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Fluent Fiction - Japanese

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Blossoms of Friendship: A Serendipitous Sakura Meeting
    Jun 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Blossoms of Friendship: A Serendipitous Sakura Meeting Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/blossoms-of-friendship-a-serendipitous-sakura-meeting Story Transcript:Ja: 春の風がそよそよと吹く特別な日に、ユキは一人で新宿御苑に向かいました。En: On a special day when the spring breeze was gently blowing, Yuki headed to Shinjuku Gyoen alone.Ja: 桜が満開で、花びらが空中に舞っていました。En: The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, and petals were dancing in the air.Ja: ユキは桜を見るのが大好きです。En: Yuki loves watching the cherry blossoms.Ja: でも、今日は少し寂しいと感じました。En: However, today she felt a little lonely.Ja: 「いい場所を見つけよう」とユキは思い、美しい桜の木の下に座りました。En: "Let's find a nice spot," Yuki thought and sat down under a beautiful cherry tree.Ja: お弁当を広げ、涼しい風を感じながら、のんびりと桜を楽しんでいました。En: She laid out her lunchbox and leisurely enjoyed the cherry blossoms while feeling the cool breeze.Ja: その時、「こんにちは」と優しい声が聞こえました。En: Just then, she heard a gentle voice say, "Hello."Ja: ユキが振り向くと、そこにはまぶしい笑顔のヒロシが立っていました。En: When Yuki turned around, she saw Hiroshi standing there with a dazzling smile.Ja: 「隣に座ってもいいですか?」とヒロシは尋ねました。En: "May I sit next to you?" Hiroshi asked.Ja: 「もちろんです。どうぞ」とユキは答えました。En: "Of course. Please do," Yuki replied.Ja: ヒロシも一人でした。En: Hiroshi was also alone.Ja: 彼はユキに「ここでサクラを見るのは初めてなんです」と話しました。En: He told Yuki, "This is my first time seeing the cherry blossoms here."Ja: 二人はすぐに打ち解けました。En: They quickly warmed up to each other.Ja: ユキはヒロシにお弁当を分け、ヒロシはお茶を差し出しました。En: Yuki shared her lunch with Hiroshi, and Hiroshi offered her some tea.Ja: 二人は桜の美しさについて語り合い、笑い声が絶えませんでした。En: They talked about the beauty of the cherry blossoms, and laughter was endless.Ja: 夕方になると、空はオレンジ色に染まりました。En: By the time evening came, the sky was dyed orange.Ja: 「今日は本当に楽しかったです。ありがとう」とユキは微笑みました。En: "I really had fun today. Thank you," Yuki said with a smile.Ja: ヒロシもうなずき、「またここで会えるといいですね」と言いました。En: Hiroshi nodded and said, "I hope we can meet here again."Ja: そして、ユキも「そうですね。また会えるといいです。今度は友達も連れて来ましょう」と答えました。En: And Yuki replied, "Yes, hopefully we can meet again. Next time, let's bring our friends too."Ja: 二人は連絡先を交換し、次回の再会を約束して別れました。En: They exchanged contact information and parted ways, promising to meet again.Ja: 桜の下での特別な出会いは、二人の新しい友情の始まりでした。En: The special encounter under the cherry blossoms marked the beginning of a new friendship for them.Ja: 晴れやかな笑顔で新宿御苑を出るユキ。En: Yuki left Shinjuku Gyoen with a radiant smile.Ja: そして、さわやかな気持ちで歩き出すヒロシ。En: Hiroshi walked away with a refreshing feeling.Ja: 桜が彼らの心を繋げ、未来への希望を咲かせました。En: The cherry blossoms connected their hearts and blossomed with hope for the future. Vocabulary Words:breeze: 風petals: 花びらdancing: 舞ってlonely: 寂しいspot: 場所lunchbox: お弁当leisurely: のんびりgentle: 優しいdazzling: まぶしいwarm up to: 打ち解けるendless: 絶えないdyed: 染まりhopefully: 希望してencounter: 出会いparted ways: 別れradiant: 晴れやかrefreshing: さわやかなconnected: 繋げたblossomed: 咲かせましたfull bloom: 満開cool: 涼しいturned around: 振り向くasked: 尋ねましたreplied: 答えましたfirst time: 初めてshared: 分けoffered: 差し出しましたlaughed: 笑いexchanged: 交換しcontact information: 連絡先
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    13 mins
  • Mystery of Fushimi Inari: Unraveling the Hidden Family Pact
