutions Podcast on your favorite podcast app and share it with other parents. It could be just the resource they need.

    If you have any questions about parenting in this modern world, feel free to reach out at podcast@modernparentingsolutions.org. I'm here to help, and your questions might just become the focus of a future episode!

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    32 mins