• From Shame to Flow: Breaking Free from Holding Ourselves Back to Unleash Our Potential // Ep 11
    Nov 22 2023

    Is negative self-talk a near-constant struggle in your brain? Do you dream of doing something different and wonderful with your life, but feel stuck?

    In this episode of the "In Flow +, On Fire" Podcast with special guest Stephanie River, we delve into the powerful impact of shame on our lives and explore how to break free from its shackles and unleash our true potential.

    We'll discuss the various ways shame manifests in our lives, from negative self-talk and limiting beliefs to feelings of loneliness and low self-worth. We'll also uncover the hidden gems of self-love and kindness that lie dormant within us, waiting to be unearthed. Through insightful conversations and practical strategies, we'll guide you on a journey of self-discovery, empowering you to live a life even more aligned with your authentic self.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Understand the deep-rooted impact of shame on our lives and its various forms of expression.
    • Discover the transformative power of awareness and community in overcoming shame and limiting beliefs.
    • Uncover practical strategies to silence negative self-talk, cultivate self-compassion, and embrace a more intentional way of living.
    • Learn how to break free from self-imposed boundaries and unleash your true potential to live a more fulfilling and empowered life.


    Access all episodes of the"In Flow + On Fire" Podcast here: https://quinncurtis.com/in-flow-on-fire-podcast/

    Connect with Quinn on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quinncurtis_
    Work with Quinn on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/QuinnCurtis

    Connect with Stephanie River on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephwillinspire/

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    40 mins
  • Unf*cking Our Brains // Ep 10
    Nov 16 2023

    It's so easy to just take whatever our brain tells us as absolute truth. In fact, many of us are under the mistaken assumption that our brains are simply offering us observations of all the stimuli we're taking in, when in fact our brains are sorting through all of that stimuli by making it all MEAN something (or nothing).

    I speak with women regularly who share with me the beautiful dreams they have of creating or building something, like a business or something better for themselves or their families.

    However, do you want to know how many of them are actually acting each day in alignment with creating what they want? Probably 1% (at most).

    The majority of women I encounter are holding themselves back, waiting for the "right" time, wishing they had more support, and letting life get fully in the way of actually doing the thing they're dreaming of doing.

    But why?
    Because our brains are messing with us...
    in the name of trying to protect us.

    Instead of questioning what our brains are telling us about ourselves and life, we just go along with all of the B.S. ideas our brain throws at us about the limitations and the reasons why it can't/won't work. This leaves us feeling exhausted and unfulfilled... waiting and hoping for life to someday, somehow get better, rather than being consistent about creating the life we want to live.

    *Enter the work of Kara Loewentheil*

    Kara Loewentheil, host of the Unf*ck Your Brain Podcast and creator of The Clutch (https://unfuckyourbrain.com/), has done extensive work in this arena. As a lawyer who spent much of her professional career working on the front lines of womens health, feminism and equal rights, she has determined that the feminist movement that really needs to happen (that could make the world a better place for every human) is the revolution inside our brains.

    Inside this episode I share more about the 4 mindf*cks of patriarchy that Kara teaches -- people pleasing, imposter syndrome, perfectionism & validation seeking.

    Now, I've done a LOT of "belief breakthrough" and "change your beliefs to change your life" types of work over the past 16+ years. However, I have really appreciated this fresh, super-logical approach to understanding what is actually sane ways to think vs. what are the ways I've been subconsciously undermining myself and getting in my own way without realizing it (and feeling pretty crappy and anxious a lot of the time as a result).

    This isn't about getting the law of attraction on your side, which can be a fun rabbit hole to go down for a little while, but ultimately feels MUCH harder to try to manage. It's about understanding how our thoughts create our feelings and our feelings lead us to action/inaction, which then create the results we experience in our everyday lives. It's simply a natural consequence. So if we want to change our lives, we have to understand what thoughts we're believing so we can question them and see if we may want to practice and integrate more helpful thoughts.

    I am so grateful for Britt Hartley helping me identify some areas where I've still be so stuck in unhelpful patterns and thought habits. She recommended Kara to me as a really solid, research-based, logical approach to reprogramming our brains (especially after religious deconstruction).

    This podcast is the end of a 3-part series where I've been sharing my story and the most helpful aspects that have helped me in my journey to find more sanity, peace and wellness overall.

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    31 mins
  • 3 CRUCIAL Things You Need to Hit Your Dream Goal // BONUS Episode
    Nov 13 2023

    Are you working on a big dream or goal? 
    Are you wanting to build more income or grow your dream business? 
    If so, I just posted this special bonus episode of the In Flow + On Fire podcast for you 🎉

    If you're trying to grow your dream business or your online brand, NOT having these 3 crucial things in place can make it incredibly difficult to reach your goals. None of them are rocket science answers, but you'd be surprised how nearly every creator, entrepreneur and business that I work with MISSES at least 1 or more of them consistently... which can really slow them down and even compromise their ability to reach their goals.

