• The Early-Stage Growth Playbook with Marc Thomas (GMT155)
    Dec 16 2021

    You’ve worked hard to build your product idea. Your product is out in the world. But no one is paying to use your SaaS. The MRR is… recurring at 0. Sound familiar?

    Marc Thomas, Head of Growth at Powered By Search, has been there too.

    When he launched my company, he toiled and ground it out for years on a direct sales-only model and it was grueling. But bit by bit Marc put into place the fundamentals of the early stage growth playbook which resulted in organic signups going up by 1330% and revenue from low or no-touch sales by 17%

    In episode 155, you’ll learn:

    1. Why value props matter more than positioning at early-stage
    2. The difference between value propositions and positioning
    3. How to test your messaging in less than 20 minutes

    This episode is brought to you by 42 Agency.

    They are a plug-and-play demand generation and marketing operation agency for B2B SaaS Companies that are ready to scale. They can help you:

    • Streamline operations
    • Implement new tech stack
    • Design ABM & demand generation strategies
    • Create a predictable revenue pipeline

    They’ve worked with some amazing companies like Onfleet, Hubdoc, Guestlogix, Flexday, and more.

    Learn more at https://fourtytwo.agency/ and get $500 in free consulting time.

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    37 mins
  • How To Build a Community Around A Brand with Krystal Wu, Community Manager at Shopify (GMT154)
    Dec 9 2021
    Communities are everywhere nowadays. For some people, communities are a place to learn and explore specific topics or interests. For others, it’s where they discuss personal issues and find comfort among those with similar experiences. For businesses, building a community can help with customer support, product development, and marketing. In episode 154, you’ll learn from Krystal Wu, Community Manager at Shopify: 1. The advantages of building a community for a B2B brand 2. How Krystal taps into a community to amplify content reach 3. How to measure the health of an online community
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    29 mins
  • Growth Hacking and Product-Led Growth—Friends or Foes? with Sean Ellis, Ethan Garr, and Wes Bush [Bonus Episode]
    Nov 4 2021

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    48 mins
  • The 3-Step Influencer Marketing Blueprint with Taylor Lagace (GMT153)
    Oct 28 2021
    Too many growing DTC and eCommerce brands leave influencer marketing out of their marketing strategy. And you can’t really fault them for doing so. With many “wanna-be” influencers with fake followers, influencers have gotten a bad rep and it’s easy to see why. But some brands have cracked the code of influencer marketing and are using it to skyrocket their growth. In today’s episode, Taylor Lagace, co-founder of Kynship, discusses the nitty-gritties of influencer marketing and bust more than a few myths along the way. In episode 153, you’ll learn: 1. How brands with limited marketing spend leverage the potential of influencers 2. Common myths around influencer marketing 3. A proven 3-step influencer marketing blueprint
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    39 mins
  • How to Grow Your Twitter Followers from 700 to 45k in 9 Months with Blake Emal (GMT152)
    Sep 18 2021
    No matter how many thought leaders complain that it’s a vanity metric, we all care about increasing our Twitter followers. And for good reason. A respectable follower ratio is fundamental to your brand’s credibility and authority—not to mention organic reach on Twitter’s timeline. Plus, if you build an engaged audience, you can validate product ideas quicker, get your first 100 customers, and gather valuable feedback. In episode 152, you’ll learn from Blake Emal, CMO of Copy.ai and Founder of Float.so: The benefits of growing your audience on Twitter How Blake grew his Twitter followers from 700 to 45k in 9 months How he validated Float.so and created a waitlist of 5k+ people on Twitter Sponsor For This Episode Thank you for the sponsor of this episode PartnerStack. PartnerStack, G2’s top-rated partner management platform, is the only partnerships platform built for SaaS, designed to deliver predictable revenue and accelerate growth for businesses and their partners. In the past year alone, partners in the PartnerStack Network have generated over $100 million in revenue for programs on PartnerStack. If you’re ready to scale revenue through partnerships, visit get.partnerstack.com/gmt to book a demo today.
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    56 mins
  • What Video Games Can Teach You About User Onboarding with Emily Lonetto (GMT151)
    Sep 2 2021
    User onboarding is one of the most important processes in any new experience. When getting hired by a new company, buying a new product, or trying a new product, we expect to have a clear understanding of how it works before fully committing. In episode 151, you’ll learn from Emily Lonetto, Head of Growth at Voiceflow: 1. What video games can teach you about user onboarding 2. Common mistakes in user onboarding experiences 3. A step-by-step process to improve your product’s onboarding
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    38 mins
  • How to Build Influential Networks From Scratch with Adam Marx (GMT150)
    Aug 26 2021
    Quality relationships are hard to build and take a lot of time. And because they are hard to build, it’s difficult to build many of them at once. Yet, it’s one of the most important things for marketers to do. Master this skill, and it can lead to lifelong customers and lucrative marketing partnerships. That’s where Adam Marx, founder of The Zero To One Networker, comes in. He teaches people how to build influential networks from scratch. In episode 150, you’ll learn: 1. How you can sharpen your relationship-building and branding skills 2. The value and power of mutual value creation 3. The importance of online community and strategies across different platforms
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    49 mins
  • Writing Tips for Marketers with Roxine Kee (GMT149)
    Aug 19 2021
    You can’t be a good marketer if you’re not a good writer. Content marketing, social media, and SEO are just some aspects of marketing that rely heavily on quality writing. Writing well also enables you to communicate an idea, message, or benefit of the product. In episode 149, you’ll learn from Roxine Kee, a content writer specialist: Why templates and best practices aren’t worth following The importance of framing marketing as a way to help people Three tips to improve your writing
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    41 mins