    Jun 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Mystery of Fushimi Inari: Unraveling the Hidden Family Pact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mystery-of-fushimi-inari-unraveling-the-hidden-family-pact Story Transcript:Ja: 伏見稲荷大社に深い霧がかかる朝、ユキは朱色の鳥居トンネルを歩いていた。En: On a morning when a thick fog enveloped Fushimi Inari Shrine, Yuki walked through the vermilion torii tunnel.Ja: 神社の静かな空気に包まれながら、彼は家族の歴史を思い出していた。En: Surrounded by the shrine's tranquil atmosphere, he reminisced about his family's history.Ja: ユキの家族は代々、この神社との深い繋がりを持っていた。En: Yuki's family had maintained a deep connection with this shrine for generations.Ja: ユキは突然、足元にある石に気づいた。それは他の石とは少し違っていた。En: Suddenly, Yuki noticed a stone at his feet. It was somewhat different from the other stones.Ja: 彼は好奇心からそれを動かしてみた。すると、石の下に小さな巻物が隠れていた。En: Driven by curiosity, he decided to move it. As he did, a small scroll was revealed underneath.Ja: ユキは慎重に巻物を取り出した。それは古びた紙で、丁寧に保管されていたようだった。En: Yuki carefully retrieved the scroll. It was an old piece of paper that appeared to have been meticulously preserved.Ja: 巻物を開くと、古い文字で書かれた文章が現れた。En: When he opened the scroll, he found passages written in ancient characters.Ja: ユキはその文を読んでみた。En: Yuki attempted to read the text.Ja: そこには彼の家族と神社の秘密が書かれていた。En: It contained secrets about his family and the shrine.Ja: 昔々、ユキの先祖は神社の守り神と特別な契約を結んだ。En: Long ago, Yuki’s ancestors had made a special pact with the shrine's guardian deity.Ja: その契約によって、家族は代々神社を守る役割を担っていた。En: By virtue of this pact, his family was entrusted with the duty of protecting the shrine through the generations.Ja: ユキはその秘密を知り、驚きと共に責任感を感じた。En: Learning this secret, Yuki felt both amazement and a sense of responsibility.Ja: 彼はその日から、家族の伝統を守る決意を固めた。En: From that day forward, he resolved to uphold his family's tradition.Ja: 毎朝早く起きて、神社を掃除し、訪れる人々におもてなしをするようになった。En: He began waking up early every morning to clean the shrine and to warmly welcome its visitors.Ja: その努力はすぐに認められ、神社の雰囲気も良くなった。En: His efforts were soon recognized, and the shrine's atmosphere improved markedly.Ja: ユキは家族の歴史を誇りに思い、新たな使命に燃えていた。En: Yuki took pride in his family's history and was inspired by his newfound mission.Ja: そして、彼はふと立ち止まり、巻物を再び開いた。En: Then, he paused and reopened the scroll.Ja: そこには最後の一文が書かれていた。「家族の絆と神社の繁栄は、あなたの誠実な努力にかかっている。」En: The last line caught his eye: "The bond of family and the prosperity of the shrine depend on your sincere efforts."Ja: ユキは微笑み、決意を新たにした。En: Yuki smiled and renewed his determination.Ja: こうして、ユキは伏見稲荷大社と家族の伝統を守り続けた。En: Thus, Yuki continued to safeguard Fushimi Inari Shrine and uphold his family’s traditions.Ja: そして、未来に向かって新しい歴史を築いていった。En: He also began to create a new history for the future.Ja: ユキの心には、家族と神社の繋がりが深く根付いていたのだった。En: In Yuki’s heart, the connection between his family and the shrine was deeply rooted. Vocabulary Words:enveloped: 包まれたremnisced: 思い出したmeticulously: 丁寧にrevealed: 現れたscroll: 巻物attempted: 試みたancestors: 先祖entrusted: 託したduty: 役割pact: 契約deity: 守り神amaze: 驚きresponsibility: 責任uphold: 守るtradition: 伝統recognized: 認められたimproved: 良くなったpride: 誇りdetermination: 決意guardian: 守り神inspired: 燃えたprosperity: 繁栄sincere: 誠実なefforts: 努力safeguard: 守るdeeply rooted: 深く根付いていたcuriosity: 好奇心underneath: 下にstone: 石tunnel: トンネル
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    14 mins
  • A Journey of Strength and Love: Yuki and Kenta's Bamboo Path