    After having mentored and worked with everyone from moms dreaming of creating $500 more a month for their families to mulit-million dollar businesses who want to scale and serve more people, I have seen the SAME MISTAKES happening over and over again. 

    Everything I share in this episode is based on these 4 all-too-common mistakes I see holding far too many people and businesses back (& keeping them overwhelmed & frustrated instead):

    1. NOT having clear goals – sure, we know goals are important, but are your goals setting your dream up for success… or making it harder? So many times we think we have a clear goal, but 99% of the goals I hear are NOT as clear as they need to be in order to be supportive.

    2. NOT having a clear action plan & strategy – “action” is the key word here. You can have an impeccable plan, but if it's not leading to actions that will naturally bring you closer to your goal, your plan is worthless. Inside this episode I share the 1 VITAL mindset shift that will strengthen your action plan immediately with implementation.

    3. NOT tracking all of your activity – most mompreneurs, big dreamers and companies do not have great tracking and results measurement in place. This often leads to getting lost in “shiny object syndrome” where instead of being consistent and investing in figuring out what works, you change strategies every month (or day) which ultimately makes it so that none of your efforts ever really take root and grow.

    4. NOT getting the support needed – even someone who just graduated with a fancy business or marketing degree would still need help figuring things out. If you're trying to leverage social media and online tools to grow your dream, remember that these strategies are changing all of the time and it can be difficult to keep up without support. Ask more questions and be more selective about who you take advice from.

    If any of these common mistakes resonate with you, 

    I know these mistakes so well because I've also made them many times over the years. But now as I'm building up my new dream business and it's going so efficiently, it's reminding me how much harder it can be. 

    That's why I made this episode: I want to save you from the heartache & struggle. 
    Growing your business and dream can be really rewarding… and even joyful.  

    Looking for more support to reach your goals and create your dream business with digital marketing strategies? Join my Patreon community for more support https://www.patreon.com/QuinnCurtis

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    47 mins
  • Facing Our Darkest Fears // Ep. 9
    Nov 8 2023

    Life can be lovely & joyful… Until it isn't.

    Suddenly, often when we least expect it, things can change overnight.
    Over the past 5 months, this has been my experience.

    As Charles Dickens said, it has been “the best of times and the worst of times."

    And yet, from what I'm hearing, I know I'm not alone. This has been a hard year for many of us.

    To make matters seem even harder, I believe the age of us buying into the “top 10 tricks” or the latest product sensation to make us feel better has ended. It was great marketing for awhile, but the charm has worn off. As a collective we're recognizing the need for feel good solutions that actually work and last. Complex problems don't often have simple solutions.

    It can be all too easy to get stuck in the messy middle where we don't quite know what to do to really make peace with our life circumstances, but also don't know how to cope and grow through them in really “in flow + on fire” ways.

    There is a mass epidemic of anxiety, depression, loneliness and loss of meaning and purpose. Instead of thriving, we're waking up to the fact that no matter how much money we have or if we're with our “soul mate” or if we've lost those 20 pounds… we're still just mostly surviving.

    If you're currently struggling or loving someone through their own “dark night of the soul,” today's In Flow + On Fire podcast episode is for you.

    In today's IFOF episode, “Facing Our Darkest Fears," I'm giving you an exclusive in-depth view of what it's been like to successfully walk through one of the darkest nights of my soul thus far.

    I decided to hold nothing back in sharing my story because I believe that we don't talk about these types of struggles enough, which keeps them scary and unknown, and makes it so lonely and hopeless when you or someone you know is struggling in similar ways.

    Hoping in sharing what helped me move through this, especially in a way that truly felt like a massive step to greater wholeness, that it will help lighten you or someone you love's load, while also bringing you hope.

    THERE IS SOOO MUCH HOPE. But, it requires courage (& skill) to claim it. ❤️‍🔥

    And hopefully knowing someone who has walked through this will help you find that courage even more easily.



    • Britt Hartley, Spiritual Director

    • God is Dead: Nietzsche’s Most Famous Statement Explained

    • Life is Absurd! Exploring Albert Camus’ Rebellious Philosophy

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    32 mins
  • Breaking Free from Disempowerment // Ep 8
    Nov 1 2023

    What does it actually look like to make brave choices with our lives? What is required to make those leaps of faith? What about when everyone around you isn't supportive of the changes you want to make or what you want to create? 

    In this episode I share some context of my own background of being raised in and eventually leaving a really strict, controlling, high-demand fundamentalist religion, as well as being misdiagnosed for over 2 decades with a mental illness (which was actually just somatic effects of childhood trauma).

