• Hour 2: The Stones of Your Faith
    Jun 21 2024

    We celebrated a very special birthday On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week. We joined our favorite missionary to the entertainment industry to celebrate all that God has done and continues to do through the ministry of Hollywood Prayer Network for the last 23 years. Then we shifted gears completely and heard from our missionary in the biometric space who updated us on the push for euthanasia acceptance through a House bill would require the American citizens to pay for this deadly procedure. We heard from the director of a very important organization fighting for the unborn who talked about how far a once Christian organization has fallen away from its roots and how the woke values of corporate America are impacting the missions of charitable organizations across the country. Speaking of the impact of woke ideals, we addressed the changes in the Girls Scouts of America and share a Christ based alternative organization that is instilling good, life-long values in the lives of young ladies. UFO’s and aliens are fun to contemplate in fiction and on your favorite sci-fi tv shows, but what if the increased push for acceptance of the belief in aliens in the REAL world is about something more? We heard from one of our favorite and respected Bible teachers on the spiritual truth behind the increase of UFO sightings and the drive to believe in intelligent alien life. Leadership is not an individual sport. God has called those who lead our churches and ministries to walk and live using His guidance and discernment over all things. A respected pastor, whom God has moved into many different types of leadership roles over his lifetime, shared what he has learned about what true biblical leadership requires from those who lead and those who follow. Now it is time to turn our attention to the news of the week as our husband and wife team continue teaching us how to use God’s word as a proof test against overwhelming amount of shop worn ideas and questionable philosophies sold in the modern marketplace of ideas today.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 1: The Foundation of Your Hope
    Jun 21 2024

    On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we started off the week with a sobering conversation with an eye witness to the events of the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel. We also heard how God is working in the lives of the people of Iran digging a deep well of support for people of Israel despite the government’s support of terrorist organizations. Then we heard from an expert on the truth about climate matters who dispelled the latest message from activist who say that there has been an increase of natural disaster deaths as a result of climate change. He also explained why methane is not the danger to the atmosphere that activists claim it is. The damage of the sexual revolution and the feminist movement of the 60’s and 70’s continues today. Our guest exposed the lies of that thinking and why following God’s design is the only way to experience the joy He intended within the protective bonds of matrimony. Even in the unrelenting hustle and bustle of modern life, the great “Why?” questions haunt believer and non-believer alike. We spoke to a respected bible teacher and evangelist from the U.K. who helped us understand that these are not just questions but the fingerprints of our Creator and that pondering these great life mysteries like why do we long for happiness?, why are the best stories about good and evil? and aren’t all religions basically the same?, can lead us to the God’s truth about who we are and why we are here. Once again we turned to our expert on national security issues to get an update on China’s relentless push for world domination and pilots are being enticed to join efforts to put more nuclear weapons in orbit. As we close out the week it is time once again to bring some of the important headlines of the week under the microscope of scripture as we continue our mission to help you navigate these challenging times with God’s wisdom and clarity on the issues impacting your life and faith.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 2: Leading, God’s Way
    Jun 20 2024

    Moses had too many responsibilities, King David faced opposition, and Paul felt alone, but leaning into God’s guidance, these biblical leaders rallied people toward a better future. You, too, can tackle any challenge and move forward with vision however the Lord has called you to lead. Imparting principles from God’s Word and his own experiences, our guest will inspire you to lead with confidence. We will also discuss how to discern true from false teaching in the pulpit and how to develop a keen seen of discernment in these latter days. Join us for great conversation.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 1: National Security and a Strong Defense
    Jun 20 2024

    Join us this hour as we speak with one of Washington’s most esteemed columnists who covers national security and defense. He will update us on several stories dealing with Communist China. From their attempt to woo Western pilots to putting more nuclear weapons in space, the CCP continues to move forward aggressively to their stated goal of global domination. Don’t miss this important conversation.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 2: The Truth About UFO’s
    Jun 19 2024

    Stories about UFO’s are everywhere – and they won’t be going away soon. They can affect your mind, make you worry about evil aliens, and take your eyes off of God. What are they, and how can they have such an impact on your life? Join us as our guest, a revered Christian apologist, takes on the topic of what’s in the skies. Showing the reality of all manner of space activity in modern culture, Rhodes encourages the believer with solid, biblical facts and research.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 1: Have You Ever Wondered?
    Jun 19 2024

    Beauty. Justice. Identity. Love. Stories. Nature. Hope. These things intrigue us, move us and prompt us to ask big questions. Could there be clues in our deepest desires that point to life's meaning? Today, our guest invites you on an immersive tour through the issues that matter. He will explain why anyone who has looked at a landscape and contemplated why we are drawn to beauty; or wondered why we are so insatiably curious about our universe, or even for those who have simply looked up at a million stars in the vast night's sky and just wondered. Law, linguistics, theology, bioethics, history have led many to a compelling Christian spirituality and a profound sense of meaning and purpose in life.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 2: Shifting Worldviews
    Jun 18 2024

    Join us this hour as we take a look at two historically Christian organizations that have moved decidedly and, it appears, purposedly away from their Christian roots. We’ll talk with one person who has been watching the YMCA and to another person who is offering a biblical alternative to the Girl Scouts of America. There are choices out there – and we will let you know about some healthy alternatives.

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    45 mins
  • Hour 1: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom
    Jun 18 2024

    Everywhere you look, sex and sexuality are redefined, manipulated, twisted, and maligned. Terrified of being labeled “intolerant,” Christians have been silent while the world has spoken loudly. The sexual revolution offered us nothing but bondage. Feminism is an admittedly failed experiment. Yet we have always had the answer right under our noses. Our guest will boldly tackle these difficult topics to teach you that purity in your mind, body, and soul is about understanding true sexual freedom.

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    45 mins