    Jun 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: A Journey of Strength and Love: Yuki and Kenta's Bamboo Path Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-journey-of-strength-and-love-yuki-and-kentas-bamboo-path Story Transcript:Ja: 朝露が光る静かな朝でした。En: It was a quiet morning with the morning dew glistening.Ja: 嵐山竹林の中、鳥のさえずりが響きます。En: Birds chirped through the bamboo grove in Arashiyama.Ja: ユキは一人息子のケンタを連れて、竹林の小道を歩いていました。En: Yuki, holding her young son Kenta's hand tightly, walked down the small path in the bamboo forest.Ja: ケンタの小さな手をしっかりと握りながら、ユキは深呼吸をしました。竹の香りが彼女の心を落ち着かせました。En: Taking a deep breath, Yuki felt the scent of bamboo calm her heart.Ja: ユキはシングルマザーとして、一人でケンタを育てていました。En: Yuki raised Kenta alone as a single mother.Ja: 毎日が忙しくて、大変でした。En: Every day was busy and tough.Ja: しかし、ケンタの笑顔を見ると、疲れも吹き飛びました。En: However, seeing Kenta's smile made her tiredness disappear.Ja: ケンタも、母親を助けたいと思っていました。En: Kenta, too, wanted to help his mother.Ja: 元気いっぱいのケンタは、いつもユキの手伝いをしてくれました。En: Full of energy, Kenta always helped Yuki.Ja: 「ママ、今日はどこに行くの?」と、ケンタが尋ねました。En: "Mom, where are we going today?" Kenta asked.Ja: 「今日は、嵐山竹林でたくさんのことを学ぶよ」とユキは答えました。En: "Today, we will learn a lot in the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove," Yuki replied.Ja: 二人は竹林を歩きながら、ユキはケンタに竹の話をしました。En: As they walked through the bamboo forest, Yuki told Kenta stories about bamboo.Ja: 竹の成長や、竹林の動物たちについても教えました。En: She taught him about bamboo's growth and the animals in the bamboo grove.Ja: ケンタは興味津々で、ユキの話に耳を傾けました。En: Kenta listened with great interest to Yuki's stories.Ja: 「ママ、竹はどうしてこんなに高くなるの?」ケンタが聞きました。En: "Mom, why do bamboo trees grow so tall?" Kenta asked.Ja: 「竹は強いからだよ。雨が降っても、風が吹いても、まっすぐに伸びるんだよ」とユキは笑顔で答えました。En: "It's because bamboo is strong. Even when it rains or the wind blows, it grows straight up," Yuki answered with a smile.Ja: その日は特別でした。En: That day was special.Ja: 竹林の奥には、小さな神社がありました。En: Deep within the bamboo grove, there was a small shrine.Ja: ユキはケンタと一緒に、お祈りをしました。En: Yuki and Kenta prayed together there.Ja: 「ケンタが健康で幸せでありますように」と祈るユキの姿を、ケンタはじっと見つめていました。En: Seeing Yuki pray for his health and happiness, Kenta watched her intently.Ja: 帰り道、ケンタは思いました。「僕はママのためにもっと頑張ろう」。En: On the way home, Kenta thought, "I will try even harder for Mom."Ja: ユキも、ケンタの成長を感じながら、心の中で誓いました。「ケンタのために、もっと強くなろう」。En: Yuki, feeling Kenta's growth, promised herself silently, "I will become stronger for Kenta."Ja: 夕日が竹林を黄金色に染める中、ユキとケンタは家路に着きました。En: As the setting sun dyed the bamboo grove in golden hues, Yuki and Kenta made their way home.Ja: お互いを支え合い、これからもずっと一緒に歩んでいくことを誓った親子の姿が、静かに竹林に溶け込んでいきました。En: Supporting each other, they pledged to continue walking together forever.Ja: それから数年後、ケンタは大きく成長し、母親を助ける立派な少年になりました。En: Their figures slowly blended into the tranquil bamboo forest.Ja: そしてユキも、息子と一緒に、幸せな日々を過ごしました。En: Several years later, Kenta grew up to be a fine young man who helped his mother, and Yuki spent happy days with her son.Ja: 嵐山竹林の思い出は、永遠に彼らの心に残りました。En: The memories of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove remained forever in their hearts. Vocabulary Words:glistening: 光るchirped: さえずりがgrove: 竹林dew: 朝露deep breath: 深呼吸scent: 香りcalm: 落ち着かせたsingle mother: シングルマザーtiredness: 疲れtough: 大変energy: 元気path: 小道growth: 成長animals: 動物たちstrong: 強いstraight up: まっすぐに伸びるspecial: 特別shrine: 神社prayed: お祈りhealth: 健康happiness: 幸せintently: ...
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    15 mins

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