    My hope in sharing my story is that it will give you context to understand the perspectives that I share here on the In Flow + On Fire podcast, while also hopefully inspiring you to honor your own story and be brave with your life. 

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • How to Stop Shaming Yourself & Create Something Better // Ep 7
    Oct 25 2023

    In this episode, we discuss the importance of pushing through the discomfort of developing your skills and getting better at what really matters to you. We talk about the struggle of living mediocre lives instead of being brave with our lives and trying new things, and how to overcome the fear of being bad at something or not being willing to go through the discomfort of learning and getting better.

    Listen in to discover:

    • The crucial gap between "skill and taste" that can help you stop shaming yourself and instead show up consistently for your goals and dreams
    • How normal it is to be extremely uncomfortable with doing something (anything) different
    • Why it's important to develop your skills and get better at what matters to you
    • The struggle of living mediocre lives vs. creating lives we love
    • How to overcome the fear of failure 
    • How to move through the discomfort of learning and getting better 
    • How to really improve at something
    • Whether or nor "having talent" is something you need to worry about
    • What it really takes to get better at something

    What skill do you want to develop? What are you afraid of? What is one small step you can take today to push through the discomfort and get better? This episode can arm you with a powerful mindset shift to take on anything your heart is calling you to do.

    Hoping this episode inspires you to be more brave with your life and going after what you really want.


    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Creative Pep Talk Podcast by Andy J Pizza

    Special thanks to Avasa & Matty Love for their use of the song "What If" in this podcast


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    47 mins
  • Top 10 Lessons on Living Joyfully // Ep 6
    Aug 30 2023

    Over the past 15+ years I have been studying joy and what it actually means to live more joyfully. This pursuit led to creating the "Joyful Living Podcast" years ago with 100+ episodes about this powerful and life-changing subject. 

    In this episode I'm sharing the top 10 lessons I've learned over the years about joy.

    We'll explore the different aspects of joyful living, including:

    • What is joy?
    • How is joy different from happiness?
    • Why is it important to prioritize joy?
    • How can we tap into our inner state of joy?
    • How can we deal with challenges and setbacks without losing our joy?
    • How can we connect with others through joy?
    • How can we use joy to attract more good into our lives?

    If you're ready to learn more about joyful living and how to bring more joy into your life, then this episode is for you!

    BONUS: Here is a quick list of the most popular episodes on the Joyful Living podcast. Excited for these episodes to provide you with even more tools and resources for living a joyful life.

    1. Ep. 103 - Developing Your Skill Set to Create a Life you Love with Dr. Phil Wilhelm 
    2. Ep. 102 - Living a Life that Truly Feels Good with Kate Bee
    3. Ep. 97 - Building Confidence & Self-Worth with Laura Richer
    4. Ep. 101 - Fueled with Joy in Motherhood with Ashlee Miller
    5. Ep. 96 - Finding Your True Purpose with Lynde Mott
    6. Ep. 99 - Developing & Leaning Into Your Intuition with Dez Stephens
    7. Ep. 95 - Setting Strong Intentions for a Breakthrough Year with Kelly King Anderson
    8. Ep. 90 - Feeling Good within Your Own Skin with Lisa Schrader
    9. Ep. 80 - Finding Joy in Everyday Moments with Pam Baumeister
    10. Ep. 74 - Freedom Beyond Stories with Calli Lewis


    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Joyful Living Podcast: https://www.quinncurtis.com/podcasts

    Untethered Soul Lecture Series by Michael Singer

    Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

    Ask & It Is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks

    Special thanks to Avasa & Matty Love for their use of the song "What If" in this podcast

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    33 mins
  • Making Room for More Goodness In Life // Ep 5
    Aug 23 2023

    Could you use some breathing room? Does life feel a little chaotic and crazy? One of the most powerful tools we have to use as humans stories. So much of how we experience life is all based around the stories we tell ourselves, the stories handed to us as we were growing up and the stories our society all seems to believe in. 

    When we change the story, we can change our life. 

    This is one of the many reasons why I LOVE myths, fairy tales, parables, fables and legends. Stories have the power to activate us in ways that simply talking about a subject can't do. Stories can help guide us when life gets messy and they can help us remember who we truly are.

    Today I'm sharing one of my favorite Jewish parables that has helped me navigate those stressulf + FULL seasons of life... as well as really opening up to letting in more goodness.

    I'll share a few examples of how this principle has shown up in my life, especially in regards to getting to the heart of why our lives get sooooo dang full of stuff and busy-ness. 

    If you're ready to claim more breathing room, more goodness and more joy, this episode is for you! 


    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Special thanks to Avasa & Matty Love for their use of the song "What If" in this podcast

    Link to parable read In this episode: http://ourbuzzards.blogspot.com/2015/05/a-jewish-parable.html

    Untethered Soul Lecture Series by Michael Singer


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    30 mins